
Chapter Three.

I stare at him in disgust, as my mind travel down the events of that fateful day four years ago; the unexpected clause that my father had added to his will, which could almost be likened to him piercing my heart with a dagger

Four Years Ago


That was all I saw in those who came on that day under the pretence of celebrating my dead father. They hadn't been there because they had wanted to celebrate my father’s life, they had come to make connections. 

Everyone had known that a great percentage of  society will be at the funeral of the late C.E.O of Carrie’s Group of company. My father named the company after my mother because of the love they have for each other, now that my father had gone to join my mother in the afterlife, I was certain that my uncle, a.k.a The Vulture only came to the funeral for the reading of his will.

I had watched with silent observation as my uncle stood close to my father’s lawyer whispering things in his ears as the pastor preached long about my father and the good deed he had done. If there is any man I respect in my life, it is my father and not just because he is my father. It is all because of the kind of man he is. He was a philanthropist; always helping the needy and poor. It is one of the reasons he founded Carrie’s foundation. He believes so much in his family even when they are nothing but disappointing. It is hard not to love him. Yet, people had taken him for granted.

After the preaching, I was called to the front to be the first to pour the sand on his coffin as his only child. I had stood still, refusing to cry. I had promised my father I wasn't going to show weakness in front of these vultures, but the mere thought that, it is the last time I was going to be seeing the body of the man I respect and love so much almost brought tears to my eyes. 

 I glanced up trying to find a face I can relate to but there was none. My best friend who could have stood by me in a situation like this had betrayed me three years ago when I caught him with my girlfriend.

Shaking my head and saying a silent rest in peace, I finally poured the first sand on him. Immediately I did, my eyes blur as the undertakers started shoving sand on his coffin. I felt a pat on my back

“You did well.” 

It was a voice that is very familiar to me. I turned back to glance at our family lawyer, I guess he is the only one I can rely on a bit. My father had seen him as part of his family and set him up to become the big-shot lawyer he is. I stare at him looking at his teary eyes; he is also trying not to tear up. I’m glad to have someone who understands the way I feel.

I do not say anything. I only acknowledged and moved toward the direction of my car, but I was swamped by those who wanted to introduce themselves to me. They are so shameless that they can’t wait till we get to the mansion where the main party will be held. 

I glanced at one of the guards close by, he understood my sign and immediately started shoving the people away from me. 

Thankfully, I was able to enter the car without a serious scratch. I lose my necktie and tell the driver to move. 

Upon being the first to leave the cemetery, when I got home it was already crowded. I hadn't made it strictly by invitation because of my father’s love for people. A lot of people have taken this opportunity to invade the mansion.

 I move to my room immediately, close the door behind and finally let out the tears I have been holding. I care nothing about actually socialising with the people who have come to the party. They are already doing well socialising among themselves. 

I’m going to miss my father. He has been my supporter, the only one I reach out to when I need advice, but he has also taught me well and I wouldn’t disappoint him in any way.

Two days later at the request of my uncle, the lawyer is forced to read my father’s will. I am willing to wait more days before it is read but my family do not share the same patience as me. My grandmother, uncle, his daughter, his wife and I sat in the sitting room while the lawyer sat at the centre. I have no idea why we need my uncle’s wife and daughter at the reading of my father’s will, but the lawyer insisted that they have to be there. I guess my father has shown his generosity in death again by giving them something.

The lawyer raises the envelope to show that it is sealed, even if he hadn't done that, I will believe him.  

“Can you just open this thing and let’s be done with it.” My uncle’s voice is high and I have a feeling that if he can snatch the envelope from the lawyer he would. I smile when I think of how hard it must be for him to be sitting there trying to hold himself back.

The lawyer tears it and brings the will out. 

Everyone is silent to the point where if a pin falls it will be heard. I can see my uncle glancing at the will as if it is his gateway out of hell. I smirk, there is no way my father will hand over what he and my mother worked so hard for to him.

Barr. Ivan, the lawyer, clears his throat. “Now I will read Mr Gabriel Lark’s will and I will love it if everyone seated here respects his wishes.” 

Without waiting for anyone's comment, he continues. “Firstly, I would like to thank everyone seated here today, because of you guys my life has been amazing. You all are a vital part of my life and I will like it if you can all work together. The fact that my lawyer is reading this to you means I am no more, but I don’t want anyone crying or brooding over my demise. We all owe death a debt and it’s time to pay mine. It feels good not to be owing debts anymore.” Barr Ivan smiles

I also smile because that is my father’s attempt to make this less serious. I can imagine him smiling while writing that part.

“My mansion on the outskirts of the state goes to my mother. To Anna Lark, sponsorship to further her education to any level she wanted.”

I glance at my cousin and she almost bounces out of her seat in gratitude. “To my dear brother's wife, you have been like a mother to my son, five million dollars to add to your business. 

To my brother, my glass mansion on the island and five per cent share in my company. The rest of my properties go to my son. I sure hope you won't miss me too much son, live and let live Jeff, know that your mother and I will always love you”

For the fun of it, I glanced at him to capture how devastated he was. Although a five per cent share in Carrie’s is not a small deal, I knew he'd  be greedy for more. He wanted it all. I had stood up to thank the lawyer when he cleared his throat again.

“I am not done, Mr Lark, can you please have your seat again?”

“What do you mean by you aren’t done” I ask while staring confusingly at him, he gestured once again to my seat, I sat obediently as I was already in good spirits. 

Narrowing his gaze at me,  and as he spoke the next words,  my heart felt pierced “Your father in his will mentioned that...”

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