
Chapter 108

Chapter 108


"They dont want money Dad, they said they want to see you turn yourself in or they will kill me" Daisy told him,

"Oh Honey" Mr Montero covered his face crying

"Please save me Dad, I don't know why anyone would want to frame you like this, am so sorry, I love you Dad" she coughed more blood making Mr Montero touch the screen of his phone

"Honey, I will save you, please hang in there" he cried, Steve pressed the button and ended the call

"Do you think that will do the trick?" Daisy asked worriedly

"I think it will, all we have to do is wait, Alex, get rid of the phone" he said to Alex

"Not before I send a text" Alex said, he texted Mr Montero telling him that if he didn't admit to killing everyone he has ever killed the next day before the verdict, then he would receive Daisy's dead body.

" I will be on my way, you two be ready for tomorrow, Mom will come and pick you up" Alex said,

"Alright goodnight" Steve and her said at the same time.

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