
Rushed to get ready

Moaning as I wake, I roll over and clutch my head. Just how much did we drink last night?

Glancing to my left I spy the two empty tequila bottles laying haphazardly on the coffee table. I must have passed out on the couch. Going through my memories of last night and remembering that Kenzie had sent that text, I quickly scramble around the living room in search of my phone. Upon finding it I sigh. Flat! Damn it all! I really need to check what she actually sent!

“Kenzie! Wake up! I need your phone charger!” I yell, not overly fussed if I woke her up.

“Quit your yelling I’m right here” she says walking out of the kitchen looking a thousand times better than how I feel. Her long, bronze legs are on display in short denim shorts and her dark hair is tied back in a fashionable high ponytail. However, it is not her looks that grab my attention, even though I am severely jealous of the lack of bags under her hazel eyes, It is the steaming mug she is starting to hand over to me.

“Gimme, gimme gimme.” I say, not caring that I sound like an over enthused toddler.

“Okay, okay” she says laughing, handing it to me. “I’ll go grab the charger out of my room.”

Taking a big sip from the cup of coffee, I wait for her to return. As soon as she does I plug it in and wait a few moments before I turn it on. As it boots up I turn to her “Please tell me you didn’t actually text my father last night? Please tell me it's a horrible dream and not a memory?”

Before she can answer, my phone begins to go crazy with notifications. Groaning as my body fills with dread I turn back to my phone and unlock it.

Terms? Terms? What kind of terms would someone like you have? - is the first message from my father. Along with several missed calls. I am going to be in so much trouble.

Just as I am about to read the other messages my phone starts to ring.

“Hi Dad,” I answered. “Sorry about not returning your calls and messages, my phone had died and …”

“I don’t care about your excuses” He interrupts. “If you have terms you can discuss them with Aves yourself. I’m ringing to tell you to be at my office by four this afternoon. Actually, knowing you make it three so that I know you won’t be late. Do not show up in trousers. Wear a dress, actually better yet meet Anna for lunch at one thirty at Delphino’s. I’ll send her with my credit card. You are to wear whatever she deems necessary, she will also take you to get you hair and make up done. I expect no argument on this.”

Before I can say anything in response, my father hangs up. A few moments later my phone’s calendar app lets me know that Anna has added the appointment to it.

“From the gist of what I just heard, he does not sound happy.” Kenzie says, breaking my stunned silence.

“You could say that.” I reply, still somewhat shocked at the chain of events.

“You need a ride? It's already a quarter to one.”

Wait! What? How the hell did you let me sleep so late?”

“I did try to wake you, but you were dead to the world.”

“Okay, is it okay if I grab a quick shower and get ready first? I mean I’m pretty sure I have time for that.”

“Be quick!” 


After what I thought was a quick shower, fifteen minutes, and a mad dash out the door I arrive at Delphino’s just as Anna hops out of a town car.

“Good you’re on time” Anna greets me. “Now I’ve scheduled you for hair and make up at three, and we have an appointment at this little boutique to get you something appropriate to wear at two. So that gives us time for a quick lunch. Not to worry, I have already ordered for us and it should be ready and waiting inside.”

The organisation storm that is Anna seems to have everything in hand as I follow her into the restaurant. As we are led to our table I spy a simple grilled cheese with tomato soup on one side and a basic salad on the other. Anna takes the seat with the salad and gestures to the grilled cheese. “Eat.” she says. “You only have fifteen” she glances at her watch “make that ten minutes before we need to leave again.”

I hurry to comply, still thinking this whole thing is strange. Why do I need to look a certain way? He has already said he wants me so what is the point?


At precisely two o’clock, Anna leads me into a store I have never been inside before, there wasn’t even a name on the door. Anna strides confidently up to the counter, like she has been here a thousand times, and rings the bell. Not even ten seconds pass before a polished woman walks out from the back room, her coordination while wearing six inch heels making me, slightly, jealous.

“Hi there, do you have an appointment?” she asks. Even her voice sounds polished.

“Yes. We have Miss Victoria Stratos here.” Anna responds brightly. “I think she will need” she looks me up and down. “The works. Lingerie, shoes and a dress, the more feminine the better”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I ask, baffled as to why she is even thinking about my lingerie.

Both women look me up and down before the polished store assistant says “She’s on the smaller size, we just got a new order that I think will be perfect for this. I assume we are charging Mr Stratos’ account?”

“That would be correct, so price is no object.” Anna states before turning to me and orders “Strip.”

Shock ripples through me at her order.

“What right here?” I question her.

“Yes. We don’t have a lot of time and no one is due here for a while. You’ll be fine. Now strip.” is her hurried response.

I quickly do what she says, mainly because I am scared that if I don't she will come over and do it herself. I’ve just stripped down to my, okay fine they are rather plain; underwear when the sales assistant returns, carrying a multitude of items.

“I didn’t know if you wanted to go feminine with the lingerie or sexy so I went with something that works for both. I was sent your sizes ahead of time, Miss Stratos so not to worry everything should fit and we should be able to get you dressed and out of here on time for your date.” she turns a bright smile my way before holding up some of the prettiest underwear I have ever seen.

She was right when she said it would work for either. White with little embroidered pink flowers embodied the idea of feminine, but the strappy nature of the bustier is what made it sexy. With a thong to match it was honestly to die for.

“Is there a changing room for me to go to put it on?” I ask, mainly because standing in front of Anna completely naked was a mortifying idea for me.

“Sure hon, just through the curtain to your right, I’ll pass the dress and shoes into you next.” she says to me before turning to Anna and asking “Will she be needing any accessories?”

I don’t hear Anna’s reply as I rush to the changing room.

Soon enough I am staring at myself in the mirror in an outfit I would have never chosen for myself. Okay maybe that was a lie, I would have definitely chosen the lingerie if I had the money to.

On top of the fancy lingerie was a black and white dress. The top was white lace with a small bow that rested just above my collarbone. Sleeveless, it was a simple A-line dress that felt heavenly on my skin. The skirt was plain black and hung perfectly from my body and felt like silk. The shoes she had paired with it were classic black and strappy Louboutins, which I only knew because of the signature red backing.

“Well come on then.” Anna says. “We don’t have all day”

I step out and Anna gives me a once over. “It’ll do,'' she says, nodding to the sales person.

She turns and begins to head out the door. I rush to follow and step out into the street feeling like a new woman.

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