
Little miss Attitude


The dining room was all intense. My father's glares could kill me at any minute but I’m going to ignore it. I looked at the idiot sitting across from me eating peacefully like nothing had happened, I looked at my brother who was sitting shamelessly beside him laughing and talking about Alpha stuff…

I looked over to my Mother who was sitting beside me like she was disappointed in me but there was nothing I could do but to sit there and have the most awkward dinner of my life. I sat there quietly, having the taste of my own medicine….

Even though I feel so bad about it, I would still do the same thing over and over again if I ever had the chance to reiterate it…

How should I explain to these creatures that I don't like it and they should always count me out if anything that deals with socializing…

My brother being the only person “Alpha Raphael“ is speaking with is really baffling my Dad and this is more reason that I’m dead tonight!

The dinner was over and Immediately Alpha Ralph the idiot and his Beta were accompanied to their room by Alex, My father stood up angrily and left the dining room, I was left with my mother and also my Camilla left for her room…

“Follow me!” My mother commanded and I followed her immediately, I don’t know why it was all intense.. They should’ve expected that I would do anything to not attend the dinner and it had always worked not until some psychopath appeared and mocked me in front of everyone here…

We approached my room, she opened the door and she entered, shutting it to my face so I could open my own door myself.. This woman can be so dramatic when she is angry…

I opened the door and she was waiting for me with both  hands on her waist.. 

“What the fuck is wrong with you Eleanor???”  my cursed for the first time that I'm aware of, this is serious…

“You can't keep up with these childish manners. Do you intend to keep up with these behaviors? You are not a kid anymore but all you want to do is mock your Father and I ” 

“You guys make me do what I don't want, what did you expect?”

“You can't always get what you want! That's not life!! Get it together, You are golfing out soon and I'm telling you that you don't want to continue like this! I have nothing to say than you should go and beg for your father's forgiveness tomorrow ” She let out and then she left the room without waiting for my own reply..

“Really mum? You get to talk but I can't?” I yelled but she didn't answer me… I sighed  out and I collapsed on my bed… It has been a very long evening for me and I hope tomorrow is not as awkward as this…

“I'm grateful I'm not grounded this time!” I mumbled to myself and my phone rang. I picked it up from my bedside and it's my mum.. What is it this time around? I picked the call and she said calmly from her end..

“And, you are grounded!” 

“Oh! No! ” I yelled after she hung up because I'm not allowed to say anything in this house… I'm not a fan of going out but I go to the woods to calm myself and think about stuff.. Camilla would follow me sometimes but she is a strict person when it comes to rules… The stupid gown I wore is enough to joke me but it feels like the whole world is choking me more

….I took off my stupid gown and I picked my pajamas from my wardrobe.. I wore it and I crashed on the bed back

I'm so tired of this house, I hope mother goddess could take me out of this house someday and she should make it soon… I can't take it anymore, why is it so hard being an Alpha’s daughter… my brother seemed to enjoy everything as the person who will take over the throne.

I laid on my bed for a long time thinking about some stuff my mother had said, it's true I will be Wolfing out soon and that's when I would meet my mate, and he would be controlling as heck and I will be pathetic due to the stupid mate bonds. I hope he is dead by now so I won't have to live the rest of my life depending on my mate and feelings that don't matter…


 I heard a knock on my door, I checked the time and it was 11pm, I know it would be Camilla but I do need more advice or some sort of stupid consoling speech….

I grunted and I stood up from the bed.

“What do you want Camilla? you are not entering!” I said as I walked to the door, I opened the door and I was shocked by the person I saw at the door…

The idiot?

“What do you want?” I questioned in disappointment  because I was expecting Camilla and not the person that is going to add to my frustration….

“I'm just here to let you know that, I'm opposite this room and you have been grunting and banging your legs a lot...” Ralph said

“How does that affect you sir?” I asked 

“Oh now, you are finally showing some respect? By the way I have a very sensitive ear and I could hear you as a wolf..”

“Pluck those ears out then! F**king wolf!” I said and as I was about closing the door he pulled the door away from me and he came in with me and locked the door… 

“What is f**king  wrong with you?” I asked and he pinned me to the wall and he leaned towards me

“What are you, little miss attitude? A dog? And you should know how to apologize when you do something wrong, I still deserve an apology ” he whispered into my ears and it sent sparks to my whole body…Goosebumps all over my body and I must not show how intimidated and embarrassed I got..

“Hmm…” I cleared my throat

“What do you want from me?” I questioned not

Looking at him and aiming for his knees like before, So I could kick his ass and he would get the f**k out of my room… 

I tried kicking his knees and he dodged it, he flipped me and lifted  me up and I struggled to make him drop me but he won't, he moved us to the bed

“What do you think you are doing?” I yelled

“Teaching you how not to ever mess with me!” he said with a very unfamiliar dark tone which made my heart beat faster than normal…

I struggled a lot to let him put me down but all to no avail, all of a sudden we fell to the bed and I was under, he laid on top of me with my hand on his hard rock chest… I couldn't help but stare at him and he was also doing the same… After some seconds of being like that, I maximized my opportunity and I tried to kick him from below when he used his hand pin to hold my leg and he pinned it to the bed… I done with know why his touch are making me go crazy but this dude is a f**king psychopath!!!

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