
Chapter Nine

Sequoia's POV

I looked at Mistress Kali stunned. Niylah looked at me and shrugged. There was nothing else to do. We sat beside Kali and watched the petals. They just sat there, no movement at all.

Kali closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The gentle breeze began to pick up and suddenly, the petals moved with the current. We all watched and soon Kali urged us to stand up and follow the petals as they flowed down the stream.

The petals danced, swirling and criss-crossing each other elegantly but never touching. It was beautiful, mesmerizing. Niylah smiled at me as we watched the petals flow down with grace.

The winds soon began to pick up and something blew across my cheek. It was a split second and then I saw it: a blue petal.

It floated down into the stream and danced next to mine and Niylah's. It was an intricate dance but soon Niylah's petal got left behind and mine was left dancing with the blue petal. It continued for a while until it reached the rapids of the river. The currents were strong and violently and the blue petal and mine no longer danced with beauty and grace. It fought with the currents and rocks. Niylah's petal soon caught up but was caught in the fight as well.

The three bob and dipped in the water and finally they reached a little waterfall and the show ended.

I looked at Niylah in shock.

"That was a beautiful show."

We turned around and saw Kali standing behind us and clapping lightly. The silence of her footsteps still made me scared.

"What was all this for? I don't understand. Explain it to us, Mistress Kali."

But she was silent and simply smiled, picking up her basket from the ground.

"The beauty of the future, young Suprema, is it's mystery."

With that, she turned and walked away. Niylah and I were dumbfounded. What was the point of telling us all this if she would reveal the future to us.

"This is dumb," I said angrily. "Let's go home. Sephora and Artemisia will be waiting."

We turned and headed back in the bright gleam of the moonlight. The thought of the petals was etched in my head. What did it all mean? Was it good or bad? It was a question only Lunaria's waters could answer.

Niylah and I trudged home quietly. The crickets were loud and obnoxious and I could feel my ears screaming for them to stop. We soon reached theain pack enclave and the wolves that were outside turned to the both of us and stared as we walked past. I was wad uncomfortable and so was Niylah. Why were they all staring? I hated this.

I'm the midst of the sea of eyes, I could make out low voices.

"...weak and will never be a good leader."

"...the old Suprema should keep ruling..."

"...shhh. Don't talk about the old Suprema..."

I bent my head lower and walked even fast, desperate to get away from the voices. We soon reached the pack house and when I looked up, I saw Sephora and Artemisia on the rooftop terrace.

"We should head upstairs," I said to Niylah.

We hurried upstairs and soon we were at the top. Sephora stood next to Artemisia with their backs to us, facing the open window.

"I'm glad you two are back. It would have been nice to tell us where you were going though."

Finally Sephora turned to us and so did Artemisia.

"Artemisia, please take Niylah to bed. I need to talk to Sephora alone."

Luna Artemisia flashed me a cold stare and walked back downstairs with Niylah trailing behind. In a few minutes, they were gone and I was alone with Sephora.

She sat on a bench, facing the open window and the moonlight sky.

"Are you just going to stand there? I assumed that your legs would be tired from all that walking."

I smiled faintly and went to sit next to her. It was a relief that I wasn't in trouble for my little night adventure.

We sat there silently, watching the stars as they're twinkled in the sky. The moon bathed the land with it's light and pups that couldn't sleep came out to play.

"I can tell that something is bothering you, Sequoia. Care to share?"

I took a deep breath.

"I don't think I'm ready for this Suprema stuff. I don't think anyone will follow my lead. I'm not ready."

I felt a tear form but I wiped it away quickly. Sephora, however, was silent, as if she hadn't heard a word I said. I decided to continue.

"As I walked back with Niylah, people were staring and whispering that I was weak and that they preferred the old Suprema."

I looked at Sephora again and she took a deep breath.

"The old Suprema had maintained peace through out her lifetime and the people expect that you do same. Respect is not given with power. It's is earned and you must earn their trust if you wish for them to see you as more of a leader. You must be strong and valiant. We have only 5 months to get you ready."

" Five months isn't enough, Sephora. I'll never be ready."

She smiled and took my hand and gently squeezed it.

"Then we will make the best of the time that we have here. We will train hard everyday till you are ready. But promise me one thing."

Her face was now grim and serious.

"What's that?" I asked nervously.

"You must not hold back, not to me or anyone. You must attack a full strength. No holding back. This all depends on you. Don't think about hurting me. Just think about becoming stronger. Please, I need you to do this for me. I cannot fail in training you."

I saw the plea in her eyes. In general, she was asking me to hurt her. What kind of sister hurts a sister?

"Sister Sephora, I..."

"Please, Sequoia. Neither of us must fail."

I sighed sadly.

"I promise, Sephora. I won't hold back."

I saw a huge smile grow on her face.

"Come to think of it, I don't think you could ever hurt me with your terrible form."

I laughed.

"We'll see about that."

She nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"It is settled then. We begin intense training at dawn..."

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