
Chapter 3

Isabella's POV

It's been three weeks since Dad got home and he looks nothing better. I tried my best to make him feel less pain but nothing is working. I still haven't read the letter my mother left for me. I am afraid of what is written there. I honestly don't want to stop hating the fact that she left me and my dad to start a new family. She send me gifts every year on my birthday. My dad told me recently that she was the one that paid my tuition fees. I heard she really wants to be part of my life but she is afraid of being rejected by me. I walked into my dad's room and I couldn't hold my tears. "Hey dad, how is my old man doing?" I sniffed.

"I am better pumpkin" he smiles "and I look nothing old. By the way how was work today?"he asked.

"Fine dad, same old same old"I answered. I work in a law firm and the pay is really good plus I'm good at my job. "Dad, do you think we can read the letter today? I really do not want to read it alone and I am too curious to not read it at all" I said.

"Of course we can" he replied.

"I will be right back" I walked out of the room into the pantry. The place look so dusty because we rarely come down here. I personally hate coming into the room because it is where most of my mom things are kept. I saw my mom portrait by the table beside the box. She is honestly a very beautiful woman and I look everything like her. Wide hips, big ass and normal boobs. My definition of sexy. 

I opened the box and see the brown envelope, I opened it and a chain with a beautiful moon pendant fell out. "She really left this beautiful piece behind for me" I thought. I walked back to my dad's room. "I got the letter dad, now let's read". I announced. I moved to my dad's bed and lay beside him. " Oh by the way , I found this in the letter"I showed him the chain.

"You know, she brought it when you were just 6months old. She told me how beautiful it is going to look on you when you get older. I thought she left with it. I guess I was wrong, she must have really want you to have it" he said sadly.

"I know right. Let's just open the letter and find out what is is written there" I say opening the letter.

My dear Isabella,

Reading this means you partially forgiven me. I need you to know that I will never deliberately leave you and your father but my hands are tied. You need to know that I love you more than life itself.

       Isabella, what I am about to explain to you must remain a secret. I am not like you Bella, I am not human. I am a werewolf, I know you think this is some kind of a joke but it is not. You can ask your father, he knows what I am. He saw me shift to my wolf form countless times. 

                Werewolves meet their soulmate at the age of 16 but unfortunately for me, I didn't meet mine so I decided to take a break and settled in the human territory. I thought maybe my mate is human. I was in the forest when I met your father. I went hunting and he was hiking. He saw me shift back to human and instead of shouting like a normal person would do, he stood there looking at me like I am a work of art. I was afraid he's going to tell people about me but he kept my secret. We became friends. I told him everything to know about werewolf when we started falling for each other, I told him it was never going to work out because I know I was going to meet my mate eventually and I heard the mate bond is hard to resist. Your father told me not to worry about it, that we are going to cross that bridge when we get there.

We got married Bella, just the two of us in a small church. We had you after nine months and it was the best day of my life. I met my mate when you were a year and six months. I tried resisting the mate bond but unfortunately, I couldn't. When I told your father about it, he told me to go for it. He made it known that he was never going to be the reason I reject my soulmate. My mate on the other hand did not mind the fact that I have a child, in as much I did not plan on rejecting him we are good to go. I wanted to take you along with me but I was afraid taking you away from your father might make him lose his mind because you are his only family.

I am so sorry Bella, I really love you and I will never intentionally leave you. Whenever you forgive and ready to see me, ask your father for my phone number and address. I will always be with you Bella.



     I couldn't stop crying after reading the letter. My dad had tears in his eyes too. I feel so bad about hating my mother without knowing the reason.

"I'm sorry I kept the part where your mother is not human from you"my dad started. " I just want you to find out yourself".

" Does this mean I am a werewolf too?" I asked my dad.

"No you are not. Your human side is more dominant" my dad said.

"I think I have some of the gene though. I mean if only my skin tone, body shape and strength could count as one." I sighed. "I really need to digest what I just read and find out more about werewolves " I thought.

"Take things easy pumpkin. You just find out about what your mother is and I know it's a lot to take in. Just tell me whenever you are ready to talk to your mother." My dad said patting my back.

"I know dad. I just feel bad about judging her without listening to her side of the story. I can't imagine what she went through leaving her child behind " I cried.

"I understand you honey. It's just that I promised not to say anything to you until you read the letter " my dad answered. "Just give it time".

"Thanks Dad. Is there anything you need before I go out for a walk? "I asked.

"No honey" my dad waved. " I am good. Just please be back home before everywhere gets dark" my dad said.

"I will, I love you" I kissed his forehead."

I love you too " he answered.

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