
Chapter 5

If I ever revealed the truth, Leo's life could be ruined by that knowledge. And I was aware that once the truth was out, it could not be undone.

Jason could have believed he was aware, but he couldn't be certain unless I told him. So despite how much I wanted us to be a typical couple in love and expecting a child, I was unable to make it happen.

While wiping away my tears, I looked up at the ceiling of my former bedroom. I had battled my attraction to Jason throughout my adolescent years, and I had been in this position a lot in my life.

 When he would take another female out on a date, I had done it occasionally because my heart was bleeding so deeply.

I never wanted to experience that anxiety again. I sighed, "I've got to get out of here quickly." Once in my life, I had been able to overcome my desire to Jason, so I wanted to do it once again. Despite how difficult it would be to say goodbye to him once more.

Perhaps I can finish it before he gets up. I firmly pushed myself out of bed and made the decision that leaving Jason this time would be simpler since I was doing it for Leo.

Simply put, I wanted an excuse that would allow me to go quickly.

I didn't realize why my typically early-riser kid was still asleep until I arrived at the playpen to retrieve Leo, who was still in it. He had a fever, which was the reason. 

As I picked Leoie up, turned him in my arms, and felt his forehead, the plans I had quickly left my mind. While attempting to remain calm, I immediately turned to the support system that had always kept me going.

I shouted "Jason!" before leading Leo to Jason's room.

Because I was so upset, I was unable to enjoy how hot Jason's body appeared when he opened his door in just tight black boxers.

Feel the top of his head. How warm do you find that?

Damn it, I forgot to bring a thermometer or anything!" I shouted at Jason.

 Immediately, Jason's drowsy gray eyes sharpened, and he raised his large hand to Leo's forehead.

"I shouldn't have brought him on that long car ride and then taken him out last night," I fumed as I went on.

My shoulder was gripped by Jason's large palm as he said, "Calm down; your son needs you levelheaded."

I struggled to relax myself, but I knew my eyes were begging him to tell me that everything was going to be well. If we take too much time getting your shit, I muttered, "I've never felt it so hot."

I learned throughout the course of the following few hours that Jason was now extremely wealthy, having a plane that was even parked in our small town in anticipation of his departure. Even though I couldn't understand it, 

I was too focused on worrying about Leo for anything else to register.

Like a commander, Jason was. While I spoke with Leo's doctor on the phone, he managed to get Leo, me, and all of our belongings into a limo that arrived at his request and to the airport in less than forty minutes.

Thank God I was talking to the doctor when Leo had his first fever seizure, allowing him to reassure me that he wasn't going to pass away.

As we stood in Jason's private jet's aisle, waiting for the pilot to complete his preflight inspection, Jason and I both let out a gasp.

Put him on the seat, Mil, Jason sternly instructed as he seized the phone from me as I was speaking to the doctor on the other end.

I was so terrified that all I could do was obey Jason's instructions as she meticulously described to the doctor how Leo was acting.

Then Jason added loudly enough for me to hear, "Mild fever seizures in infants are not that uncommon. They don't cause them harm.

When I first heard that, I almost started crying as I knelt down next to Leo and rested my head on the seat beside him. The remainder of what Jason said to the physician escaped my ears. But after a while, Jason's deep voice roused me from my worried stupor.

"Jane, you need to remain composed. The doctor advised not wrapping him too tightly because infants often develop high fevers.

I seized Jason's hand and put it against my cheek.

"I'm grateful. We appreciate you assisting us.Then Jason came over and cuddled up next to me on the floor, brushing the top of Leo's head with his large palm as he did so.

He said, "Hang in there son." His voice was deep, and I longed with all my heart that I could tell him the truth—that Leo was actually his son.

Jason didn't lie; in less than two hours, we arrived at the hospital in my town.

I arrived at the emergency room, and Leo and I were immediately placed in a wheelchair.

When I responded and gave them Leo's birthday, they asked me a thousand questions at the desk—one of which I didn't even understand how important it was.

When Leo's pediatrician arrived, Jason was already in the room with us. I sagged in my relief as Jason dragged me away from Leo's hospital bed so my child doctor could examine Leo.

I wilted against Jason as Jason's arm moved over the back of my shoulders, and as I looked up, 

I noticed his clinched jaw. It was clear evidence that he was suppressing strong feelings.

My pediatrician remarked, standing more upright, "Well, you two." I believe his fever may have surfaced on the flight, but he will recover. 

When I heard Leo's doctor say, "Jason, anytime you need a little extra help, just ask," I couldn't help it; I sobbed and pressed my face into his chest, hugging him tighter. Working with a level mind is good.

The only thing that let me let go of Jason's strength was to go to Leo so I could hold him.

 I wondered what the doctor meant, but I was too happy for Leo to give it any thought.

I didn't realize Jason wasn't truly on my side as much as I thought he was until we were leaving the hospital.

He went to the waiting cab outside of the hospital and opened the door.

I had anticipated that he would enter the cab with us, but as I was doing so, he grabbed my arm and hissed, "April? You fucked up when you mentioned that Leo was born in April. You merely informed them that February was here in the hospital. Jane, 

I'm not a fucking fool. I tried to speak, but nothing came out as I trembled in shame, terror, and the aftermath of Leo's close call.

However, as Jason pushed me into the cab, he knelt down and gave the driver the directive, "Take her to the address she tells you." I turned to face Jason.

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