
Someone Better
Someone Better
Penulis: The Fierce Lady

Chapter 1 Betrayal

Third Person POV...

Kendra almost went crazy with her mourning over the death of her beloved grandmother who was the only one who would love her and protect her no matter what so she decided to go to Manila to visit her boyfriend.

It's been a long time since they last saw each other and talked about their plans for the future. She brought a few clothes and enough money with her because she knew she could stay at James's house, her boyfriend's. She misses him too.

She remembered their sweet moments and promises before James decided to work in Manila. For their future plans, Kendra agreed to let him work away from her for a while though that a while take longer, and almost lost each other touch. Their left connection is through text and call which Kendra gets used to as the days pass by.

Working in the province will not let her earn a big amount of money but at least she is not renting any place though. Her grandmother has a small store in front of their house but now that her grandmother is gone she can't stay here as she remembers her all the time and it's suffocating and draining of energy.

The next day she packed her stuff locked their house properly and left early so she wouldn't spend the night wandering on the street of Manila especially since this was her first time. She is expecting her boyfriend will fetch her and she will be protected and well cared for.

Before noon, she arrived in Manila but no James was waiting for her at the exit of the airport. Before she left for Cebu, she sent a text to him that she was coming today. She tried to call again but his phone was unattended. She sat depressed on the side of the road and didn't know what to do as she knew nothing about Manila. Manila is a big place to wander around.

"What am I going to do now? Where are you, James? Why are you not here yet?" She groaned desperate and scared.

She took a deep breath and fought her fears to ask where to board going to Manila. Unfortunately, she didn't make it on the trip, so she was advised to wait for the next trip for a free ride tonight or take a taxi to get to where James lives in Quezon City. She is frustrated that her first time in Manila is not worth dying for but it's a disaster.

She checked her wallet if she had enough money to pay for the taxi. She didn't want to pay in full bill because she was scared she wouldn't get her change back. This is a typical mindset of a country girl going to a city. They don't just trust people easily.

She took a taxi to Quezon City but could not find the apartment where James lived. She's already tired and devastated. If only James had fetched her, she would not have experienced this hassle and trouble.

"What bad luck is this? I need to know what is the name of the condo he is living in right now." She cried desperately. She couldn't remember the name of the condominium because he just moved this month. She sadly waited for James to call but it was late in the evening and she still couldn't call him and James hadn't contacted her yet. She felt hungry and dizzy.

She looked for a small McDonald's or Jollibee because that was the only thing she knew where she could eat. After she finished eating, she went out and walked outside. She looked at a picture she got from James's F******k and compared it to the empty building.

"Yes! I finally found it!" She exclaimed happily. She took a taxi to cross to the other place.

When she arrived at the lobby, she happily greeted all the people she met even the guards. They were glad as well that she had good vibes. It's already late in the evening but she still has high energy to smile and greet them.

"Thank you miss. You have a gift to enlighten someone's ugly day! Always be a blessing to others sweetie." The middle-aged man he met in the lobby uttered.

"Oh! Thank you! My grandmother told me that even if you have a rough day always smile as God gives you another brand new day to breathe." The guy laughed softly and nodded to what she said. This a reality we must because not everyone is gifted to open their eyes the next day.

"You are right young lady! Everyone is having a bad day in a different way and a simple smile can make their day perfect. Your grandmother taught you a lot of good things." The old man answered amazed by her.

Kendra lost her parents at a young age and only Grandma Digna raised her. She raised her to be cheerful, patient, delicate, and most of all wise in life. That's why she is often liked by the people she interacts with even if she meets them once.

But he did not expect this to be revealed to him when he arrived at James' apartment. It wasn't closed so he could have entered freely but he couldn't handle what he was hearing.

"Harder James! Harder!" A soft growl came from inside his apartment followed by a crazy moaning enjoying the bliss of sweet pleasure.

"Oh yeah, baby! You love this huh? Deeper like this!" James replied moaning as she heard their naked bodies slapping together.

"Oh, baby! I will always love that!" The woman replied coquettishly.

"I love you, babe!" James moaned grunting with pleasure.

Kendra was stunned in disbelief as she knelt outside the door of James' apartment mouth agape covering her mouth with her palm.

She was helpless letting her tears flow listening to them enjoying whilst she was tired of roaming around Manila just to find this condominium and yet she will be bombarded like this. It's unfair to her and the heartless action of her boyfriend.

She covered her mouth tightly sobbing not to let them notice her just outside listening to how ecstatic they were cuddling each other. The only thing in her mind is the word, why? Why was this happening when I needed him?

She was stuck on the door hanging on the doorknob, clenching her fist as anger washes her. The betrayal and lies her boyfriend did is like a thousand knives piercing her innocent heart hurting her innocent soul as well. 

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