
The Confession
The Confession
Penulis: Maryann Pam

Chapter 1

         Meeting David Leo

    She moved her right hand over the gold band, twisting it on her ring finger. In a month from now she will get hitched by her beau, which she never met before. Roslyn wasn’t delighted or looking forward to the wedding. She only agreed to marry the young man because it was the best of both worlds to her parents and the so-called beau. Roslyn was thrown for a loop when her parents informed her about the marriage agreement they had with David’s parents since they were little. Roselyn thought was unfair and inappropriate for her parents to make such an agreement on her behalf, because that drastic decision was about to change her life.

       Roslyn meticulously opened the small wooden box for the first time in fifteen years, the dust from the old box makes her choke on her breath, she coughed repeatedly as she closed back the dusty box, she swiftly stood up from her bed and went to open the translucent curtains to allow a trifle fresh air into the room, with heavy heart she dropped her weight on the soft queen size bed. The morning sun graciously filtered through the opened window illuminating her flawless tan skin; she blinked her eyes simultaneously to sharpen the blurred images before her. She hardly got herself a good sleep the entire night because of the latest news that has been bugging her mind. Roslyn was painfully aware of the situation on ground, she was meeting her husband to be for the first time but her mind was clouded with the thought of Dave her childhood friend who moved out of the state fifteen years ago with his parents and she haven’t heard from him since then. But the memories of him still lingered in her head and mind. She always dreamt of the day she will get to meet him again and profess her undying love for him. She was just ten years old when Dave left; she didn’t understand her feelings then because she was just a kid, but she is painfully aware now that Dave was or is her first love. Roselyn was also painfully aware that Dave feels something’ for her too because he stole her first kiss. She smiles to herself each time she remembers that day, his minty test, his beautiful smile and brown eyes that held so much love.   

          Roslyn removed the old pictures from the box one after the other, scrutinizing each of them. She removed the last picture of her and Dave, which they took during Dave’s eighth birthday. Roselyn felt blue the moment she realized she would not be with her first love because of her parents’ decision to give her out to a total stranger. She always thought she’ll get to meet Dave one day and tell him how she feels for him. She always imagines walking through the church aisle with him. It’s true the said old love is hard to die. The tears she tried to repress have swiftly encompassed her eyes rolling down to her cheeks. She brought her fingers to her eyes and whipped the tears. “I hope he still thought of me”, Roselyn murmured to herself. Having drenched herself with tears, she lazily stood up on her two feet and head for the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar. She has spent most of her time scrutinizing and fantasying about Dave’s old pictures. 

      Stripping to her weary flesh, she slipped into the hot bath with her head floating above the fragrant soapy water. She allowed the thought of her present situation to linger on her mind as she washed away the dirt on her tan skin. She was bent out of shape at the mere thought of marrying a stranger whom she knows nothing about except his name. Roslyn tilted her head to the side and watched her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks have turned vermillion red with anger. She wishes she can object to her parents’ demand, but she knows better than to obey. “What if I run away to a faraway land where no one can find me”, she thought to herself. Shaking the invalidated thought out of her head, she strode out of the bathroom with a white towel tight round her chest. 

      Roselyn mother welcomed herself into the room just as Roselyn slipped the elegant dress her mother insists she wears in-order to impress her betrothed. “Deah, ya should hurry, our guest will be here in no time”. Mrs. William’s voice out the moment she entered the room, “why can’t you and pa just give Bella to the young man, I believe Bella will be more thrilled to have such a wealthy man as her husband”. Roslyn suggested; Mrs. Williams looked rather perturbed by her first daughter’s suggestion. “There is no way that your younger sister will get married before ya; beside you’re the one betrothed to the young man and not Bella. It will be wise ya dress up quickly before they arrive. I’ll send the hairdresser to make your hair more presentable”. Roslyn frowns at her mother but remains quiet. It was a total waste of time to plead because she knows her plead would not yield any positive result.

      Roslyn slipped silently into the dining room, passing through the substantial living room. The dining room was just off the kitchen and the fireplace. The fire provides warm into the large elegant living room. Roslyn makes her-self comfortable on the enormous polished dining chair. She was on pins and needle as she continues to wait for her betrothed. Her mind lingered on the thought of Dave. “If only I could see you for the last time”. She jutted up her chin and straightened her back as the voices from outside the mansion floated into the dining room. Roslyn reluctantly stood up to her feet and head for the window, she slightly opened the curtains to one side and peeped through the window with her heart beating faster than normal, she couldn’t hide her eagerness to see the one her parents wished for her to marry. David and his parents graced Roslyn's sight with their presence. She watched with squinted eyes as he walked graciously into the mansion as he scrutinized the entire building. The building that was surrounded with expensive flowerbeds most of the flowers are althaeas and begonias that bring out a beautiful fragrant scent. Roslyn did not linger anymore she hurriedly walked back to her seat fidgeting with her hands. She could feel the trembling of her legs under the dining table as the voices kept coming closer to her.

    Roslyn's parents led David and his parents through the narrow hallway; they entered the bright living room where Roslyn could easily see them. But she purposely refused to turn her gaze on them. She suddenly felt shy and uncomfortable. She has never sat down in a social gathering like these where she’ll be the center of attraction or discussion; she doesn’t even know what to say to the young man when he finally approaches her, but she did not let that bothered her because she doesn’t care if he’s impressed with her or not. “After all, I’m doing these for my parent”, she thought. There was a certain tension in the dining room the moment the four figures approached the table. “Please God help me”, she prayed silently, standing up slowly from her seat. Her dilemma was partly solved when her mother decide to do the honor of introducing her to their rich guest. “Meet my first daughter, Roslyn”, Mrs. Williams introduce, pointing her index finger in the direction where Roslyn was standing. Roslyn fake a sweet smile and greeted the two elderly people. She passed another faked smile towards the young man standing beside Mr. Leo. David nodded his head in response and averted his gaze to his father. “How rude”, she breathes to herself. She secretly stared at David as he engaged in a conversation with his father; her gaze fell on his expensive gray prince suit down to his shiny black cover shoes. Everything about him scream rich, she carefully scrutinized his flawless face. “He’s such a handsome young man”, she thought to herself. A blushed passed her face the moment David locked eyes with her. She wasn’t blushing because she likes him no. She was blushing because David caught her staring.  

     Roslyn's enthusiasm elevated when her mother asked her to follow her to the kitchen. She swiftly stood up from her seat and followed her mother to the kitchen. “Isn’t the young man handsome?” Roselyn did not know how to respond to the question. “H—he is a handsome man indeed, but I still have no feelings for him”, she began. “I’d like ya to have a chat with him”, said Roslyn mum ignoring her daughter’s words. “I don’t even think he likes me”, said Roslyn as she passed her mother the glass cups. “I don’t think he even smile”, Mrs. Williams turned and glance at her daughter. “I know you’re just trying to have your pa change his mind, but I guarantee ya that your pa will not listen to you. Do ya know how important this marriage is to your pa’s business?” she stood silent with her face turning red; she was beside herself because her parents are using her as shares In a company. The only think of their company and not the happiness of their own daughter, Bella swiftly walked into the kitchen, breaking the awkward silent that settled between the first daughter and their mother. “Oh! Mother, he’s so handsome”, said Belle dreamily. “See, your sister thinks he’s handsome”, Mrs. Williams said directly to Roslyn. “I never denied the fact that he is handsome”. Mrs. Williams looked at Roslyn impatiently. “And what exactly don’t ya like about the young man?” she bargain. “Well, it’s a pity it has to be ya to get married to this handsome, rich man”, said Bella disappointedly. “You can have him if ya so wish”, Roslyn venture. “I wish I can”, Bella reiterated. “Enough, the both of you; Roslyn, come with me, and bring that plates with ya”. Ordered Mrs. Williams; Roslyn followed behind her mother in silent to the dining room. She carefully arranged the plates on the dining table before making her way to her seat. 

     They all sat in silent as Mrs. Williams dished out the food; Roslyn stole a glance at David and a look of surprise passed her face when she saw a faint smile on David's face for the first time. “He must be a foodie, just like Dave “. She did not allow the thought of Dave to linger in her mind. She quickly averted her gaze from David and focused on the plate of food before her. 

    “What do ya do for a living?” Roslyn darted her eyes between David and the half plate of food in front of her. A faint smile finds its way to her face. “I—I just graduated from college and I intend to work in my father’s company”, David nodded his head slightly. “A good woman should do house chores and taking care of the family, don’t ya think so?” Roslyn found his question insulting but ignored it, she faked a smile, “I’ll love my wife to stay at home and take care of me and my children”, he continues. “I’ll rather disagree with ya on this one dear, women have equal right to work as men, and if ya want a homemaker, I’ll suggest you go for another woman who will serve ya at home”, broke in Roslyn. Her dad glares at her. Clearly, he wasn’t happy with Roslyn's choice of words, but she pays no attention to him. She engulfed herself with her food. David shifted uncomfortable with his seat; his face looked rather flushed. “Trust me; I’ll rather be with another”. He said only to Roslyn hearing. She rolled her eyes heavenward but said nothing afterward. “Is not like I want ya either”, she told herself.

      Roslyn and David trudged through the long hallway to the back of the mansion. Roslyn went ahead of David, stopping at the balcony with her gaze fixed on the beautiful garden. “Why did ya agree to this marriage?” she bargain. David stood beside her and his gaze fell on her. “Don’t get your hopes high Roslyn, I haven’t agreed to marry ya yet”, David reiterated. Roslyn sigh, she was getting irritated with the young man already; she mentally cursed herself for even trying to start up a conversation with him. “He’s a handsome young man but lack mannerism”, she breathes heavenly. “Are you always arrogant or ya just don’t like my guts?” “Well! There is nothing to like about ya, anyway”. Roslyn hissed and grimaced at what David just said. “How on earth am I going to leave with this man for the rest of my life”, she questioned herself. “I’m only tolerating him because of my parents”, “coming here is a total waste of time, I should be in my office making money”, his voice sank into an amorous whisper. “Well, I agree with you on this one. Why can’t ya tell your parents that you aren’t interested”, Roslyn suggested. “Aye, you’re quite a beauty without a brain. If I can pull out of the marriage arrangement, I wouldn’t be here”. His manly voice buzz in Roslyn ears, and she wondered why few minutes ago he said he hasn’t agreed to marry her yet and now he’s saying he can’t pull out. “He’s such a confused man”, Roslyn murmured to herself. “Are you spiritually fulfilled?” asked Roslyn, changing the topic. “If you’re asking if I go to church, then the answer is a no, I’m a busy man I hardly get time for myself”. “Perhaps you should try to have time for yourself, because a good husband always makes out time for his family and attend Sunday service.” Said Roslyn, “I’ve all I need, I have no reason to attend church”, what David said got Roslyn thinking why her parents agree to such arrangement, she also wondered if her parents knows the family they want her to spend the rest of her life with. “Perhaps ya still don’t know why Christ said man shall not leave by bread alone, truly ya have all you need but ya still lack one thing”. She told him good naturedly. David frown at her clearly he doesn’t understand what she was talking about. “And what is that if I may ask”, Roslyn inhaled deeply and turned her gaze to him. “You lack God in your life”, she voiced out. David said nothing for a while. Roslyn watched him with squinted eyes, waiting for him to say something. “If you’re a religious woman, I see no reason you’ll want to marry me”. “Well, you’re a handsome young man, but you have no brain. I’m forced to be with ya the same way you’re forced to be with me”. Roslyn smiled at her own words, “sure we’re even now”. She said to herself, David frowned at her; clearly he was bent out of shape because of what Roslyn said. But Roslyn on the other hand had a beautiful smile plastered on her face. 

        The night has slowly taken over the bright day, and a silvery white moonlight sprinkled on the beautiful garden. The dark night covered all the scenery inside the garden. Roslyn no longer see the face of the arrogant young man clearly and she thanked the darkness for that because she now fined his face annoying.  “It’s a pleasure spending time with ya”, she lied. “I wish I can say the same”, David reiterated. Ignoring him, Roslyn swiftly walked back into the mansion, leaving David to himself. She has been praying for a time like this where she would lock herself in her room and fantasy on her first love. She locked the wooden door behind her and dropped herself on the cold tiles floor. Few minutes later, she slowly stood up on her two feet and head for her bed; she remembered the box she kept under the bed before leaving her room earlier. With an exaggerated sigh, she bends herself on the cold floor, bringing the small old box with her. Roselyn meticulously opened the cover, scrutinizing the pictures with a faint smile on her face. Roslyn finds it amazing that Dave and David sounds almost the same; the two have similar name but distinct personality. Dave was a caring, loving and amazing person even though he was plain and chubby, but David was the complete opposite of Dave. The only good thing about David is his facial look.

  Roslyn remains awake and fretted the entire night. Her head whirled and ache as the thought of David continue to linger in her mind. She wishes she can forget everything happening in her life and have a good sleep. Stretching her right arm to the bedside, she picked her alarm clock. It’s already mid 1:00 in the morning and she still couldn’t sleep. A bored sigh escaped her lips. Roslyn reached for the polished wooden door and opened it. She steps outside; her feet maneuver on the stairs. She shuffles her way into the large kitchen. Not wasting much time, she head for the fridge and reached out for a bottle of water. Roslyn pure herself a small glass of water, the test less water passed through her dehydrated throat and a low bulge sound came out from her parted lips. She lazily dropped the glass cup on the kitchen table. Roslyn reached for the chair and sat down forlornly with the tip of her hand placed on her chin. “Couldn’t sleep?” Bella’s voice startled Roslyn. She hurriedly placed her hand to her chest. Her breath became shallow and heavy. “Y—yes”, Roslyn shuttered, her hand still linger on her chest. “Why is that?” Bella bargain, “I can’t stop thinking”, said Roslyn, placing her hand back to her chin. “Thinkin’ of David or Dave?” “My mind can’t seem to settle in one place, but I know this is just on the spur of the moment. I wish I could go in search of the one my heart yarn for”. Bella reached for the chair beside Roslyn and make hers-elf comfortable. “I don’t think it’s a good idea at all”. Roslyn looked at Bella tenderly. “Just thinkin’ not like I have any idea where to find him”. “Well, I’m awfully sorry that ya had to marry David. Perhaps ya will fall for David in the future who knows”. Said Bella; she stood up from the chair, parted Roslyn on her shoulder before dashing out of the kitchen, living Roslyn alone to her churning thoughts. 

     Roslyn shuffles her way back to her room. A shiver run down her spine as the frosty morning breeze kissed her face. Roslyn might have forgotten to close back the window last night; she matched to the window; she tremble at the deathly dark night outside the window, her eyes automatically closed, she smelled the aroma of the early morning air and a smile creep it way to her face. She slowly walked back to her bed and retrieves her new bible from her bed stand, Roslyn opened the scripture that correspond with her present situation, she is worried, and she pondered why she has to be the one to marry David of all the million girls in the world. But Roslyn knows that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. She wondered if God has a purpose for her in David’s life that was why he allowed everything that was happening to her now. “Moreover, whom God predestinate, them he also called”. She said to herself. “Perhaps this is what God wants for me.” she closed her eyes, hoping she’ll soon fall asleep. It was such a dreary day for Roslyn, Roslyn breathe became shallow and her eyes heavy. The sleep she had been waiting for has dominated her eyes and she has no reason to stay awake and so she allows the sleep consume her.

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