
The Alpha's Celestial
The Alpha's Celestial
Penulis: Luranshiya Prince

01) The Voices 





Or is it twelve? Or maybe fourteen?

I can't remember anymore… 

Everything is a blur and all I could feel is the stinging pain of my skin tearing apart.

Twenty lashes!!

That's the punishment I got for taking a small slice of bread from the leftovers of the dinner before the omegas were done eating.

It's unfair and cruel... But that's how my life goes on.

Every lash and every hit I would receive is a part of my life now. I had to endure it till I'm able to run away.

And everytime that silver whip landed on my bare back, I wriggled against the restraints but somehow managed to stop myself from screaming.

I knew very well that it's what they expected too. But if I make any kind of noise, I would be (almost) dead meat. It also added to the fact that I'm being immune to silver and my self-healing ability being as good as a celestial. 

So they barely paid attention to the harm they would cause as long as I kept breathing. But the pain their tortures brought wasn't something a sickly girl like me could bare. Everytime it left my physical state even worse than than the last time and the tortures got harder and harder.

"Do you know what you've done wrong little slave?" After a long time, like forever, the beta murmured, putting the whip away.

"Y-yes... s-sir..." I managed to whisper through gritted teeth.

"Good. Then you're done here. Go and prepare breakfast." He said, freeing me from the restraints and quickly hurried away.

As my body collapsed to the floor a hysteric laugh escaped through my lips. 

It was always like this. After a routine of hard torture they would just go away ordering me to complete an another task without even giving me a chance to collect my bloody mess of a body.

And I was just an inch away from going insane and killing myself just so I could escape from this hellhole. But a small part of my consciousness kept me from doing that. And I too put all my faith into that little part of mine without even knowing why.

"Oh, the slut survived again. Good. It would be very troublesome if you died now. There is so much work to do here." The head omega said cheerfully as soon as she spotted me staggering out of the basement.

I didn't pay attention to her because I knew enough to tell that she is cheerful about something other than me being alive.

"No need to prepare breakfast now. It's already done and served. Clean the entire pack house, especially the guest rooms before lunch. The guest alphas will arrive in the afternoon. Make sure there are no mistakes." 

As expected, that's what she is so cheerful about. Now, since I'm (barely) alive she can order me around and make me do everything she was supposed to in the first place.

"Yes, madam." I replied.

She didn't care to give me something to eat, drink or at least some time to rest and I didn't ask either. That's the normal courtesy I received from them since that day and now I don't care.

So I forced myself to do what I was asked to do because I didn't dare to test the limits of my self-healing ability.

By the time they arrived one after another, I was hiding in my room, which was a kitchen cabin since they didn't want me to show my 'sorry ass' in front of those alphas.

However, instead of being grateful for the free time I got, I felt restless and uneasy. But that's not right. Is my wolf awake-

"Soon" A melodious female voice whispered into my ear disturbing my wandering thoughts.

"Who- who's there?" I asked, panicking out of my wits.

In my hurry to get up, I fell on my side successfully reopening the barely healed wounds on my back.

"Be careful" This time a powerful male voice warned as a small scream of pain escaped from my mouth.

I agree that I didn't feel any malice in those voices. But years ago the members of this pack weren't this malicious towards me either. Now I've learned my lesson. 

People are very different from what they show you at first. You shouldn't take their courtesy for granted.

So, when I hear these voices out of nowhere, it's extremely natural for my mind to freak out.

"We're not going to hurt you, Eva. Relax" The female reassured.

"H-how do you- No. D-doesn't matter... Please go away. D-don't hurt me..." I begged slowly, getting up and retreating towards the door.

"Eva... Relax. Don't panic, my child..." The female voice begged as if she wanted to hold me tight and take all my worries away.

But I didn't care. Whoever or whatever these two people are, I don't trust them. They will turn into my nightmares sooner or later as these Redmoon pack members did.

"N-no. Please... I-" As I tried to utter another string of pleas my frail body collided with something very hard.

Until a pair of muscular arms steadied me carefully I didn't realize that I retreated out of the room and collided with someone of a higher rank absentmindedly.

"Are you okay?" His powerful yet friendly voice asked worriedly, but all I felt was the imaginary pain of another upcoming round of lashings. 

"Hey hey... don't panic now... I'm not going to hurt you" As my breathing speeds up and I struggle to free myself he promised hurriedly.

"I- I didn't- I'm s-sorry... P-please l-let me g-go..." I begged, showing my neck in submission.

"Okay okay. Please don't freak out. I won't punish you. Don't panic. Okay?" He said, raising his hands into the air.

"Ezra!!!" A thunderous voice boomed outside the kitchen just before this over friendly beta could try to calm me down any further.

By then his dominant aura was the only thing that held me in place and I didn't want to make him angry by running away at the face of his kindness. But as soon as the owner of that thunderous voice entered through the kitchen door, I wished that I ran away earlier.

"Alpha" The beta bowed down as I fell to my knees in submission.

"What's going on here?" He questioned my pathetic state. 

"I accidentally bumped into her and she freaked out thinking that I'm going to punish her or something... So I just consoled her..." The beta explained slightly covering me from alpha's view.

However, that little act of his, angered the alpha to a point that he attacked his own beta without giving it a second thought!!

But what none of us understood is the reason for him to do so. And when those mysterious voices whispered into my ears again, I wasn't really ready to listen to that either.

"Are you sure that you don't know the reason? You or your wolf should've realized it by now." The female voice murmured into my ear as another man with a powerful aura marched through the kitchen doors.

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