
Chapter 29- Myra

One training montage later which had a duration of about two days and I was still pretty shit at combat.

I don't know what it is, I thought since the sword spoke to me by obnoxiously catching my eyes then that meant I was destined to wield it. Or at least I would not suck as badly as I do. But alas, I am unable to properly hold the thing to swing it at people because my sweaty ass hands kept making the hilt slide out of my palms.

Then there's the fact that every time I swung, I miraculously end up missing the training dummy each time.

The general and Raver both said that it was because I wasn't focused. Hunter laughed at me and told me I was just horrible at it.

How encouraging.

The reality was, we weren't exactly ready for war and what it would mean for us. We were on our way to fight and participate in a life-changing event that wouldn't have begun if I hadn't found that rift that faithful day.

As for the progress update, however, the men in the army have been training for much long
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