The Billionaire's Gangster Wife

The Billionaire's Gangster Wife

Oleh:  Ewele  Baru saja diperbarui
Bahasa: English
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Mara never had the slightest idea that her stepmother would agree to marriage in her stead to some unknown young master of Lewis Family overnight. She kept her gangster life a secret from him while pretending to be submissive and obedient. She had a lot of plans ready to make her contracted husband miserable and fed of her while she pretended to be submissive. But love played it's trick, she fell in love with him helplessly and therefore revealed her identity. How will her husband assimilate this revelation? How will her married life go? Will their marriage remain the same after learning of her secret life?

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47 Bab
Marry him
Mrs. Astrid's urgent gesture caught the attention of the physician, who responded swiftly, gently disconnecting Mara's nanny from the oxygen tube. As the tube slipped away, the elderly woman stirred from her deep sleep, her eyelids fluttering open, revealing cloudy eyes filled with confusion."Nanny," Mara pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and desperation as she reached out to grasp the frail hand lying on the bed. "Please, stay with me. Don't leave me alone."The machines surrounding the bed began to emit a shrill, incessant noise, the urgency of which mirrored Mara's rising panic. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she watched helplessly, tears streaming down her cheeks, knowing that time was slipping away.With trembling hands, Mara attempted to push open the automated door, her efforts becoming increasingly frantic as the realization set in that it was firmly locked from the inside. "Please," she begged, her voice breaking with emotion. "Somebody help us! Nanny
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As Mara stepped out of the car, her heart pounded with nervous anticipation. Rows of maids bowed before her, their uniformed presence a stark reminder of the grandeur of the Lewis Family Mansion. With each bow, Mara felt the weight of her impending marriage pressing down on her.Dressed in a flowing white gown, adorned with delicate beads in her hair, Mara tried to exude confidence, her posture straight and proud. But as she crossed the threshold into the mansion, a wave of doubt and insecurity washed over her, shattering the facade of her egomaniacal spirit.The grandeur of the mansion, with its towering ceilings and opulent decor, only served to magnify Mara's feelings of inadequacy. Surrounded by servants and the looming presence of her unknown groom, Mara couldn't help but feel like a small, insignificant figure in this vast, imposing world.As Mara stood in the dimly lit room, her mind raced with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. The opulent surroundings and the prospect of spen
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Meeting his Outlandish Family
Mara's eyelids fluttered open, weighed down by exhaustion from the previous day's events. She groaned as she stretched her limbs, the heavy weight of her clothes a constant reminder of her discomfort. But her moment of peace was shattered when she realized that Ethan was nowhere to be found in the room, his wheelchair still parked in its usual spot.Anxiety gnawed at her insides as Mara contemplated facing Ethan's family alone. "Will I have to go down by myself? I don't think I can handle meeting his family in this state," she muttered to herself, her voice tinged with apprehension.But before she could dwell on her fears any longer, Ethan's icy voice cut through the silence from behind her. "My family aren't vampires, you know. Just my grandmother, mother, aunt, and cousin," he remarked, his tone as cold as ever.Startled, Mara scrambled to her feet, turning to face him with a forced air of nonchalance. Ethan emerged from the bathroom, his upper body exposed save for a towel wrapped
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Pretending to make love
One should by this stage know that despite the unraveled and Magnanimousity of this man, he's ruthless and cold blooded and even vicious as rumored.Mara had already fell asleep earlier due to her drunken state before Ethan could return from the function.She had worried about what could have happened to her if he get to know that she's the one behind those thick makeup.This morning however she could put her worries aside because she woke up before him, she had quickly go to the bathroom to run the bath before he could wake up to avoided any of his questions or condemnations.The carefree Mara, hummed a tune as she bent down to run the bath... Ethan found his wife swaying to the beat of the tune when he entered the bathroom.When the sound of the tap ceased, she felt something off and quickly looked back and met his dark gaze looking at her with eyes filled with inquisitive.Mara froze in place, her heart pounding like a drum as she met Ethan's intense gaze. She tried to maintain her
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She meekly followed his lead, pushing his wheelchair to the dining room. The several pairs of eyes focused on the couple made it obvious that their private affairs were being scrutinized.The awkward atmosphere prompted her to rush through her meal, eager to finish as quickly as possible. Once she swallowed the last grain of rice and sipped her orange juice, she moved to leave, but the old lady stopped her."Mara, dear, you can't leave the table when your husband hasn't finished eating," she said kindly.Mara nodded silently and sat back down, watching Ethan handle his utensils delicately, as if they were made of foam. His slow and gentle eating only made her more nervous and angry.It seemed Mrs. Lewis noticed Mara's discomfort. She interjected, "Mara, my dear, don't mind Ethan eating slowly; that's just how he is... And he must be extra tired after this morning's activity," she said, smiling warmly."Activity? What—" Mara began, but Ethan cut her off with a cold and menacing tone, "
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Maya's seduction
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Did I scare you?
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What is wrong with your sister
Ethan had fought fiercely to kick Maya out because she was Mara's sister, his disdain for outsiders evident in his actions. When Mara entered the room, he couldn't contain his frustration any longer."What is wrong with that sister of yours? Why is she trying to expose herself whenever I am?" he demanded, his voice edged with irritation.Mara feigned ignorance, hanging her head low in an attempt to shield her true intentions. She knew she had to play her cards right to avoid revealing her true feelings."What do you mean?" she replied softly, her eyes avoiding his piercing gaze, knowing that meeting his eyes could betray her.Ethan, however, wasn't easily deceived. He lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze, his frustration evident in his eyes."Are you that stupid?" he questioned, his tone harsh and unforgiving.Caught off guard, Mara struggled to maintain her facade. "Even if I'm not stupid, I can't help it," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper."Didn't you just say
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