


I stare through the canopy of leaves, stretching out uncomfortably.

There's a bitter chill to the air, but at least the rain has ceased. We are camped out in the forest near Kimsa's house. It's too late to walk to the edge of her magical protection bubble, and she doesn't want us in the house with her, so here we are.

"Tomorrow we go to Hazel and have her bring us to this location," Sire says as he sets down some more blankets next to me, gesturing at me to lay them over myself.

I fold my hands over my stomach, staring upward. "You haven't even given me a chance to think about this."

This should be an easy decision. I shouldn't be thinking twice about being aligned to Sire. We are mates, we are already bonded. But the way Kimsa described what it would be like to be aligned overwhelmed me.

When we are apart, I will feel it...I already do, but now, I fear it may be excruciating. What else might I feel? Will my emotions become too much to handle?

The thought is terrifying...

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