
Sugar Baby for Three Billionaire
Sugar Baby for Three Billionaire
Author: Roro95

1. Sugar Baby

The girl sighed for the umpteenth time. She looked again at the lecturer, who was grumbling in front of her at length. Her life is tiring enough, and now she still has to listen to all the nagging of her guardian lecturers because of the tuition fees she doesn't pay and also because of her grades that keep dropping.

Don't blame the girl; blame her bad luck for having to live alone and work like hell to support herself and pay for her studies. Not easy, of course.

Bella Safira, a girl with petite stature, a beautiful face with pale white skin, and beautiful eyes that always looked sad, had to meet Mrs. Alma to listen to all her complaints about administration, finances, and more.

"Frankly, are you on drugs?"

Bella frowned in confusion at the lecturer's question.

Drugs? Seriously, to eat three times a day, Bella has to do a lot of work; then how can she buy drugs?

"You used college money to buy that stupid drug?" Mrs. Alma stared at Bella with her eagle eyes. So sharp and intimidating.

Bella wanted to laugh, but she held it in because she saw Mrs. Alma's serious expression.

"Of course, you look very thin; your skin is pale, and your eyes always look glazed! What kind of drugs are you taking? Should we call the police and do a urine test?" Mrs. Alma tries to threaten Bella.

This time Bella smiled faintly, and she then shook her head slowly.

"You know, I'm very poor, right? It's difficult even to pay for college, so how can I buy drugs?" Bella spoke slowly. She tried to restrain herself from saying rude things to Mrs. Alma because, honestly, this is no longer funny to her.

"Then ask your parents to see me tomorrow; it seems that talking to you is pointless!" snapped the old woman.

Bella smiled broadly, then shook her head slowly.

"I don't know where my father is, and my mother is dead. If you have to talk about something, it's better with me."

Mrs. Alma was silent when she heard Bella's answer. Poor girl, that's what the old woman was thinking.

"I work three part-time jobs every day; that's why I look thin, pale, and always tired. If you don't believe me, I don't mind doing a urine test, as you asked me earlier. And regarding the tuition fee, if possible, please give me spare time; I will find more money to pay for it," Bella pleaded while showing a pitiful face.

Mrs. Alma said nothing. She didn't know that Bella lived a pretty tiring life for a girl her age. Living alone in the harsh city of Jakarta is not easy for the girl.

"If you were a little smarter, I could help you get a scholarship," said Mrs. Alma with a tone that began to soften.

"Yeah, too bad," Bella muttered.

"Okay, I'll give you a little extra time, but if you don't immediately pay off all your arrears of tuition fees, then you can't continue your studies here anymore."

Bella smiled, thanked her, and immediately left Mrs. Alma's room.

Bella chose to sit in the campus garden, looking up at the sky and letting the warm sunshine on her pale face. Once again, life is very tiring for her.

"Hey," said someone who had just sat beside the girl.

Bella just glanced at her, then looked back up at her face and closed her eyes tightly.

"I know a way to get money fast if you really need it," Rose said, looking closely at the girl beside her.

Rose is Bella's friend from high school; of course, the girl really knows what difficulties Bella is facing.

"Become a drug dealer? No thanks!" she snapped.

"Of course not! I know someone who can give you anything you want!"

Hearing Rose's words, Bella straightened her body and looked at the beautiful blonde-haired girl beside her.

"You no longer need to do many part-time jobs, and he will fulfill all your needs," Rose said casually.

"What job are you talking about?" Bella leaned closer to look at Rose closely.

"Sugar Baby," Rose whispered.

Sugar Baby?

"Become a mistress?" Bella shrieked in disbelief.

For whatever reason, her life was shattered after her father cheated and left her mother. And now Rose is offering her as a mistress? The girl must have lost her mind.

"Sugar babies and mistresses are so different! You're not going to be anyone's mistress!" Rose tries to convince Bella.

The girl shook her head quickly; she didn't want to destroy any woman's life by becoming someone's sugar baby or mistress.

"You just have to do what he wants, and he'll give you anything you want! Anything! You don't have to do any backbreaking work anymore! You don't have to worry about what to eat anymore, and all of your tuition fees will go directly to you; it pays off even when you graduate from college!" cried Rose quickly.

She knew Bella would not easily accept her suggestion; it's just that she felt sorry for Bella because she had to live a difficult life so far.

"Is this not selling yourself?" Bella asked after a long silence.

"Suppose you're bartering with someone. Exchanging things for mutual benefit. Some sugar daddies just want the company to talk to, hang out with, or something like that, and some do want your body. No one knows for sure what those billionaires want," said Rose slowly.

"Are you doing this too? Are you being a sugar baby?" Bella stared at Rose closely, waiting for the girl's answer.

"Otherwise, how can I survive while my parents are busy fussing over possessions without caring about me? My sugar daddy isn't too much trouble; he just asks me to be his partner every weekend. He is a rich widower who does a lot of tiring work. I comforted him, and he gave me whatever I wanted."

Hearing Rose's story, it seems that being a Sugar Baby doesn't sound so bad to Bella.

"Don't rush; just think about it first," Rose said slowly.

Bella took a deep breath, then looked up again at the sky and closed her eyes tightly. The warmth of the sun returned to her pale face.

"Isn't it very tiring to keep working while the money is never enough to support your life? Nowadays, especially in Jakarta, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer! If there's an easier way to get money, why work so hard?" Rose exclaimed as she lay down on the grass and looked up into the sky.

Bella chuckled lightly at Rose's words. That girl was so right. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. That is a sad fact about Indonesia.

"By the way, why were you taking so long in Mrs. Alma's room?" asked Rose without looking at Bella.

"She thought I was on drugs and asked me to do a urine test!" Bella said with a faint smile.

"No wonder. You look so pale and thin, and your eyes look like a zombie!"

This time, Bella burst out laughing. It looks like zombie life is even better than hers. They don't need to think about anything and just follow their instincts when they smell food.

"Fred has a friend who is looking for a Sugar Baby. He asked me if maybe I could have a friend who could be a sugar baby for his friend. A young, beautiful, and smart girl. Ah, if possible, the girl must have artistic talent or something like that. Haven't you ever had piano lessons before?" Rose turned to see Bella's reaction to her words.

"I haven't touched that thing in a long time. Since my mother sold our piano, I haven't touched it until now." Bella answered casually.

"You were very talented back then; your talent won't just disappear. He said, His friend is very rich, much richer than him; you will earn more than you can imagine if you become his sugar baby!"

"Are you sure sugar baby isn't just another word for a mistress?" she asked once again.

"Very different, you idiot! Even though many Rich men have sugar babies and keep them as mistresses, not all of them are like that." Rose replied after taking a very long breath.

"A sugar baby is not a person who will do whatever his sugar daddy wants just because he is given money; you have the right to refuse or leave him if he hurts you or does something you can't accept." Rose chirped while spreading her arms, enjoying the greeting of the sunlight that warmed her body.

"I know you're tired; your life is really tiring. You fought so hard that you forgot how to have fun. By being a sugar baby, there will be nothing for you to worry about. You can also have fun like other people our age," were the last words Rose said before she fell asleep.

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