
Chapter 9


The day lagged on. Math tests were passed out, English pop quizzes were taken, homework was doled out and it was just now 303 PM. I was headed down to get Adaline and then head to the supermarket to grab dinner for tonight. Eggplant Parmesan is an all time favorite of ours and the meal we ate on our first date to the local Italian restaurant in the human town not far from here. Adaline was tired from her day so hopefully she would sleep in the cart at the super market.

I'm headed to the grocery store.

I'm grabbing dinner. Do you need anything special? I mind-linked Jackson.

No answer. I tried again but he blocked everything. Ugh that man. What could he be doing anyway? Maybe he's with the rogues and doesn't want me to hear whats going on in the background. I shuddered to think of what could be happening. As I walked in the grocery store I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched....I glanced around like I was looking at the spaghetti sauce when I realized there were scratch that 4 men not surrounding me but almost hovering around me. I turned to realize one of them was a kid I used to babysit.

"Timothy?" I asked in my mom voice. He jumped and looked up at me, "Luna." he stated. "Explain yourself young man." I commanded. "Alpha Jackson wants us to look our for you ever since the rogue attack the other day." he rushed. I gestured to the other guys surrounding me. "I don't need a babysitter, but thank you. And if you wake up or scare Adaline I will pull you by your ears and take you all to your mates or your parents." I exclaimed. "Yes Luna." they all bowed their heads. "And name is Stephanie. Not Luna." I told them and walked off to the produce section.

I don't need a damn babysitter. I'm not a child. I'm a grown ass adult who doesn't need to be watched over.

Jackson. Tell your goons to back off. Even if its just a little bit. I'm suffocating. I mindlinked him hoping he answers this time.

Yes ma'am. And did you ring earlier? I was busy with...stuff. He said back.

Yeah with rogues, I'm not an idiot hunny. I'm at the grocery store, other then dinner and dessert, do you need anything else? I asked as I grabbed the eggplant and a few more things waiting on his answer.

Beer. He answered shortly.

K see you in a bit. I answered and cut it off.

The posse of men still trailing after me as I rolled my eyes.


I knew the rogue. He was a pack member that my father had banished when I was about 16 years old. I was actually on a date with Stephanie when he attacked a she-wolf at the party we were at. And I don't mean attacked like jumped on her. He tried to rape her in front of everyone at the party. She was the betas daughter too. Dumb ass was exiled that night to be a rogue forever. He had the mark of a rogue and he could never join another pack after that. He had 2 rogues with him that were captured. One of them ratted them all that. They were definitely there for Stephanie. Which worried me even more. There was no reason for it except that someone else was in charge and why her? What has she done to anyone? I have known her my entire life.

I pushed all my thought aside as I stood by my front door. Knowing I couldn't keep any of my feelings away from her. She didn't have to have this bond to know what I was thinking. She's been able to tell everything about me just by looking at my eyes. She's been able to tell since we were 5 and in kindergarten together.

I sighed and walked in the door. Her and Adaline were laughing in the kitchen as she was helping mix together the ingredients for cheesecake. She looked up at me with happiness in her eyes and in that moment she knew something was wrong. She slightly tilted her head and stared at me. she never questioned me though as Adaline greeted me and ran up to me. I walked in the kitchen and kissed her temple.

Baby steps Jax. Baby steps. Snail moves are like baby steps.

Dinner was delicious. She has always known how to make a damn good meal.

After Adaline was tucked in to be we met on the back porch that met her new backyard garden and sat down on the bench.

"Ok spill Jackson." She started

"The rogues were here for something specific. We don't know all the details yet but they were definitely after you. I don't know why or who is behind it. But the main rogue was that kid who tried to rape Damon's sister at that party back in high school." I explained.

"Well fuck me....ok...what do we do now? And yeah I remember that douche nozzle. No one liked him. I still don't even understand why he didnyt get his ass whooped and shot. Becoming rogue was too good for his ass." Stephanie said.

I took a drink of my beer and sighed. "More guards. It's why I had the ones on you. You are to only go from school to home. Adds is the same. I cannot and will not let anything happen to you." I mumbled.

"Jackson. We will figure it out. Maybe the rogues will tell you more." She whispered turned to face me and scooted closer. One hand on my shoulder and the other one still holding on to her beer. I nodded solemnly.

I didn't know how we would fix this.

Alpha - I'm sorry to bug you at home but a literal bus load of wolves are here to see the Luna. They keep saying they are her family? The border patrol mindlinked me.

Names? I mindlinked them back.

The men are Robby, Kirk, Eli - he started.

Her family - send them through but send them to my house. I interrupted him.

"Uhhhhh.....your brothers are here. Border patrol just mindlinked me." I said quickly and looked over at her.

"Those fucktards...." she whispered angrily.

"Hey it's ok. They can stay in the house across the street since Damon and Jess live in the bigger house down the road.." I grabbed her hand as we walked outside to meet her 3 big brothers, their mates, and the 8 children that they had in between the 3 couples.

Her brothers were going to murder me. They didn't even like me when they were still living at home. But the last time I did see them was when we were in 8th grade together. We were in her room studying for a Lycan history final when they came in yelling at her parents that they caught us kissing. Her parents believed the brothers and she was grounded for 2 weeks. What in the hell were they going to do now that I was back in the picture after so long?

The bus drove up and it was dead silent in the van except for a few rumblings from the kids and the silence was deafening.

"Hey guys..." she said excitedly. All of them got out of the van and gave her hugs and love and the brothers just stared at me.

"What the fuck is he doing her littles?" Eli yelled. Littles is her nickname. She stood in front of Eli.

"Eli - we have a lot to talk about and we can do it inside. Not out here in the open where all the neighbors can see. Ladies - the guards will take your luggage to the house across the street we have for visitors. The kids can share the playroom downstairs to sleep in." she stated gracefully and turning to go inside with her brothers. I was the last one to walk in as Kirk growled at me. Kirk was the oldest and the most protective.

Yay for family reunions huh?

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