Shadow Of Death (Blood Bound Book 8)

Shadow Of Death (Blood Bound Book 8)

By:  Amy Blankenship  Completed
Language: English
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Shadow Of Death (Blood Bound Book 8)

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14 Chapters
Chapter 1
Shadow of Death Blood Bound Series Book 8   Amy Blankenship, RK Melton   Copyright © 2012 Amy Blankenship Second Edition Published by TekTime All rights reserved.Chapter 1 Chad and Trevor were currently participating in the battle of the century, one that only few could survive and walk away without serious injury… a glaring contest. Finally Chad gave in and blinked his eyes, “I told you Trevor, there’s nothing wrong with me. Trust me, if I had any supernatural powers I would use them on you right now. Even Ren says I’m still completely human and I don’t have any side effects.” Chad looked away from Trevor and set his gaze on Ren, “Come on, back me up on this.” Ren shrugged but ignored Trevor knowing it would be Storm's decision whether Chad was off the hook or not. “I don’t feel any kind of power coming from him… zilch. He’s still human as far as I can tell. Kriss said that he might heal faster than normal… at least for a while.” “So we don’t kno
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Aurora inhaled the stranger’s shuddering breath, sliding her fingers into his silky hair to grip it and pull him even closer. She tilted her head back when his arm came around her like a steel band and jerked her flush against him. His show of strength didn’t frighten her… it only made him more real to her. Michael backed her up against the block wall as he deepened the kiss. He could feel the swells of her breasts touching his chest as she started moving against him in a very seductive rhythm but nothing could be more seductive than the sounds she was making against his lips. He had a fleeting second where he wondered if she was some kind of demon that fed on sex then pushed the thought away. At the moment he didn’t care… if that was what she wanted then he would feed her as much as she needed. Moving his hand down to her upper thigh, he lifted her and guided both her legs until they were wrapped securely around his waist. As his hand slid up in under her skirt t
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Chad was still giving Trevor the silent treatment when they pulled into the parking lot at Moon Dance. The only one that had gotten a word out of him was Evey and Trevor was starting to feel a bit left out. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Chad to live alone. Hell, even he understood the meaning of privacy. What scared him the most was the thought of Chad going back to that apartment so that whatever had killed him could show back up for a ‘murder part two’. No one had been there the last time until it was too late… and he seriously didn’t want to relive Chad’s death scene. Once had been more than enough. Trevor sighed when Chad got out of the car without a word and strode toward the entrance of the club. “Hey, hold up a minute,” Trevor called out closing Evey’s door a little too hard. Great, now he felt guilt over both friends. “What?” Chad growled not bothering to turn around. “Come on man,” Trevor said as he caught up and placed a hand on Chad’s shoulder, “T
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Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Mrs. Tully walked through the front door of Moon Dance and immediately approached Envy, who was sitting in a booth near the bar. She frowned noting Trevor and Devon standing at different ends of that same bar. “Now,” she said getting straight down to business, “how about telling me what happened?” “I’m fine,” Envy insisted waving her hand dismissively, “I think I just got too excited or something.” “I see,” Mrs. Tully raised an eyebrow. “I take it you faint a lot then?” Envy frowned at her deciding not to even answer. The truth was… she’d never fainted before. Mrs. Tully pointed to the side door, “Upstairs now.” Trevor rushed forward to open the door for them. He even kept it open, letting Devon go in before him then growled when Devon tried to close it behind him. Jerking the door out of Devon’s grip he passed him on the stairs with a smirk and again opened the door for Envy when she reached her room. He looked around the bedroom then back at Devon, “
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Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Guy let go of Zachary and took a deep breath before releasing it loudly. If he smoked, this would have been a good time for a cigarette… this was starting to get too stressful. He could understand why Zachary was mad as hell, but this temper tantrum of his was taking it a little over the deep end. It wasn’t like he was facing a full blood demon and pissing it off or anything. Guy turned to watch Craven carefully. “Guy, look out!” Jason shouted calling Zachary’s attention away from Tiara. Guy spun around and his eyes widened when he saw two sexy women coming straight for him. Any other time he would have held his arms out in acceptance but… he didn’t think so. They moved with a strange snakelike quality and had several rows of sharp teeth exposed between their lips. Their hair was in long ratted locks that seemed to have a life of their own. His eyes darted to the sharp talons gracing their fingertips and knew exactly what they were… human legend called them Gorgon
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Tiara finally let the tears that had been burning her eyes fall. She knew that Zachary and her team wouldn’t let her stay locked up in here. She wasn’t ashamed to admit that she was scared out of her wits. Storm had never treated her like this… like she was some kind of diseased freak that needed to be caged. Zachary stormed through the now open doors and the first thing he saw was Tiara trapped inside Storm’s barrier. However, the fury that took over his rational side nearly fried everything around him when he saw the silent tears running down her cheeks. He turned his head to glare at Storm, his eyes beginning the change from blue to black. Before he could even issue the threat on the tip of his tongue, the barrier keeping Tiara prisoner vanished. In three long strides, he had Tiara in his arms holding her tightly against him. “It’s all right,” Zachary whispered into her hair. “I’m here now.” Jason stood in the doorway with Guy right behind him watching every
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Shadow roamed the early morning streets of the sprawling city remembering the last time she’d been here. It had only been a few weeks prior. Looking around her at the people walking by, she noticed the number of souls greatly outnumbered the living. They appeared as they had in life, going to work, riding imaginary bicycles, and even riding the buses. Deth would have a field day collecting them all if he were here with her. Her eyes narrowed at the vast number of demons walking around as well. Most of the demons she’d met over her years of servitude with Deth looked like normal humans and these were no different. What gave them away was the fact that she could feel the malevolent energies surrounding them. A thought came to her and she stopped in front of a lingerie shop to wait. She rolled her eyes at the mannequin behind the glass in its skimpy little outfit. The demons that walked by her didn’t acknowledge her existence. She shivered involuntarily when a handsome
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Nick looked around The Witch’s Brew and spotted Gypsy talking to a customer. This was one of his favorite places in the city as it was the only one that secretly supplied him with some of the more… interesting weaponry he needed. On top of that, it was a great place to shop for unique or odd Halloween and Christmas gifts. Despite all the strange things going on in the city right now, the people still continued to thrive. This shop was an ideal example of that as it was pretty crowded at the moment. Gypsy’s eyes lit up when she noticed Nick idly leaning against the weapons counter. She’d been so busy for the last half hour that it made her wonder how long he’d been standing there. “I think the Merlin costume looks great on you,” she smiled at the old man she’d been helping and handed him the matching wooden staff that had a crystal ball on the end of it. She quickly made her way through the racks and people over to Nick. “You’re busy today,” Nick smiled as he st
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Kane sat in the passenger seat of Chad’s car with a foot propped up on the dashboard. “What do you really think of all of this?” Chad asked. “I think it’s bullshit,” Kane answered while he lit a cigarette, “Envy loves both of them but their rivalry is what’s making her afraid to tell them the truth.” Chad nodded, “Makes sense to me… they would do anything for her. I think if she just came out and told them, it would save us a lot of trouble.” “She’s protecting them by not telling them,” Kane said. “Truth is, if Trevor wasn’t such a nice guy… Devon wouldn’t stand a chance. I’m glad the baby is Trevor’s. He will be strong.” “He’s going to have to be strong to keep up with his sudden extended family,” Chad smirked wondering what his sister was going to name him. “You were smart coming to us first. Right now, telling them the truth would probably be the same as telling them to draw pistols at dawn,” Kane said. “Either way they would be at constant odds… one w
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Chapter 10
Chapter 10 “Damn it, I hate walking through the woods after dark,” Guy complained smacking at his neck where either a bug was biting him or his hair had tickled his skin. The second it started itching he knew which one. Jason smirked over his shoulder at Guy, “What are you talking about? This is great!” Guy glared at him, “Who are you, Ranger Dan?” “Nope,” Jason answered. “I’m a forest ranger remember?” Tiara couldn’t help but smile when Guy stuck his tongue out at Jason’s back and made a particularly amusing face to go along with it. Being with those two made her forget that everything was falling apart around her. The team was like her family… it felt nice since her real family was so dysfunctional that they were either letting demons kill them or trying to kill her. Nighthawk walked ahead of them, easily leaping over fallen trees and navigating his way through the forest. Jason was directly behind him making sure to communicate everything that could injure anyone e
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