

“You’re a drunkard.”

“But damn fun to be around.” He pointed out.

“No. You’re not.”

Mardichi gave a slight shrug. “That too, is a matter of opinion.”

“What if she’s in trouble?” Acharius blurted about the young voice he could hear.

“Then your old bawdys will care for her. They’re plenty vicious. Recall tha’ day they wouldna lemme in the house? I asked plenty nice and they…” He gave a low whistle.

Acharius smiled fondly at the memory. “They were quite ready to fell you.”

“I think they may’ve tried, too!” His voice rose slightly as he responded to Acharius’ comment regarding them killing Mardichi with the tiny daggers they’d wielded.

“You were demanding to know if they had drink in the House.” Acharius defended.

“Twas a fair question…It’d been a long morning.”

“They thought you were a thief.” Acharius commented. “Shouldn’t you be out strolling Mane Country for Cimmerii?”

“Ye mean

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