


"I'll have you, dead or alive!"

I heard him bark as he stormed away from the cabin. He had hit me with all the strength he could muster and I was still dazed when he left, his hand cupping the chin that had been bruised.

I was once again summoned to the courts by the Alpha. As I walked in, I realized how tense the atmosphere was. I did a quick eye scan of the hall, Ryder was not in. I wondered if he was hiding away to keep everyone from seeing the scratches on his face.

"It has occurred to me that you could be an actual threat to a lot of harmless wolves in this pack, If you have the opportunity." The Alpha said at the same time I curtsied.

My head snapped up to look at him. "My lord, I have no idea.."

"You little witch!" Ryder yelled from the door as he walked in, his left chin which I had left the scratches on, bandaged.

"You tried to kill me and now you go on to pretend that you are clueless about what the Alpha talks about!" He reached the Alpha and sat next to him.

He was the Alpha prince and it was his right to sit next to the Alpha on the dais.

I was still speechless as I watched him rub on his face painfully and then recline back on his chair.

It was no secret that the Alpha loved his only son, Ryder and would readily take his words over that of anyone else and I realized then that his words were going to prevail over mine. What then was going to be the point in trying to speak in my defense.

As I remained before the Alpha, my father, the Beta of the Hedge wolf pack and supposed right hand man to the Alpha came into the hall, looking worried. My mother was on her heels and soon, the hall was filled with members of the pack.

'Shit. This is not a good sign. They are going to pass judgment on you with these people as witnesses.' My wolf said.

I thought so too as I looked around to the different familiar faces of the same people who used to boo and goad me before my rebirth.

"The Alpha prince has brought the case of your attempt to murder him officially to the pack courts and I have decided to give you a chance to defend his claim as there were no eyewitnesses to the incident." The Alpha said, drawing the attention of everyone to his compelling self. He looked around the hall and my eyes followed his line of attention on its own accord. It rested on my mother.. she was crying. She was one of the many people who had come to witness whatever it was that I was standing before the Alpha for.

My heart sank at the sight of her. My father looked even more helpless..his position as the beta of the Hedge wolves pack had no Influence on the Alpha.

"I want to know the reason you had ambushed the Alpha prince, I want to hear it before these distinguished wolves and she wolves assembled here today on your account."

I could not find my voice. The Alpha already seemed convinced that I had attempted to kill Ryder and he wanted to know why before he gave his verdict.

"I had not ambushed the Alpha prince, my lord." I said in my defense.

"Then what did you do?!" Ryder Intruded impatiently.

" I had ....." The words died on my lips. If the Alpha thought I had tried to kill his son, I was certain nothing would sound like a justification for it.

"What have you done?"

"I had not intended to kill the Alpha prince.. forgive me."

"You have not told us your motive and now you must die by beheading for attempting to take the life of the Alpha prince. You will stay in the dungeon until the day of your execution!" The Alpha declared. I heard my mother's loud wails as she pleaded with the Alpha to reverse the judgment, while the guards pushed me roughly towards the dungeon.

My anger towards Ryder had only tripled and I swore within me to get revenge on him for all he had done to me in my first existence at the Hedge wolves pack and for continually letting me suffer.

I was soon thrown inside the dungeon with only my wolf to keep me company.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks as the dungeon was shut and the guards left. I heard their heavy footsteps down the dark hall and it made no difference that I cried in anguish when they left. No one heard me.

The next day when I woke up, there was a loaf of stale bread and a plate of cold pottage that had been lowered into the dungeon. My throat was dry and parched but there was no water.

I could not hold myself from crying. When I heard footsteps down the hallway, I scrambled to the heavy metal doors and pressed my ears against it.

"I want water, Please." I cried, hoping that I had been heard, but there was no response. I pressed harder against the doors and wailed even more loudly.

"Please give me some water!" There was still no response.

I crawled back to the spot where the little crack up in the tall walls gave a beam of light which I sat under.

I slept off again under the tiny beam, thirsty for water and for revenge if ever the Alpha changed his mind about having me beheaded.

When I woke, the light from the walls was faint. It was night and the source of light was the moon that stood proudly up in the heavens. I was weak and could hardly call out when I heard heavy footsteps. Moments later, the door was pushed open and a guard appeared at the threshold.

"Brace up. I hate to be the bearer of this tale, but tonight, you get executed."

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