
The wedding

A week later,

Decorative lights and illuminants lit up the extravagant room. Lady Wendy Del Rio, Davis mother walked in with Isadora, the last child of the Del Rio Family.

They were beautifully dressed for the great ceremony. They walked towards Claire who sat in front of the vanity mirror.

"Mother" Claire muttered happily and turned to face her mother -in -law and her sister - in - law.

They got to her, holding their luxurious gifts box wrapped in a satin ribbon.

Claire looked at the nicely wrapped gifts in front of her and laughed heartily.

"Mother, sister you're so sweet. Gosh! All this for me"

She giggled.

"Having a beautiful and influencial lady marry into the Del Rio family is a great accomplishment" Lady Wendy muttered touching her cheek.

At that moment, Claire felt honoured.

"Mother, Gosh! I'm gonna cry now" She said happily and Lady Wendy laughed out. Suddenly, Phoenix, Davis eldest sister entered and spoke.

"Look Claire, i made cookies for you"

Lady Wendy was still laughing gleefully when abruptly her lips curled downwards and her eyes furrowed indignantly. She walked to Phoenix and hurled the plate of cookies in her hand.

"You're pure nonsense, Phoenix" She muttered.

"I don't know if you're just being stupid or you hate good things. Who give cookies as a wedding gift" She snapped and Phoenix recoiled in shock. She sighed in relief.

She knew her mother never liked her since she's considered as being ugly. Her siblings Davis and Isadora were not left out. They loathed and despised her too.

She was only loved by their father but since he passed away, she's treated like an outcast in the family.

"If you don't have the looks, at least have smarts. Are you that dense?" She growled.

Phoenix smile disappeared at that instant.

"Don't just stand there and use the door!" Lady Wendy retorted. Phoenix nodded and rushed out not looking back.

"Gosh! I hate her!"Isadora muttered. Lady Wendy turned back to face Claire.

"I apologise for her manners. We could get you dressed up" She said and Claire nodded slowly.


Samantha rubbed her eyes slowly. It's been a week she started staying with Granny and she's getting better already. Her father never called nor look for her. She couldn't walk outside at day without being laughed out. She sighed and sipped her cup of tea.

She stared at the television set and frowned when something caught her attention. She felt the tightness in her chest and gaped out loudly.

The face was so familiar.The blood on her face drained in an instant. The same man that took her virgnity. The same man she got pregnant for. The same man that put her in a mother way, hence she's been scorned by society.

"Davis!" She muttered the name on the screen.

He was getting married. Anger and pains surged in her heart. He can't be happy after ruining her life.


Her jaw tightened. She was seething with rage. She stared at the television set mesmerizing the address. She grabbed her handbag on the couch and rushed out of the house.


Expensive cars of different brands kept stopping beside the church and rich personalities kept stepping out of them.

The church is filled with people, both men and women, all dressed beautifully. The interior is well decorated with balloons and beautiful chandelier light hangling on the ceiling.

The priest stands on the podium behind the alter awaiting the arrival of the bride. The door suddenly opened, and the early son penetrated into the church.

A beautiful young lady stands at the doorway with an elderly man with grey hairs. Obviously, it was her father.

She is wearing a beautiful white wedding gown which has the back sweeping the floor. A white veil covering her face, and a bunch of flowers held tightly in her right hand while her left hand held her dad's arms

He smiled leading his daughter down the aisle and straight to the alter, where the priest has been waiting. The crowd keep clapping and cheering for them.

Standing beside the alter is Davis Del Rio. He has an exciting smile on his face as he patiently waited for his bride to walk up to him.

It takes few minutes before his bride finally got to him. Her father handed her to him and walked back to the congregation.

Not letting that sweet smile off his face, Davis lifted his hand. The bride carefully placed her palm on his and they both turned to the priest.

The marriage rite kick off afterward. Davis was staring at his bride from the corner of his eyes, he was glad that he'll be getting married to the most beautiful lady in Braeton city.

"Do you, Claire Wilson, takes Davis Del Rio to be your husband?" The priest said in a loud voice.

She didn't answer. Her heart was beating so fast. She was sweating profusely. Davis frowned deeply.

Why was Claire taking so much time to answer?. Was she having a second thought?

The priest cleared his throat loudly, then he repeated his question.


A loud voice was heard. Everyone turned their gaze and along the aisle, stood a lady poorly dressed and her hair unkept. For minutes, silence assumed the air as everyone await for her to speak again.

"Stop! You can't continue with the wedding" She muttered walking down the aisle and straight to the alter. Her eyes were fixed on Davis who look shocked. He was so surprised to see her again.

She took a deep breath and spoke.

"I'm pregnant for him, here is the test results"

She lifted it up.

She didn't know where the courage came from but she's glad to have spoken out.

Murmuring arose immediately.

"What?" Claire recoiled in shock. Her heart leaped to her throat. She removed the veil from her face and faced Davis.

"W... what's she talking about?" She stuttered. Davis remain silent.

Claire grabbed his hand and stared at his face.

"Davis, what's this woman talking about?" She asked.

Davis eyes twitched a bit. He quickly avoided her inquiring gaze. Davis couldn't denial as he's oblivious that his exquisite night with her might have resulted in a pregnancy.

"Answer me!!" Claire yelled as she was sobbing already.

His silence was an unspoken sent a shiver down Claire's spine.

To her dismay, he lowered his head.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. Claire stared at him blankly. A searing pain shot through her chest.

She heard muffins voices from the congregations and that's when the reality of the situation began to slowly sink in.

She was embarrassed and humiliated to the core. "You man whore!" The tears streamed down her face.

"How could you do this to me?" She said hitting his chest. She stopped and looked at Samantha and back at Davis.

She regretted falling in love with him. He has always been a Casanova but she thought he will changed since she believes he love her too.

Now she doubt. She has been naive and stupid for so long. Perhaps love had blinded her.

However, she couldn't be humiliated like that, so she slapped his face in response.


Everyone gasped.

"I'm done with you,," She said angrily and turned to leave. He immediately stood before her and hugged her instead. Claire could barely breathe. She struggled to free herself from his hold. Her face quickly turned from embarrassment to sadness. She pushed him off his. She raised her white wedding gown and ran out of the church.


"What have i done?" Samantha thought as she felt guilty. She bite her lip nervosly.

She realized Davis gaze was on her. She couldn't help but played with her finger. Now, she's aware of the damages she has caused.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I didn't expect to cause such havoc"She covered her face in shame.

"I was depressed too. I can't possibly raised this child alone. I thought you deserve to know . I can't let my child suffer because of my mistake" she said, looking at him tenderly.

A frowned creased Davis forehead as he cast an incredulous look at Samantha.

"Davis, trust me. I didn't mean to ruin your wedding. I don't know what came over me. I bet i wanted to save my baby from the harsh society. But, if you don't want this baby, then i understand. I won't bother you and raise the baby on my own. I'll take my leave......."

"Enough!" He growled. His eyes blazed with anger.

"You're pregnant for me right?. Then let's get married" He said and everyone gaped.

"What!!" Samantha mouth went agape. Davis turned to face the priest who was somewhat in shock.

"Continue with the wedding rite" He uttered.

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