
The Billionaire's Forbidden Obsession: Taming My Son's Ex
The Billionaire's Forbidden Obsession: Taming My Son's Ex
Author: Eliza Selmer

Prologue: A Broken Heart

[Avery’s POV]

"One more," I announce, slamming my glass on the counter and fixing my gaze on the bartender, a pretty brunette with sparkling blue eyes and multiple piercings on her face. "Please," I add for good measure.

"Don’t you think you’ve had enough?" She sighs, leaning in front of me so I have the perfect view of her cleavage. "Why in the world are you here alone, trying to get obliterated anyway?"

Why? That was because men were scum, as were people you thought actually cared about you. Even those you thought you could trust to never hurt you could, and when they did, fuck, it felt like a knife being twisted deep into your heart.

Sighing, I let the painful memory begin to stir until it was almost like I was standing there again in front of that fucking mansion that was like a safe haven to me. Who knew I would suffer the biggest blow of my life there?

I had returned from college a week early after cramming to take my exams so that I could surprise Connor, my boyfriend.

The whole ride back I had pictured just how excited his face would be when I arrived. I was sure that he would pull me into his arms and gush about how much he missed me and looked forward to our reuniting. I was sure we would end up kissing, and then things would take a turn, and soon our clothes would be on the floor, and finally, fucking finally, we would have that special moment where we finally became each other’s mind, body, and soul.

So many nights I fantasized about that moment, and I even watched plenty of porn videos and even used a dildo to stretch myself and pop my hymen since I always lied about being experienced, even when I had never been with a man, so that I didn't come across as an inexperienced green horn.

That moment was supposed to be perfect! It was supposed to be mind-blowing! But that moment never came.

When I arrived, Connor’s red Jeep convertible was sitting in the driveway along with his father’s black sports car and his motorcycle, but his work vehicle wasn’t present, so I knew that Connor was home alone.

After parking, I quickly checked myself in the mirror to make sure that my makeup was perfect and that my wild brown hair wasn’t out of place, then applied some seductive burgundy lipstick and some mascara to make my eyelashes, which surrounded my hazel eyes, appear more sexy and hooded, then pocketed a condom that I usually kept in my center counsel, then got out and started making my way up the long drive.

When I arrived, Brandy, Connor’s father’s personal maid, opened the door and gave me a look of complete and utter surprise.

"Sorry to pop in like this, Brandy, is Connor home?"

I probably should have realized something was off at that moment, but I was so excited and eager to see him that I didn’t think anything of the woman’s reluctant expression or her eyes that were filled with pity.

"He’s upstairs, madam," she responded before motioning toward the stairs.


Not needing anymore of an answer, I began to move, making my way upstairs, where Connor’s bedroom was located, while trying to calm my racing heart.

It was when I began to grow closer that I started hearing it. Soft moans and the sound of voices, but I still didn’t think much of it as Connor’s older brother Gregory typically had a new girl over every week.

However, as I grew closer to Connor’s room, I quickly realized that the noises I was hearing weren’t coming from Gregory and his flavor of the week. Instead, they were coming from Connor’s room, and the girl’s voice, which uttered his name again and again, sounded too fucking familiar.

"Yes, Connor, harder, harder!"

"Do you like that?" Connor growled in response. "Tell me how good my dick feels, baby."

"So good! I love your dick so much!"

Freezing in place, I try to make sense of the situation and what I am hearing, because it is impossible that the man who chased me for a year in high school would do something like this, right? There was just no way.

Deciding that I had to be hearing things, I continued to move until I reached my destination and found that the door was cracked, which was why the voices could be heard so easily.

Being careful not to make any sound, I slowly crept forward until I could look inside, and there they were.

Connor was standing at the foot of his bed with his back to me, and he was completely naked, so I had the perfect view of his body, which moved back and forth while he fucked Sadie, my best friend and the last person I would expect to be with my boyfriend.

I was frozen in place, rooted to the spot, as they went at it like fucking animals until both were crashing into orgasm.

"Ah, so good!" Sadie gasped as Connor pulled out of her and collapsed on the bed. "Say it," she purrs. "Say that my pussy is much better than Avery’s."

My eyes grow wide as I take in her proud face as she speaks. How was it possible that she could be so happy about doing something like this to me?

"You’re better all around compared to that prude bitch," Connor responded, pulling her closer. "That’s why, as soon as she returns from college next week, I’m going to break up with her so that we can be together."

"Finally," Sadie sighs. "I’ve waited so long to brag about you being mine."

That was it, I couldn’t watch this shit any longer.

Unable to contain my anger, I shove the door in front of me open and storm into the room while Sadie and Connor jump up and look at me with wide eyes.

"A-Avery?" Connor gasped, attempting to get up while Sadie clung to him. "Why are you here?"

"Apparently I came home early to see my boyfriend and best friend together."

Fuck, this was painful, but I couldn’t give them the luxury of seeing me cry. I wouldn’t. Absolutely not.

"And since I have, I wanted to ask both of you something."

"Ask us?" Connor asked, seeming confused. "Is this really the time?"

"It is," I confirm. "So, how long has this been going on?"

When in hell did the two of them begin to see each other? The three of us had always been close, so of course I was oblivious to the shift in their relationship. Was it back in high school? Maybe that summer before I went away to college? Or was it while I was away getting my degree that I was worthy of standing next to Connor?

"Well?" I demanded, grabbing a vase of flowers that I had sent to Connor while I was still away as a surprise. "Answer me!"

As I speak, I dump the contents of the fucking vase on them, so they’re both drenched and covered in flowers and petals.

"Avery!" Sadie gasped, her eyes growing wide. "Are you crazy?"

"Maybe," I confirmed. "Do you want to test it?"

"Are you threatening her?" Connor demanded, stepping between the both of us. "You should realize whose home this is!"

"I do," I responded with a shrug.

"I think you should leave then," Connor continued, driving the nail in the coffin. "As you see, we’re finished."

"Good!" I laughed, trying to keep it together. "That’s fucking great! And just so you know, I’ve been seeing someone else too!"

I waited as Connor’s angry expression turned shocked.

"Who?" He growled, not at all acting like someone who was done with me. "Who the fuck is that bastard?"

"Not telling," I giggled, lifting a finger to my lips. "But just know that sometime soon you and I may be family."

With that, I turned and stormed out of the house, jumped in my car, and came straight to the bar to drown my sorrows.

"Related soon!" I sigh, laying my head on the counter while the bartender watches. "I told him we'd be related; what the fuck is wrong with me?"

"You were hurt," she shrugs, passing me another drink. "And instead of worrying about it, why don’t you instead focus on finding someone to soothe your pain? Maybe that guy over there?"

Frowning, I turn and let my gaze travel toward where she is pointing to find a much too familiar face sitting alone in a booth watching the pole dancers that rub their bodies together on a stage in the middle of the bar.

"You know," I murmur, coming up with a plan right then and there. "He may actually be the perfect target. Excuse me."

After gulping down my drink, I straighten my dress, which I had spent hours picking just for Connor, and begin to move, weaving my way in and out of the crowd until I reach him.

The minute I flop down on the seat beside him, his dark gaze begins to take me in like a predator.

"Can I help you?" He asks, his full lips twitching up in a smirk. "I think maybe you’ve mistaken me for someone else."

As he speaks, he shifts in his seat a bit so that his suit pulls tighter against his muscular frame, and I get a slight glimpse of the large chest piece that rests on his chest.

"I haven’t," I counter, reaching up and brushing some of his salt and pepper hair out of his face. "You’re exactly the man I want."

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Eliza Selmer
Thanks for considering the story anyway. :)
goodnovel comment avatar
She was dumb from the onset so she’ll do more dumb things just to get even to Connor…I’ll pass…my time and money is kinda tight lol

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