
The Crushed Mate Who Struck Back
The Crushed Mate Who Struck Back
Author: Britanny Sails

Chapter 1: Ignorance Is Bliss


With low growls, his chest rises and falls. I knew what was to come. An outburst, for sure.

"Shut up and listen to me! You must do as I say," My father, Alpha Ashley Anderson yelled at me. "Protecting this pack is my responsibility, Scarlett." He stared at me with cold blue eyes. It felt like I was being shot with hot laser beams. "As my daughter, it's your responsibility too."

"But…We…we can do that without you marrying me off to Evans Foss." I cried.

This has to be the worst day of my life. There's no doubt about it. My father rarely gets mad at me but today he's resorting to yelling to make me see sense in what he's saying.

"This marriage must happen. I don't need to remind you that the Foss pack is the strongest pack in all of Bergen," A crease formed on his forehead. "We need them. I have no son who will be Alpha after me. As my only child and daughter, the safety of this pack rests on your shoulders now."

My father loves me but it's in cases like this that he wished he had a son. Our pack has been under attack for over two months now. Members of the Anderson pack have been found dead around town. All we know is each of them was abducted and murdered. We don't know who is doing this or why.

I sat up, raised my head and straightened my back before facing my father. I wanted to sound serious too. This decision of his was one I hadn't seen coming.

"Dad." I exhaled deeply. "Even if they are the strongest pack. We are the wealthiest. We can hire people to protect us and look for this killer. And moreover I don't even love him!" My feet continue to tap the pink silky turkish rug out of anger. The warmth and softness the rug provided to my feet calmed me down in some way.

"We are wealthy but it's not every problem that money can solve. Money can't buy trust," My father muttered.

He stressed on the part of 'trust'. It's no news that he has been very careful these past months — since the attack began.

"Do you trust Evans Foss?" I asked.

"I trust him. He's the only one who can protect you and this pack now," he said. "You don't need to love him. You'll learn when it's time."

Tears began trickling down my face. It's obvious my father has made up his mind. I've known Evans since we were little. Our fathers were close friends and Alpha's of our packs. Although last year Evans Foss became the Alpha of his pack after his father, Fred Foss passed away.

"Wipe those tears and stop being a cry baby." My dad dropped a handkerchief on the table. I extend my hands to reach for it. "Get ready, you'll be getting married first thing tomorrow morning." He rose from the seat to walk out.

I yelped so loud one would think I was crazy. "What?! Tomorrow."

"You heard me," he said before walking out.

The huge lump in my throat wouldn't go away. It grew bigger and bigger. The feeling of dread in my belly took over. I refused to move an inch.

Thinking about my fate now; I'll say this fate of mine is worse than death.

This has to be a joke. I don't want this marriage. If I fight this union, it will give a narrative about me that isn't true; and that is being self centered.

I want to save my pack, protect its members and territory. As a woman with little power despite being the daughter of an Alpha, bitter as it may sound I can only protect my pack through this marriage.

Another thing is that this union will bring an end to my love story. One that has been stuck in my head for the last twelve years.

My eyes hurt right now. My heart bleeds. If only I could run away. But I can't. I can't abandon my father to handle all the trouble alone. So as it stands, I have no other choice but to do this.


Five hours after my father had dropped that bomb on me called marriage, I dialed Lois' line.

I'll refer to Lois Wold as the only emotional inspector in my life. She's from the Mo pack. Without a mother or sister, she's the closest thing I have to a sister. Although my father married a beauty queen two years ago, Dina Olsen. She's more concerned about her looks than helping around the house or giving me , her stepdaughter, one or two pieces of advice when necessary. Damn her!

It's not like I consider her part of my family anyway. Not yet. She hasn't earned it. She's my father's choice for a new wife after my mom died. I don't like her. I can't fake emotions, despite my fathers pleas to welcome her. How is it my fault that she isn't welcoming enough for me to welcome her? What a joke!

After I called my friend Lois, she told me I would meet her at home. I was glad that I could finally talk to someone before I and Evans become mates tomorrow. I'm so nervous.

Lois slightly shook her head after she crashed on her blue couch. "You're kidding right?"

"Why would I be kidding with you?" I said. "It's tomorrow. I've accepted my fate."

"I was confused earlier today. I heard people around town speaking about a marriage taking place tomorrow here in the Silvercrest Range. Never knew my girl was about to be Evans' bride until you called me."

I raised both arms in the air. "I'm so confused right now."

"My question is why won't Evans Foss help your pack without getting married to you? Isn't his late father and your dad best of friends? He should be able to help you with no strings attached."

I almost hugged Lois for asking such a brilliant question because it had been running through my mind too.

"That's the same question I've been asking myself. He should be able to help my pack without getting married to me." I shut my eyes, ruffled my hair and exhaled deeply. "There's nothing I can do now."

"It's sad you have to sacrifice your happiness for this. If only the bastard killing your pack members was caught, you would be —"

"Hey baby!" Curtis, Lois' mate, appeared holding a bag of red apples. He winked at me with a smile. "How are you Scarlett? Been a while since I saw you."

"Hi Curtis. I'm good." I smiled and waved at him.

He kissed Lois passionately on her lips. I had to roll my eyes as they tried to ravage their lips right in front of me.

"Ughhh…Ughhh" I coughed. "Can you two get a room please? Or better still control yourselves until I'm gone."

Curtis pulled away from her then turned to face me again with a broad smile. "You know how it is with mates. She's my oxygen."

I nodded in agreement. "It's not like I would know anything about that. I'm not mated to anyone…yet." It took me time to add the word yet.

He dropped the bag of apples on the kitchen table which was visible from where we sat. They both lived in this small lovely apartment where the living room and the kitchen were in the same space.

Curtis rushed back to stand in front of me. He raised his left eyebrow. "I heard a rumor on my way here. Is it true you're going to get married to that son of a bitch, Evans Foss?"

"Curtis. Stop," Lois yelped. "Why are you calling him that?"

My stare stayed unbroken as I looked into his eyes. "Did he do something bad to you that I should know about?" I asked.

Curtis gave me a sad look. "Are you marrying him?" His gaze was firm. There has to be something serious going on for him to ask me this question again.

"If you need an answer to that, then it's yes. Now tell me why you called him a son of a bitch?"

"So sad." Curtis smirked. "Even if I told you, it wouldn't change a thing. In your case Scarlett, Ignorance is bliss." Curtis said and walked out.

"Curtis, wait!" Lois called after him but he didn't stop.

What does he even mean by that? He's only made me more confused and nervous.

All I could do was stare at Lois like a fool with my mouth wide open.

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