
Chapter 5 - Amelia

Leo halts the car in the company's garage and I quickly step down. I watch him adjust his suit while waiting for me to lead the way.

“Keep your distance,” I warn as I take one last look at my outfit. The idea of putting on such a long jacket over such pretty dress just to obey Lorenzo force my fists to clench.

I step into the large lobby with white marble flooring and approach a brunette at the other side.

“Hi, welcome to Berg oil company. How may I help you?" the brunette asks with a smile.

“I'm here for an interview. I got a mail this morning,” I say hesitantly.

“Your name, please."

“Amelia Clayton."

The brunette punches some keys on the keyboard and looks up after few seconds. “Take the elevator to floor sixteen, room ten. The CEO is there already."

CEO? I made to ask but bite back the question. “And good luck Ms Amelia." I smile at her, then I notice her ogle at Leo. I want to keep quiet to know if Leo would be thrown out but its of no use, its either I end up not coming back to Berg or Leo will cause a huge scene. He is Lorenzo's underboss and definitely, he will love violence just like him.

“Oh, he's my personal guard. He'll stand watch at the door."

The brunette nods and I turn to leave, then take one look of disgust at Leo before stepping towards the elevator.

I step into the elevator as it arrives. I feel so angry that its only Leo and I in the elevator, that I thought of punching and spitting right into his face.

The elevator stops at floor sixteen and I feel butterflies in the pit of stomach. Knowing well that this may be the only chance I get to leave Lorenzo's house, I dare not take it lightly. Whatever it takes to get this job will be my priority.

I knock softly on the door of room ten and wait.

“Come in,” a stern voice instructs and I breathe in a lot of air before grabbing the door handle. I walk into the CEO's unusually large office and notice Leo walk in behind me.

“What are you doing?" I ask through gritted teeth.

“Making sure the surrounding is safe."

“Could you please wait at the door. Its an interview, not a meeting of the members of your scary famigilia. Damnit,” I cuss and let Leo step out after staring hard and long at the room and the man behind the desk. I quickly shut the door and exhale in relief.

“Sorry sir for the…” my words cut off as my gaze fully falls on the man behind the huge mahogany desk. His gorgeous face lifts from his computer and meets mine in what seems like seconds or maybe minutes.

My heart starts racing and my stomach flutters as I realize he is literally the most gorgeous man I have ever seen with distinctive oval face, a full-sized beard and matching mustache. His jet black curly hair matches his smoky brown eyes.

I hear him clear his throat and I realize I'm actually drooling over him. I take a deep breath to calm myself. “I'm here for the interview, sir."

I love the way his eyes follow my legs up to my breasts before returning to my face. I feel a bit uneasy but I still keep my composure.

“Have a seat."

I still feel his eyes watch me step towards the seat opposite him and I feel him rake my figure… or I am making that up. Just the shitty jacket won't let him get the best view.

We sit in silence for a moment, both waiting for the other to say something but I will let him first, as this is his office.

“Well…” he cross his arms over his desk and I notice his muscles bulging out of the arms of his suits. “What's your name?"

“Amelia Clayton,” I almost stutter.

“I'll call you Amelia. Its more unique and sweet."

Sweet? I almost ask.

“I'm sorry sir, Mr Neil Morreti?" I ask as I glimpse at the placard on his desk.

“Yes, but you can call me Neil."

He stares down at his computer for a few seconds before kicking his chair back. He walks to the front of the desk and leans against it. The first thing that strikes my mind as he moves over is his height. He's extremely tall just like Lorenzo. Why remember him now?

“How old are you, Amelia?" He asks with arms crossed over his chest, accentuating his large muscles.

“I'm twenty, sir,” I state in a low voice as if trying not to get heard. He arches his brows and narrows his eyes slightly. Then he smiles and walks behind me.

“I took a look at your resume last night and I must say its quite impressive. You graduated one year ago but you weren't able to secure a job to get work experience, why is that?“

“Its kind of personal, sir." I do not wish to delve into the cruel treatments I got from my father and how he restricted me. The fact that I didn't get a job is all thanks to him because of his already compromised political position.

“Then, are you married?"

I freeze. I sharply turn to my back but almost kiss his face as he is barely inches away from me. Why is he that close to me? I follow his gaze. I sharply spin and bend my head where I catch a glimpse of the ring on my finger.

“Engaged,” I manage to say as I dig my fingers into my palms while swallowing hard.

He leaves my back and sits beside me on the chair to my right and studies me for a moment. “Any plans for wedding yet?"

I don't understand why my personal life is the main questions he's been asking since the start of this interview but I still answer. “Its one day away."

I notice his body jerk in surprise. “And you're here for the interview?"

“My marriage won't stop my dreams,” I almost yell but I shut my eyes instead. “That sham won't rip me of my profession. I intend to become an independent woman."

“Sham? So much for getting married. You sound irritated. You're supposed to be happy."

“I'm sorry sir but—can we skip that?" I fight back the urge to cry. I already know there is no way out of this marriage. There is my father, a senator and Lorenzo, the most powerful capo in Chicago.

I'm trapped for life.

“Alright…” Neil clears his throat and reclines to his seat, “then would you like to be my secretary and senior analyst? You'd fetch my paperwork, lunch or drinks when I choose. You'd take my phone calls and be in charge of organizing my schedules and you'd accompany me on any business trips or lunches be it far or near while fulfilling your duty as the senior analyst of the company. Would that be okay by your fiancé?"

“He has no choice but to accept,” my voice come out surprisingly harsh. I'm being offered an opportunity to be a woman of my own without living off Lorenzo and its all that matters. I quickly clear my throat, “does this mean I got the job, sir?"

“The position is all yours. Just make sure to be punctual and hardworking, then we'll be in good terms."

I nod rapidly. “Thank you sir."

“Neil,” he corrects.

“Thank you, Neil,” I correct myself.

“Alright, Amelia. I'll see you tomorrow at seven."I quickly stand. Excitement flush my cheeks down to my heart and stomach. I finally have a one way ticket out of Lorenzo's house on a daily basis and the salary is quite beautiful.

I quickly check my watch. Its already 9am!

“Gosh,” I almost scream. In my haste to leave and return for the wedding shopping, I trip over my seat and begin to fall.

Neil reaches out to me almost with the same speed with an arm around my waist and one around my shoulder. Our faces are closer than they should be for an interview as we share the same breath. His warm breathe cascades over my face, it feels so comforting.

My eyes plunges into his smoky brown ones down to his lips as I wonder what it would be like if he leans down a little bit…

His gaze flickers across my face for a few more seconds as I point he isn't ready to let go yet. His head tilts to the side and begins to move closer to my face, aiming for a kiss.

The door push open. “Time is up, Amelia. We have to…” I hear Leo say as he walks through the door catching Neil and I.

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