
The Billionaress' Secretary
The Billionaress' Secretary
Author: EveningPen

1: The New Secretary

Helaina Diamante's heart was pounding as she strode through the sleek, semi-futuristic

halls of Diamond Group of Companies while holding a paper cup of coffee in her right hand and bag on

the other. The company's headquarters were a thing of beauty, with glass walls that

stretched from floor to ceiling and gleaming silver accents at every turn. She couldn't

help but feel a little pride in the fact that she had risen to the top of such a successful

and cutting-edge enterprise at only 23 years old. But as she hurried towards the exclusive elevator that would take her to the meeting with her shareholders, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the number of employees who seemed to be milling about, completely oblivious to the fact that she was running late. One man even had the audacity to stop her and ask for her autograph, mistaking her for some sort of celebrity.

"Miss, are you Jenner from the lady and the lamp? Can you sign me an autograph?"

'Jenner who? What the hell is Lady and the Lamp?' Is it because of her beauty and temperament? Dealing with those so-called fans who don't even know what their idol looks like is an annoyance on this hectic day.

"Sorry, not now," she muttered and finally managed to make her way onto the

exclusive elevator, pressing the button for the top floor with a sense of urgency. As

the doors closed, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her racing heart. But then, she couldn't help but lament.

"What are those old hyenas up to? They called for an emergency meeting and

notified me at the last minute. Do they want to test how punctual I am?" she sneered.

"Of course not, they're not that nice. It's probably annoying me." Diamond Group was a shining beacon of innovation and technological advancement in Stone City.

Everyone knew its name, and they all knew Helaina Diamante, the sole heiress and CEO

responsible for its success. It was a sprawling, semi-futuristic complex, with gleaming

glass and steel walls that seemed to stretch up into the sky. Helaina had started Diamond Group from the ground up, with nothing but her ingenuity and drive to guide her. She had poured her heart and soul into the company, and it had paid off. Under her guidance, Diamond Group had become one of the most successful technology companies in the city, with a reputation for excellence and cutting-edge innovation.

But now, Diamond Group was facing a crisis. Helaina's relatives and shareholders had grown

increasingly greedy and ambitious, and they were starting to eye her position as CEO.

They saw her success as their own, and they were determined to take a piece of it

for themselves.

"Like I would allow them to get what they want. If I can't confront them directly, why

not strike them in the shadows? I'll show them no mercy. Should I punch them in the

face one by one?" No. She is a civilized person who abides by the law. "How about putting laxatives in their meal?" She held her head, wanting to laugh at her absurd ideas.

At the time the elevator doors opened onto the top floor, she was suddenly jolted

forward when someone collided with her, sending her coffee flying in all directions.

"What the—" she began, before realizing that the person she had just bumped into was a young man, no more than a few years older than herself, with a baby face and sheepish expression. He's much taller than her, about six inches and two, and even if he looks a little thin, Helaina can see how his three piece suit hides his muscles.

"I'm so sorry," he stammered, offering her a handful of napkins from his pocket. "I

was just coming in for an interview and I wasn't looking where I was going."

Helaina couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the interruption, but she couldn't deny

that the stranger's nervous energy was somewhat endearing. She looked up and

froze, kind of mesmerized by his beautiful amber eyes. She sluggishly took the napkins from him and began dabbing at her blouse, trying to salvage what was left of her dignity.

"It's fine," she said, although a little irritated, she still managed a small smile.

"Just be more careful in the future"

"I'm really sorry!" Helaina waved her hand and continued hurrying. As she turned to head towards her meeting, she couldn't help but wonder who the young man was, and why he seemed so familiar to her. But she pushed the thought aside, reminding herself that she had more important things to worry about than a

random stranger's face. Little did she know that their paths were about to cross again in a way she could never have expected.


Trevor tried his best to compose himself while he made his way to the interview area. He was caught off guard by the beautiful girl he had just bumped into. He knew that she is the CEO of this company, and he couldn't help but steal glance back at her as she disappeared into the hallway. "Wow," he muttered to himself.

"She's even more beautiful up close." The moment he walked into the interview room, he couldn't help but overhear one of the talkative applicants talking about the CEO's looks.

"I heard that she's beautiful," the applicant said excitedly. "Have you seen her? I bet she's a supermodel or


"She's much more beautiful than the actresses I see on TV," another one answered. "Do you think she has a boyfriend?"

"Someone as beautiful as that doesn't have a boyfriend? Who would believe it?" Trevor couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Indeed very beautiful," he thought. But he did remember Helaina's looks vividly from their college days.

She had always stood out with her unique beauty, a mix of soft features and sharp angles that made

her both approachable and intriguing. And despite her serious demeanor, Trevor had

always been drawn to her clumsiness and occasional moments of vulnerability. Trevor settled in the chair beside the talkative applicant, who introduced himself as Warren.

Warren's eyes widened as he noticed Trevor's appearance. "Hey, dude! You look pretty sharp for the interview," Warren exclaimed, nodding his head in approval. "Thanks," Trevor replied with a smile. Warren continued, "So, have you seen the CEO yet? I mean, everyone's talking about her, right?"

Trev nodded, recalling the encounter in the elevator. "Yeah, I bumped into her earlier," he said.

Warren's eyes widened in excitement. "No way! What was she like? Was she as beautiful as everyone says she is?" 

Trevor chuckled. "Yes, she definitely was. But she's also very professional and focused." Warren's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Oh man, I hope I get the chance to meet her! Maybe she'll be impressed by my charm and hire me on the spot." Trev raised an eyebrow in amusement, but he didn't comment any further. Warren leaned in closer and whispered, "Hey, did you know that the job vacancy is actually for the CEO's personal secretary?"

"Wait, what? I thought this was just a regular desk job," he said, furrowing his brow in confusion. Warren chuckled. "Nah, man. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work directly with the CEO. You'll be her right-hand man, or woman, so to speak."

Trevor's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, I had no idea. I mean, I applied for the job because I needed work, but I never thought it would be something like this." Warren leaned back in his chair, a smug expression on his face.

"That's why it's always good to do your research before applying for a job, my friend. You never

know what kind of opportunities might be waiting for you." Trevor smiled back. He couldn't deny the excitement building inside of him. The thought of working closely with Helaina was both intimidating and thrilling. As they continued to chat, Trev couldn't help but feel a sense of determination growing within him. He knew that the competition for the job would be fierce, but he was ready to give it his all.


As Helaina entered the conference room, she could feel the tension in the air. All the

shareholders, including her greedy aunt and uncle, were seated around the long, glossy table,

their expressions ranging from shrewd to cunning. Helaina took her seat at the head of the table, opposite her aunts.

"Let's begin," she said firmly, looking at each shareholder in turn. One of the shareholders, a middle-aged man with slicked-back hair and a smug look, spoke up. His name is Alberto Morales, only knows profit and likes to ignore hard work.

"Miss Diamante, we all know why we're here. There's no need to beat around the bush. Your company is in trouble, and we're here to offer our assistance." Helaina gritted her teeth. She knew they weren't there to help but to take advantage of her company's current financial struggles. "I appreciate your concern, but we have a plan in place to resolve the situation," she replied evenly.

Her aunt Mercedes scoffed. "A plan? You're just a little girl, Helaina. You don't know how to run a company. Let us take over and we'll save it for you," she said, sneering. Helaina's eyes narrowed. "I beg to differ. I had worked hard to bring Diamond Group to where it was today, and you're saying that I don't know how to run it? Auntie, I know exactly what I am doing, and exactly know what you are doing." Her aunt's face darkened.

The shareholders laughed derisively, but Helaina refused to back down. For the next

hour, she battled wits with them, citing statistics and offering solutions to the company's problems. In the end, the shareholders had no choice but to acknowledge her expertise and back down. After the meeting ended, Helaina felt a sense of triumph. She had stood up to the shareholders and proven that she was more than capable of running yhe company. But this is only temporary as those greedy bastards won't stop here. The only way for her to hold her company fully in her hand, is to kick those greedy hyenas and buy back all of their shares. But this is not easy. As soon as Helaina left the meeting, her phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was the temporary assistant she had hired. She answered it, her voice

curt. "What is it?"

"Ms. Diamante, I'm sorry to bother you, but we have an urgent matter," the assistant


"The interviews for the new assistant are starting in five minutes, and we really

need you to be there. I know you're busy, but—" Helaina cut her off.

"I'll be there. Just give me the details." The assistant quickly filled her in on the time and location of the interviews. She had been meaning to hire a new assistant ever since her old one had

been bought by her conniving aunt Mercedes. The fact that she had stolen an important company document on her way out only added insult to injury. She needed someone who was not only competent but also loyal and trustworthy. Her aunt had already proven that she was willing to use any means necessary to take control of Diamond Group, and she couldn't let him succeed. Helaina couldn't help but feel angry and hurt that her own flesh and blood would betray her like this. She vowed to herself that she would not let him get the upper hand.

She needed to be more vigilant and focused than ever before. She shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside. She had a meeting to attend and then interviews to conduct. She couldn't afford to let herself get distracted. As she stepped into the elevator, Helaina took a deep breath and braced herself for

whatever was coming next. She had a feeling it was going to be a long day. Helaina took a deep breath before entering the interview room. When she walked in, she saw the panel of interviewers who were all wearing poker faces. She scanned the room and her eyes locked on Trevor, who was sitting among the other applicants. She couldn't believe it - this was the same man who bumped into her this morning.

Helaina's attention was diverted to the temporary assistant who had called her in, and

she approached to receive the folder the assistant was carrying. "Thank you."

"Ms. Diamante, here is the information on the applicants," the assistant said. Helaina nodded, then proceeded to review the contents of the folder.

"I know. Then let's begin." As the interview began Helaina observed the applicants closely, but her attention kept being drawn to Trevor.

"Applicant number 18, Mr. Trevor Alcrest" Helaina raised a brow slightly as the man sat a few meters in front of her.

'So his name is Trevor,' she thought. 'Cute, like a puppy.' Still, she couldn't stop thinking that there was something about him that was so familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.

"So, Mr. Alcrest, what do you think you can bring to Diamond Group as the CEO's secretary?" Helaina asked Trev.

"Well, Ms. Diamante, I believe I have the necessary skills and experience to assist the

CEO effectively. My previous job as a high-level executive assistant has taught me

how to manage time and prioritize tasks efficiently. I am also highly adaptable and

can work well under pressure," Trev replied confidently. She was impressed by how he answered the questions, showing intelligence and creativity.

"Very well, Mr. Harlow. You seem like a promising candidate." She closed the folder and slowly looked at him.

"Tell me, have we met before?" Trevor's eyes widened in surprise. Did she recognize him as her senior in college or the guy who spilled her coffee this morning?

"Is it this morning?"

"Yeah, I remember you from this morning but..." Helaina shook her head.

"Hmm, I feel like I've seen you somewhere before." Trev's eyes droop, a little disappointed. "No."

"Oh well, maybe it's just my imagination. Thank you for coming today." The interview ended, but Helaina still couldn't stop thinking about Trevor. There was something about him that was intriguing, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that she knew him from somewhere.


Trevor was feeling a little nervous while he waited for the assistant to call him back into the room. He couldn't believe that he had lied about his previous job just to get the position, and he was worried that his lack of experience would be found out. Finally, the assistant poked her head out of the door and motioned for him to come in. "Congratulations," she said with a smile. "You got the job!"

Trevor's heart leaped with joy, but he tried to maintain his composure.

"Thank you so much," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. The assistant handed him a stack of papers. "These are the forms you need to fill out before you start. You'll also need to come in for a training session tomorrow at 9 a.m." Trevor nodded, his mind already racing with excitement at the prospect of working for


"Thank you again," he said, rising to his feet. As he walked out of the room, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty for lying about his previous job. But all of that got pushed out of his mind when he met Helaina  outside. Helaina looked and smiled at him.

"You know, I don't normally hire people who spill coffee on me," she joked. Trevor froze for a while and then laughed nervously.

"I promise to be more careful in the future." Helaina chuckled.

"I'm just teasing. You did great in the interview. I have a feeling you're going to be a lot of fun to work with." Trevor was surprised by Helaina's comment. He wasn't used to being described as "fun,", especially in a professional setting.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to working with you too." Helaina smiled.

"Great," she said, before starting to walk away. Trevor couldn't stop his eyes from following her. After she disappeared down the hallway, he showed a sly smile. 


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