

Standing in the graveyard a single tear rolled down my cheek. Looking at the plain headstone my family chose for my grandmother's grave was pitiful but it was somewhere I could visit. 

It has been a year to the day my Nana died and I visit her almost every week. I miss her so much. My parents moved out of their rental and into her house so this is the only spot I have left. 3 days after she died I turned 16 and my birthday present was my father telling me I was no longer part of their family and threw me out of the house. I had managed to hide the money so I walked the hour and a half away to the human side of our territory. I found a long term stay place and met the nice owner the night I walked in. She reminded me of my mother but she actually had a motherly way about her. 

When I walked in I was limping from my leg still not being fully healed. My face was bruised and bleeding making her gasp when she laid eyes on me. She sat me down and gently cleaned my cuts it was so sweet since she was a complete stranger but she showed me more kindness that day than anyone ever had. I got a single unit with a bathroom and kitchen it was small but it was mine. 

I spent a week to find a job at the local supermarket only 5 minutes walk from my new home. I worked my ass off and became supervisor for the checkouts within 6 months. Now I'm 3 days away from my 17th birthday and I feel a little bit free. Kat the owner of the motel said she would pop by my room after work to celebrate with me which made me smile considering noone other than Nana ever wanted to celebrate. 

Walking to work I was surprised when I rounded the corner and saw Bruce with his friends. None of my brothers were with him which was interesting considering Chris had taken his position as beta and Bruce is now taking more and more control of the pack. I hadn't seen anyone from the pack for a year. My heart started racing as I walked past him quickly. He must have recognized me because he followed me to work silently. He waited outside watching me work through the front windows. 

I only had relief when I had my breaks hiding in the break room. I finally finished after a 9 hour day and my heart stopped when I saw Bruce and his friends still outside. 

"You heading home Kitty? Do you know that guy?" My manager approached me. 

I nodded my eyes wide staring at Bruce who was looking right back me. He nodded realizing I was terrified. 

"Come on." He said taking me by the elbow and lead me to the back entrance. 

I followed confused and saw he was approaching a car. He unlocked it and opened the door for me. I got in, he drove me home. 

"Thank you." I said as I climbed out. 

He smiled and watched me walk down the alley towards the back of the apartments. As he drove away I heard quick footsteps behind me so I turned around and was met by Bruce's face and his friends. I froze as Bruce grabbed me and threw me against the alley wall. 

"Now I know where you disappeared too. You scent is still weak so your still wolfless huh?" He said making his friends giggle behind him. 

I looked up at him getting mad at his stupid face. I always hated him. He squeezed my arms making pain shooting up and down my arms. I yelped and he smiled wider more wild. He pulled me off the wall then slammed me back into it again. My head lulled greeting fuzzy. He threw me into the ground and I heard my wrist pop making me scream. Bruce grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me closer to him. I kicked and scratched at his arms and face before his friends grabbed my hands.

"God's no please Bruce please don't do this." I begged as he laughed in my face deep and guttural. He started undoing his belt and jeans and I fought harder until he wrapped his hand around my throat. 

"Keep fighting its making it hotter." He growled into my ear making the tears i was holding back start falling. 

Bruce nodded to his friends who were holding my legs and one reached up ripping my jeans off. I struggled harder getting a foot free and kicking at their faces. It was grabbed again I a second and Bruce pinned me underneath me. He forced himself into me making me scream causing his friend to put his hand on my mouth. 

After Bruce was done his friends threw a blanket over me and laughed with him as the walked away. I lay crying and broken on the ground, my family had abandoned me, my pack had shunned me and now my innocence had been taken. I wanted to give it to the man I would fall in love with. I looked up at the stars and cursed the moon gods and goddess for putting on this earth with a curse of being a  worthless wolfless werewolf. I stayed unable to move from the pain for I have no idea how long until I heard a gasp and willed myself to move to see Kat racing towards me. I felt the tears start flowing again as she wrapped me in a hug and helped me stand. 

"Kitty what happened sweetheart? Who did this? Let's get you inside and call the guards." The last part of her sentence made me start shaking. The guards look at me like dirt since the pack controls the human part of town they knew who I was and wouldn't care. 

"No please I can't I don't want too." I trailed off into uncontrollable sobs and she just nodded understanding my position and gently rubbed circles into my bruised back. We went inside and she helped me up to my room. 

I thanked her and she left me. I went to the bathroom and straight into the shower where I sat under the hottest water I could set it on just letting the burning water try to wash me clean. In that moment I finally snapped and decided I was done. I was done with this shitty pack. I was done feeling like a broken, half complete wolf. I would live as a human and never interact with wolves again. They had done nothing but hurt me my whole life when they were meant to feel a bond, a connection to me. 

I woke up in my bed sore and bruised from last night. I felt sick and violated by what Bruce, the future Alpha, someone who was supposed to protect me and our people, did to me. I packed my bag since I only had a few clothes and the knife from my Nanas place. I grabbed the money I had saved over the last year. I had saved another $6000 with my bonuses and all the hours I worked so I had $12,000 to start a new life with. I left without saying a word to Kat since I knew it would hurt too much to say goodbye to someone I considered a new mother figure and walked down to the town center. I brought a bus ticket to the farthest city it was going to stop in 7 hours away and boarded knowing I was never going to step foot in this territory again. I was never going to deal with wolves again and I was never going to see that pigs face again. At least that's what I thought when I stepped on the bus. I was so confident and finally felt a sense of peace and happiness. My new life was starting today that broken and used girl that was thrown away in an alley no longer lived in me I was a new person. 

7 hours on a bus was killing me I was stiff, but that could have also been from the night before too, I needed to pee so bad and I was straving. The bus pulled into Bedrock City's central bus station so I hurried off the bus straight to the closest bathroom. After that was taken care of I looked around and saw a burger joint. I got a burger, fries and a soda. Noticing while I was ordering and being served the staff were giving me weird looks but brushed it off. Maybe people in this city weren't friendly either. The woman who took my order came up and sat across the table from me just plopping herself down and stared at me. 

"Um hi." I said confused.

"You're a wolf ain't you." She said bluntly. 

I looked around I horror to see if anyone else heard her but noone was paying attention to us. I looked back at her and she had her head cocked to the side waiting for my response. I shook my head no looking down at my hands. 

"Oh so you're one of those wolfless girls then." She blurted out making me look up at her. 

She did smell like a wolf. Since I'm half wolf I still had heightened smell to sense other wolves. Or at least she didn't smell like one. 

"I'm Angel, this is my burger joint and I'm from Crescent Moon pack. I left a few years back. Anyone who runs from a pack must have a good reason. Make sure you come back we'll keep you well feed." She said before getting up and going back to the counter. 

Confused and a little frustrated I finished my food and left quietly while Angel was serving customers. Did I not pick the right city? Is this city in someone's territory? Am I just as screwed as I was before I left? My mind was racing as I wondered around what I assumed was downtown. I came across a fancy looking hotel with a help wanted sign in the widow and thought "why not shouldn't waste anytime." I walked in to the front desk and was greeted by a lovely looking lady with a bright smile. I smiled back. 

"Hi how can I help you today?" She asked in a chirpy voice. 

I cleared my throat. "Hi I saw you had a help wanted sign up I'm new to the city and would like to apply." As I finished speaking her whole face lit up and she nodded dipping down under the desk, coming back up with an application form.

"So you'll want to fill this out and have it back by the end of next Friday." She said. I took the form thanking her and left. 

I wondered for another 2 hours checking out the city. It's skyscrapers were impressive and people seemed friendly. I took a turn and walked straight into a wall of a man. He was easily 6'5 with moosy brown messy hair. He looked down at me with worry. 

"I'm so sorry are you ok?" He asked holding his hand out for me. 

"I'm fine. It's my fault I wasn't watching where I was going." I took his hand feeling what I could only describe as sparks flying up my wrist. I slipped my hand out of his quickly.

He shook his head a little, had he felt that too? I wondered. 

"I'm AJ do you feel ok I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked looking me up and down. 

I shook my head no. 

"I'm fine really. Sorry I'm new to the city so I'm just looking around sometimes I get so lost in thought I zone out." I said trailing off when I realized he was staring at me intensely. I cleared my throat and he shook his head again. 

"Well if you ever need a tour guide here." He said while patting his pockets. I was confused until he pulled out a business card and handed it to me. 

"I'll give you a tour sometime. Oh if you're looking for a place to stay Starlight complex has some great rooms." He finished pointing at a stunning building across the road. It was sleek black steel with giant windows running up the whole side. 

I gasped and was about to say I couldn't afford anything like that when he took me by surprise again. 

"Ask for Jamie and tell him AJ sent you and he'll give you a great rate. Being twins with the owner has its benefits." He said winking at me.

Before I could say or do anything else he vanished around the corner and down the street leaving me in stunned silence. I stood like a statue thinking about the strange encounter and that feeling I had when he touched me. The only thing to pull me out of the feeling was when I looked at the business card and my heart jumped into my throat. AJ Turner Starlight Memoral Hospital. He was Bruce's older brother.

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