
Revealing the Son

Fenris was shocked enough when Christen responded to him, then when she wanted him out of her life- when she wanted to have no further involvement in anything at all- but that last one? That one claim she made in her plea? Did he even hear her right?

“Baby? What baby?” he asked, kneeling down to her side. As he was about to place a comforting hand on her shoulder, before he could even touch the blanket, Christen toppled over a bit, leaning against the door, with the blanket falling off her body. To his shock, astonishment, bewilderment, and all other words he could think of to describe the sight before him… Her belly was swelling. No, not ‘swelling’.

“Pregnant… You were pregnant?” he asked her, looking to his mate and notice how pale she seemed. While he was no doctor, nor did he know much about pregnancy for human females, he could tell that it was not a good sign for the mother.

Just as he was about to comfort her, the scene changed again. Not really the scene itself, as it was mo
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