
Thinking About Her

After a pleasant time with Kiara- who left to return to her father’s company- Forrest has spent the rest of the day tending to his own company’s business. Be it to fill out some forms, look over his employee’s works, and speaking to his many clients. As he worked throughout the rest of the day, he could not understand why, but that nagging feeling of incompleteness still had its hold on him.

Truth be told, he had been getting this odd feeling for the past few years now. At first, he thought it was because he was in disbelief that he was finally together with Kiara, without having to keep up the whole ‘married’ act with the human he bought. If not that, then perhaps there was something in that roast beef the human made that had a funny side effect, but that couldn’t be possible. For after all, as a werewolf, he would’ve sniffed something out if she had smeared it with anything suspicious. But it truly tasted like a good roast beef- the best he’s had, if he would dare say it. Even Kiara was fine after having some. Besides that, it has been years since then.

Why the hell do I still feel… unsatisfied?’ he questioned himself, raising a hand to his chest. ‘Here especially. Something just feels off…

“It seems there’s an incident up ahead, Master Riverdale. We may arrive home at a later time than usual,” his driver informed.

“That is fine,” he simply waved off.

Now that work was done for the day, Forrest was on his way home. He had his window down, intended to enjoy the nightly breeze during the car ride, but with the traffic going on, the wind was far too slow for him to enjoy.

So much for wanting to feel the breeze,’ he thought, leaning his head against his knuckles, with his arm by the door panel.

“You really didn’t have to do this,” he then heard from afar.

Forrest looked out the window, where he saw a couple of humans standing on the sidewalk. Judging from how the female had her arms wrapped around the male’s, it was easy for anyone to tell they were together.

“I know. But I wanted to. You finally got promoted! What’s there to not celebrate?” the female exclaimed.

“How about the fact that I’ve been keeping you alone all these months? Even though I really wanted to be with you, instead of doing nothing but work…” the male said.

Forrest would’ve scoffed at the human’s claim, if not for the fact that he practically did the same thing with Kiara. Then again, it was not as though he chose to never contact her prior to their reunion a few years back. Ever since he was exiled out of his pack to the human realm by her father- Alpha Keegan- the Alpha had been making sure he never so much as to even write to his daughter. As such, it was mostly a given that the pair would not have heard from each other, and instead would have a growing desire to see one another more.

Guy made a right choice in doing that,’ he thought, glancing at the couple from afar. ‘It may be tough, doing so much work. However, what’s the harm if it means being with the one you love in the end?

“Nelson, I told you. I don’t mind it at all. I understand the struggles you’ve been going through. Why else would I be supporting you all this time? Making visits to you, cooking you lunch from time to time? I want to be with you always.”

Forrest turned their way at the female’s words. ‘She did what? Does she want her mate to fail in business? Distractions like that would only hinder his success.’ That was what made him and Kiara different from those two humans, and werewolves better than humans. ‘At least for us, we respect boundaries.

The car resumed its drive then as the light turned green. With the engine running and wind blowing, most people would not be able to hear what else was said after that. For a werewolf with sharp ears like Forrest, though, he could faintly hear, "I'm so glad I have you.”

Forrest felt disgusted then. The male was happy his female was distract him? And here he had assumed humans want to succeed in life. If these humans can focus more on their tasks over the reason for doing it, they could get somewhere in their lives, as Forrest had. He who rose from the bottom after his banishment from his pack, all so he could gain Alpha Keenan's blessings to be with his mate. Then again, since his exile, he and Kiara were strictly forbidden from seeing one another, which made it easier for him to not get distracted. Furthermore, as werewolves, they are undyingly loyal to their mates; he did not need to worry about Kiara having an affair with another. He would’ve known if she was.

Still, it is ridiculous how mentally weak these humans are,’ he thought regardless.

Just as he thought that, another thought came into his head, as he recalled a certain human he was once bound to, much to his own disgust.

'What the hell? Why the hell am I thinking of that human?’ he questioned, shaking his head to brush her off. 'It's been three years, and I've long since sold that shack and her leftover belongings. It's not as though I harbor any feelings towards her, either.

He looked out the window again, just in time to see a male human wrap his jacket around a female with him, protecting her from the cold night air.

“Thanks, Jack. I didn't think it’d get this cold,” he heard the female say.

“You had been on that dancing machine for a while. It's no wonder you feel cold now,” the male reasoned. “I’ll walk you home.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“But I want to.” He suddenly reached his hand out to her, and asked, “Can we hold hands?”

The female blushed at his question, before looking down with a nod, taking his hand in her’s.

Forrest let out another scoff at the sights as he turned away from the pair. It was clear from their scent that they were mates, yet they act so distant from one another, as though they’re still trying to hide how they feel.

What’s the point in being together if you’re going to act like this?’ he had to wonder. ‘Honestly, they’re even more ridiculous than she is.’ As soon as Forrest caught himself thinking about the girl, he was surprised by the mental comparison and shook his head again. ‘Why am I remembering her again?! She’s just a nobody not worth my time.

So he told himself, only to repeatedly think back to her each time he saw human couples interact during the rest of the ride. After what felt like forever, the car finally stopped at its destination, and Forrest exited out feeling more mentally exhausted than before.

I truly hope Kiara came to visit…’ he prayed. For after practically spending his night thinking about the human who shouldn’t matter, he was going to need something to remedy the headache he has forming. For werewolves like him, that remedy was seeing his own mate.

Lo and behold, upon entering his abody, aside from his servants greeting him, so did one other with them.

“Welcome home, master~”

Just the simple greeting alone from his most beloved made Forrest forget of his troubles, as he hastily walked over to her and claimed her lips, much to her and the other servants’ suprise.

“I need you in my room. Urgently,” he whispered.

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