The Billionaire's Secret

The Billionaire's Secret

By:  Ruth McJames   Ongoing
Language: English
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Amelia divorces her billionaire husband and father to her three kids for reasons unknown to the press and media, but rumor has it that it was due to infidelity from his side. Her ex-husband Ryan still tries to win her heart back but she falls in love with Tom. They met at the gym, as he is a regular gym goer. Amelia is in great dilemma although her heart still yearns for Ryan but she couldn't ignore the fact that Tom treated her right. The police are on Ryan. They think he is linked to some illegal activities which explains his wealth but they have no tangible evidence to take him down. What could be the reason for the divorce? And do you think the Billionaire is guilty as suspected?

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10 Chapters
Chapter 1
CHAPTER 1"Come on Amelia, ten more."The dumbbell in Amelia's outstretched hand kept increasing in weight with every squat. Her mark today was 120 squats but it was quite tougher than expected. She'd probably might have given up by now but she's got Tom. He won't let her. "Come on Amelia, five more."Her thighs and arms screamed in protest as she completed the last squat. They could protest all they wanted. She had done it."Whoo Amelia, new record.""Yeah" That was all Amelia could manage as she panted, desperately trying to catch her breaths as her skin leaked out all the moisture in her system. She could barely acknowledge Tom bending down over her chuckling reassuringly."I suppose that should be enough for today. Hold on tight, I'm gonna go get you a drink. You've earned it""I really appreciate it Tom, but I'll get it myself if you don't mind." She still remained on the floor, gasping quite a bit."Amelia, you're exhausted. Let me get it.Amelia shot Tom a fiery glance that
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Chapter 2
CHAPTER 2...It was already 1:45. She was going to be late to pick up the kids. She obviously spent a little too long in the shower. She turned on her phone as she picked up her bag. She usually turns it off when she goes to the gym or has a spa day. There was 7 missed calls and a text from Ryan. She almost scoffed at her phone. Why was he trying to reach her all of a sudden?Well it didn't matter now. Amelia would deal with Ryan later. Right now, ice cream day is in danger; she's running late.She rushed out of her apartment to the elevator at the end of the hall that led to the garage. Her Buick really needed a wash but it'll be after she gets her kids.She got in and sped out into the busy street...."What do you mean someone already picked them?"Amelia was filled with righteous fury. Someone else had picked her kids from school and she didn't know who."It was a man in a nice suit, really nice SUV too. He said he was their father and they confirmed it too."RYAN, Amelia though
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Chapter 3
CHAPTER 3As Ryan drove up his driveway, almost expressionless as he usually is, his mind was a kaleidoscope of thoughts. His business and name has been under threat especially in recent years. He had inherited his father's large scale, world renowned brewery since he passed away about a decade ago. With his smarts, foresight and ruthlessness, Anderson breweries have attained higher heights than ever before; they are about to conquer the Eurasian front. But now a gap in his financial records had insinuated evidence of Tax fraud and money laundering. The board and the government have been on his back for the past two years. In the middle of this ,he's had to also deal with his divorce with Amelia and the almost total loss of his kids. His kids, that got it worse. They got to be caught up in all of this. Besides what's the point of the mansion and prestige if he can't..."Hey daddy, is Ms Cynthia home?, I've missed her."Joey's comment shook him out of his thoughts."Yeah Joey ...I cal
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Chapter 4
CHAPTER 4 The sun was on business as much as everyone that Monday afternoon as Ryan drove to the office complex. He was on his usual monthly inspection of the production facility at the outskirt of the city when he had a call from his secretary of an emergency meeting of the board that was going down in about thirty minutes. He finished the inspection and everything seemed in order. Just the need for new parts and a couple arrangements he'd need to make; nothing major.But the emergency meeting shook him quite a bit. He had a couple of ideas why the meeting was being held. He knew what to say though and he had everything mostly under control but some board members seemed to be pressing on the recent developments as a means to get him out of his position as CEO. Harkland and Stone have the highest shares in the company apart from him and that could pose a problem. He really had to fix this.The office complex was in the middle of the city. A pretty impressive thirteen story sky scra
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Chapter 5
CHAPTER 5Ryan wasn't exactly sure why he was angry or who he was angry at. Was it the reporters or whoever the man is that was spotted with Amelia or at himself for being so angry.He was home and had been following stories and articles on him since the press interview. What he kept finding over the past week shook him more than a little bit. There was almost entirely nothing on the company case except for the possibility of him serving jail time. Most of the articles were on his marital status, his divorce and more importantly the man Amelia seems to have been spotted with on a date along with a couple other sightings. He sat in his room with a glass of whiskey in his hand staring out the window. He did not know exactly what was going on or what to do about it but he was certain he was angry. His mom still hadn't gotten hold of Mr Clancy. D lookespite his interview, Harkland and the rest of the board were still on his neck, and now this.They were divorced for almost half a year,
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Chapter 6
Chapter SixAmelia couldn't help but wonder why he kept gazing at her. Was it possible that he still harbored feelings for her? Her mind races with possibilities, but she quickly dismisses the thought, convincing herself that it is impossible.She drove off to her workplace, where she met Tom. He was already waiting for her, and her workers had already given him a seat and a drink.She has always told them to welcome anybody looking for her, provided that she's not around."Where did you go?" He asked her immediately as she dropped off her car."I went to take my children," she replied sharply."And where are they?" He checked around and could not see any of them.She didn't reply to him and she stepped forward...."Don't I deserve a reply?"As their eyes met, a silent message passed between them. In that moment, she could feel the depth of his emotions, she knew he loved her more than anything. But at the same time, She couldn't help but feel guilty for not reciprocating his feelings
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Chapter 7
Chapter Seven Amelia smiled to herself as she walked home, reveling in the joy of her evening out. But as the cool night air brushed against her skin, she felt a familiar pang of longing. Was it love that she felt for Tom, or something else? The thought of falling in love so soon after her marriage's end seemed impossible, yet she couldn't deny the warmth that bloomed in her chest whenever he crossed her mind.As Ryan snuggled into bed, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion, the gentle patter of tiny feet approached his door. "June, Joey, I thought you two were sleeping,' he mumbled, his voice hoarse with sleep. 'What's going on, sweeties? Are you okay?""Daddy, we are fine, but there's something we like to discuss with you."Ryan, who was curious about what they had to say, sat down comfortably to listen. Seeing the seriousness of the situation, he straightened up and gave them his full attention."Go on, my beautiful daughters.""Daddy, why are you and Mummy not living together? We mi
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Chapter 8
As the girls walked back to their room, Ryan slumped into bed, his mind swirling with the weight of the situation. He knew he needed to be strong for them, but inside, he felt like he was falling apart.As Ryan stared at the ceiling, the quietness of the house seemed to amplify his thoughts, and the idea of his mother meddling with the children's minds added to the heaviness in his chest, making him feel like he was suffocating.As the hours ticked by, Ryan's mind wouldn't rest. He tossed and turned, the faint creaks of the house keeping rhythm with his restless mind. The words of his daughters echoed in his ears, and the pain in their voices haunting him.Ryan woke with a groggy head and a heavy heart. After a fitful night of tossing and turning, he reached for his phone as soon as his eyes opened. His mother's name appeared on the screen as he dialed, his mind still foggy with worry and exhaustion."Hello, mother," he said, and immediately she picked up the phone."My darling Ryan,
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Chapter Nine
Ryan left work early to take his daughters to school, but he met their mother talking to them and Tom's car was parked before the school gate.Ryan walked inside the school to take them."Joey, June, Danny" Ryan called.They rushed to hug him, leaving their mother alone.Ryan kneeled down to embrace his children, doing his best to keep his emotions in check.Amelia was angry. They always prefer their father more than her, regardless of anything she does.She faked a smile and moved closer to them."Why are you here?" Ryan asked Amelia, and he continued, "ooh! You came here with him just to show off, right?""Whatever, I miss my kids; that is why I am here.""The same way I miss them while they are with you, definitely.""June, Joey, Danny, mummy loves you, see you later."Amelia's anger at her children's preference for their father, Ryan's protective stance towards his kids, and the subtle digs they exchange.Faking a smile, she waved to her children and left to meet Tom.Tom noticed
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Chapter Ten
Ryan kept begging Amelia, but what was in Amelia's mind was that he never was begging her because he loves her but just to keep the image of the company.Ryan's pleas for forgiveness fell on deaf ears. Amelia sat accross from him, her expression stony and cold. She had seen through his charade, and knew that his apologies were not motivated by love, but by a need to save face for his company."Please, Amelia, you have to believe me when I say that I still love you, Amelia I love you. Our children are suffering, what we didn't face or experience, do not let these innocent children face it please."Amelia didn't respond, her silence only intensifying Ryan's pleas. She knew that his words rang hallow. He wasn't concerned for their children, but for the reputation of his company. She felt anger well up insider her, a fire burning in her heart."I don't believe you" She said finally, her voice like ice. "I know who you are, Alexander. You are selfish, manipulative man who only cares about
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