
Majestic Deliverance

Alone with nothing but my shattered feelings to accompany me, I walked around Lyconville; my family’s original home before we left for the tribe.

But what use to be a wide canvas of tribal tents and captivating greenery was replaced by nothing more than burnt debris as far as my eyes could see.

“ Damn you; Jamie, “ I yelled as I slammed my fist on the ground. “ We were suppose to be together to lead the pack.

Heartbroken over Jamie’s betrayal, my mind couldn’t help but reply images of the wolf that I promised my virginity to choosing so random skank with an ugly tattoo on her face.

“ What kind of she-wolf has a ridiculous moon on her face and has the never to think it is attractive ? , “

Furious at the though of Jennifer , I extended my claws and craved several strokes into any debris that was in my radius. Hoping that each piece of stone and lumber I scratched was Jennifer’s face.

“ Who in the worl is that tramp any away ? I’ve never seen her in my life, “

My anger continued to drive my isolation until I began to feel a chilling breeze around the hyde of my neck.

“ Buffy Wingfoot, “ A eerie voice echoed around me as I frantically looked left and right.

“ Who’s there ? , “

My fingers began to sprout my sharp talons as I scowled around my burnt village as a strange mist slowly blinded my eyesight .

“ What’s going on ? ; “

More of the mist began to settle around me as I began to hear several growls accompanied by yellow glowing eyes.

“ Come out and face me you creep, “ I yelled.

As I looked around my surroundings, I began to see five tribal members covered with red facepaint and armed with razor sharp blades and arrows.

“ So this is the legendary Lycon ; “ the lead tribe member addressed her.

“ Lycon ? , “ I asked. “ Lycons aren’t real. They’re just a myth, “

“ Well the myth is still worth having a little fun with slaying you , “

The tribe leader pulled out his blade and slashed it against me. But I was nimble enough to escape its contact . I twisted his arm and caused him to drop the blade right before I slashed my claws against his throat .

After I maimed him, I kicked him in the chest and knocked him five feet away from me . Two of his tribe members pulled out their arrows and shot them at me.

“ Seroiusly ?, “ I complained as I charged toward the arrows, slashing them with my claws one by one . As I got closer to the archers, the remaining two tribe members pulled out they’re blades and stormed at me .

Each of them swung they’re knifes at me , narrowly missing my flesh as I slashed my taloms across their bodies. The tribe members feel to the ground as they dropped their swords right before I leaped toward each of the archers before kicking each one across the head.

“ Pathetic, “ I said as I walked toward their leader.

I grabbed him by the neck, suppressing the blood from the wounds I inflicted on him from spilling out.

“ Why did you attack me ? “ I asked him. “ How do you know my name ?, “

“We were sent by our alpha to find the last Lycon , “ the leader said.

I was completely in disbelief in the accusation of being a Lycon. My mother would tell me stories as a young cub of how Lycons were extremly rare werewolves and she wolves who could cast magic to rival even the moon goddess herself.

“ I don’t care what myth you believe in. Nobody attacks me without getting killed, “

“Then allow me, Young Wolf, “ A femine voice echoed from within the mist.

“ Who’s there ? ,” I asked.

Before I got my answer, a small ruby colored dagger with a wolf’s head embled on it flew past me and into the head of the tribal leader.

I gasped as I dropped his now lifeless body to the ground as more daggers appeared. But all of them manage to only kill the rest of the tribe .

“ What’s happening ? , “

Ha ha

A cheerful laugh came from thge mist as I saw a shadowy femlae figure with pink glowing eyes stare at me before running off further into the village.

“ Get back here , “

MY heart pumped with adrenilne as I pursued the strang woman as she sprinted through the remains of my village. She leaped into the near by forest as I followed her, jumping from one tree brench to another.

“ She must be a she wolf, “ I said to myself. “ But what tribe is she from ? , “

She chuckled at me as she turned her head , noticing that I was barely able to keep up her pace until she shockling vanished into the air.

“ What the ? , “

As a prepped to land on the tree branch infront of me , I found that the branch instantly disappeared and caused me to fall twenty feet to the ground.

Luckliy, the trees that were underneath me helped slow down my fall as I stumbled contionuosly on several branches until I found myself hitting the ground.

When I pulled myself up, I noticed that my left arm became disjointed from the impact so I walked to what appeared to be a stone pillar, prompt up my arm , and slammed my shoulder against it. Needless to say, I let out a huge scream as the shock of pain settled in.

“ Note to self: Never fall twenty stories onto a hard, stone floor, “

As I adjusted my shoulder, I looked around and saw myself in an ancient colusuem forged out of grey stone and emblems of wolves craved within the pillars.

“ What is this place ? ,” I asked myself.

Ha ha.

The strange voice echoed again but this time, the figure that I had been chasing appeared in the top row of the coliseum six feet above me.

“ I’ve never seen a Lycon fall so hilarious in her own coolusim before, “

She causually walked across the rim of the front row while wearing a long, blue dress and a crop top with pink jewelry with the head of a wolf on her shoulder.

“ My coliseum ? , “

“ Oh Dear. This new generation is so oblivious to our heritage, “

“ Heritage? Who are you and were am I ? “

“ Simple questions from a simple Lycon, “ She taunted me with a devilish grin. “ Fine. My name is Vixen and this; Little Lycon, is the Tiberius Bowl. But you will know it by a different name, “

“ Which is ? , “ I asked her

Vixen put her two fingers in her mouth and let out a sharp whistle, summoning four eight foot, muscular werewolves with white and blue fur.

“ Your tomb, “

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