
An Important Meeting

Once again the shrill ringtones cries out from my phone. Grimacing, I again answer my fathers call.

“Hi Dad. What do you need?”

“I need you to come down to the office. Something has come up and I need you.”

To be honest, I am a little disgusted at myself when my heart nearly leaps out of my chest with excitement. This is it! He finally needs me!

“I can be there in about thirty minutes if that’s okay?”

“The sooner the better” He snaps and then hangs up. 

For him to be behaving like that it has to be important. I go to my closet and throw on any remotely business-like clothes I can find. I run my hands through my hair before tying it up in a nice high ponytail. Glancing at the clock I see I still have about five minutes before I need to leave. I head back into the bathroom and quickly do my makeup. Grabbing my phone and putting it into my handbag, I head out the door, locking it behind me.

Running late, I arrived at my fathers office. His door is shut so I turn to his receptionist, Anna. She raises her eyebrow and mouths “You’re late.” Her look of disapproval is clear. She presses a button on the intercom on her desk and it buzzes to life.

“Mister Stratos, Victoria is here to see you.”

“Finally.” my fathers voice comes through. “Send her in.” If you didn’t know him you would think it's fine that I’m late. But I know I am in for it.

“You can go…” Anna starts.

“I know, I heard.” I say, as I head over towards his door.

Opening it I see my father sitting behind his large, oak desk. What surprises me however is the fact his lawyer is also sitting there with him.

“Victoria please come and take a seat.” my father says gesturing to the one free chair in front of his desk. “There is an interesting proposition I would like to talk to you about.”

Those words echo ominously around the room. It is as if with saying them, any hope I had of this being something good for me fled out the door.

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