
Chapter 27

                                    ~~~    Cyrus's Point of View    ~~~

We're sitting at the court and...IT'S HELL!

Everyone's arguing whether or not we have to go to jail. It was explained that we were forced into this but people still think we should go to jail? 

I turn around to see Jack and the rest sitting behind me. I don't say anything. I turn back around and look straight forward without paying any attention to anything. Until the whole court silences down. 

It's decided? We're going to jail? Oh my god. I can't finish my senior year with my friends?

"Oh my god, I am so happy sweetheart," Nate's mom says as she engulfs him with a big hug and kisses.

She is happy that he's going to jail?

"Congrats, dude," Christoffer says as he comes my way to shake my hand,

"For going to jail?" I ask in disbelief, 

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