
Saved by the Devil
Saved by the Devil
Author: Reigne

Chapter 1 The Fallen Princess

It was a dark, eerie night. I was standing on the edge of the cliff. Watching the city from afar. The cold wind blowing my long black hair and my cloak does not protect me from the cold. Blood drips on my forehead but the pain is incomparable to what I feel inside. No tears falling from my eyes but my heart is breaking in silence.

I feel lost. I am now a living dead.

The solemn and sacred aura of my beloved city vanished into thin air. I can no longer hear the laughters of the children. The people chatting. My lady-in-waiting sweet gestures. Royal guards training and boasting "who is the strongest".

Now tears started falling on my cheek as I clenched my fist with anger. The violence I witness, the scream I heard, they were all what is left with me.

I never thought my life would change overnight.From my fairytale and peaceful life to a disaster.  I can still remember the voices shouting…screaming for my help. I know I needed to do something but I failed. Those eyes staring at me filled with disappointment and hatred can never be forgotten. 

I need to end this nightmare. I must reclaim my throne soon…I know I have too..for their forgiveness…

I walk away from where I was standing. No one is with me now. To take revenge, I needed not to just get stronger, but to get armies. I promise myself to be powerful enough to control an army. I will search for trustable allied. It will be a difficult journey, but I am going to do it. It's a do or die. It might be too late for my people, but as their princess, I still need to do my part no matter what.

I will not be a coward just like before. I hate and regret it.

It's been days since I survive that tragedy. I have been traveling all alone, doing my best to not be seen by the people who might recognize me and capture me. They will surely give me to that evil king, who now rules the main empire. The throne that I am aiming for.

I was on that deep thought when I heard a horse footsteps. I quickly climb up on a not that tall tree with plenty of sturdy branches and bushy leaves. I will definitely be well hidden here. I alert myself when I saw them stop. I heard them having a conversation about my city.

“Father, have you heard what happened to the city of Manara?” I heard a young boy, maybe around mid-twenties, ask the older man sitting beside him. He has this blue eyes, wearing rugged clothes and holding a bag that seems to contain some fruits.

 The old man who was holding the lead rope and halted the horse did not respond qucikly. I heard the old man sigh first as he turned his head to the left as if he could see my town from afar. I can see pity on his eyes. I was curious on what he will answer.

Will he criticize my city? Will he mock me, the princess for not being able to save my country?

“Sadly, yes.” the old man whispered. “It is such a terrible sight. Those people are just trying to genuinely live peacefully, but just for a mere accusation to their princess, everything was ruined and burned into ashes,”. said the old man, while shaking his head slowly.

I held my chest as if it would stop the sharp pain I felt in my chest, as the memories of days ago freshen up. Damn. I have to learn how to control my emotion. I am not allowing myself to feel any emotion anymore. Strong people does not give a damn.

The boy also looked in the direction where the old man was looking. “I heard their princess betrayed them despite the people fighting to defend her.”


After I heard what the boy just said, I wanted to stab him multiple times to say it is not the case but I had to stay hidden. It is not the right time to show myself. I am still vulnerable. My enemy should not know my existence. For now, they all know I died. Ad that will be my ace card.

I slowly get down from the top of the tree. As silently as I can so the two won’t notice me. When I see that they are ready to continue traveling, I smoothly hop in on the back of the wagon full of wheat straw. Successfully unnoticed. I smiled wickedly. I do not know where they are going but I do not care. I just need to be away from here. The farthest the better. So I can start searching for that devil.

Whilst travelling, memories of the past taunted me. I cannot bear it nor control. I remembered him. His smile, his sweet gesture. His kisses. Never knew he was a demon in disguise.

Despite the hatred I am having towards him right now, I still can not beleive that I still feel that I love him. He was my first love and I thought that we will end up happily ever after. After all, he love me sincerely. And so I thought.

But no. I was wrong. Severely wrong.

He was an enemy from the start. He lured me on his trap. And I let myself in. In exchange of thousands of lives. I will not forgive myself. Not until I revenged my people.

We pass three towns before we stop. I guess they are at their destination. I quickly move so I can move out of the wagon. A child playing with a worn out doll is staring at me. She was sitting next to a piled up woods not far from the wagon. I decided to quickly run towards the child and sit with her with my back facing the wagon so that the two people, father and son, won’t see me. I pretended to play with the child.

I saw fear and shock to the child's face. There is a hint of confusion too. Well, I am not suprise. I pop out of nowhere. Trying to pretend I am a friend.

“What a beautiful doll you have there, little creature!” I said to the girl using the sweetest tone I can make. However, it seems like it made the girl frown a little.

Oh such a fighter. I smirk.

“It’s mine!” the girl answered and hid the doll on her back while holding it tightly as if I was going to steal it away from her.

“Whoa! Easy there buddy, I’m not gonna take that away from you. It is all yours for god sake!” I told the young girl while slowly standing up and starting my way out there.  I rolled my eyes while walking away.

Brat. I whispered.

I gave the little girl a smirk and then glanced at the wagon for the last time. As I am walking on that small and smelly alley, I notice some clothes hanging. I decided to steal a shirt. It is still a little wet but it will serve its purpose. I have to change my clothes. The big shirt looked like a dress when I wore it. Comfortable yet smelly. So much for a princess like me.

I peacefully passed by some bread shop. I remember I have not eaten since I started travelling with the two men. I walk near to the bakery. There are different kinds of bread displayed outsideon a stand. They all smell delicious. I bet they were newly bake. I look around. The baker was busy chatting to a lady who looks like a valued customer there. They seems to know each other pretty well.

I notice that they secretly touch each others hand. I waited for a while. Strange. I saw the two walk inside the bakery. I went to the other side of the bakery, there is a little hole in a closed old windor. I peep. I was too astound on what I witness.

The man was caressing the woman's chest. I can see the woman's expression. She was trying to stop herself from moaning loud. I can see him sucking her. His left hand on here "womanhood". They are so into it.

I took the chance. I went back to the displayed bread. Succesfully getting a bread. While the owner and the lady are busy doing a sin. Not knowing I was seen by the woman through the one-way window.

I was about to have my first bite on the bread I am holding while walking when I heard someone call me by my name which astounded me.

“Manara!” said the big and loud voice. I hurriedly looked at my back. I see a well built man running towards me. I thought it was the baker. 

“I knew it! You are still alive!” The man exclaimed.

Based on my observation, it seems like he is of my same age. Only looks old because of his messy hair and some beard. 

“ I have been following you for  days now.” The man said while catching up his breath. “At first I am unsure if you are Manara, but when I see this…” and he showed me my clothes that I threw somewhere after changing. “That’s when I knew it was you.”

I glance at my clothes. What a dumb move I did there. I should have burnt it, not just thrown it away. If I want to keep myself hidden till the right time comes, I should be more careful.

I tried my best to ignore the man. But he was so persistent. Beside, I cannot let go of the fact that he knows my real identity. But how? He might be an enemy! Becasue of that though, I alerted myself and tried my best to prepare myself of running away.

I was about to run, but the man quickly held my arm. He is fast. Skills that are only gained by training.

“You’re not gonna run away princess.” He said while smirking. I felt a little fear but I managed to hide it. I will not show any fear on this stranger.

“Who are you?” I asked while looking at his face trying my best not to show any fear.

His smirk was gone and was suddenly replaced by a warmth smile as if he knows what I have been through. He looked at me intensely before looking at our surroundings.

That look is making me confuse. If he is any anymy he should have dragging me now to surrender on the imperial gurads. But no. I see a different expression now. Sympathy and pity.

“Look, I am not going to hurt you but you have to come with me princess.”  I felt the worriedness in his voice that made me look at our surroundings too. He seems to be hiding from someone.

Is he just same like me? Is he one of my people?

This question made me stay. I needed to know the answers to this question. I needed to know if he is one of ours or an enemy. I swear if he is an enemy, I will do my best to kill him. No matter what.

“Tell who you are!” I insisted with anger. I look at him in the eys.

He was about to say something when we both hear a shout not far from where we stand.

“That’s the thief!” We both looked at the man not far from us shouting while pointing to us. I remember this man from the bread shop. “She is a thief! she stole the bread!”

I rolled my eyes. I heard the strange man chuckled.

"You look loveley when you roll your eyes, princess" he said.

I was about to answer this weird man but I heard the baker shout again.

"Get her!" He screamed.

For real?! If only I can reveal your sinful secret you will be doomed. But I chose to keep it from myself.

I saw two imperial guard approaching us. Walking fast towards us. People started to check what is happening. A commotion that I do not want to happen. It is enough for me that one strange man knows my real identity. I do not need more.

“Arhg! It’s just bread for God’s sake!” said the man who is still holding my arm. I look at him with confusion.

“ Common!” He said while dragging me out of the place. He held my hand and shouted “Run!” 

Oh damn!

I had no choice but to run with him when I saw two gurads also running towards us. I can’t be seen by any people associated with the emperial. They might recognize me.

We did a never-ending run, till we found ourselves on a cliff. I did not realize that we are out of that dirty, poor town already. I was preoccupied by the thought of never being caught by the armies that I realized this strange man took me to a forest-like place not far from the town. The two armies are still approaching us.

When will they surrender and give up catching us? Urgh!

“Forgive me, my lady”: I heard the man speak.

I look at him. I was very cofuse of why this man is asking for forgiveness.

Is this the time he will show me his true colors?

I did not have much time to ask what he meant.  I just felt two hands push me off the cliff. He was looking at me intensely while I was falling. I swear I saw him smirk but I do not care anymore.

I knew it. I never really learned my lesson. I am naive and always trust the wrong person.

I will never be able to take revenge anymore. I am weak. This man just killed me easily. I shouldn’t have trusted him. But well, regrets are always on thelater side.

While falling, the memories from the past that were taunting me from time to time regained again on my memory. Numerous flashbacks of the memories from my past. Happy and tragic. Mixed together.

Finally, I will be able to see them all again. I hope when I see them they will forgve me. Although I am pretty sure they won't. I do not even deserve to see them.

I felt the cold water and strong current taking me away. I closed my eyes and let darkness take over me. It is my ending. 

Realization hits me. I am really a weak princess. The young man from the wagon was right.  I betrayed my people by not being clever enough. By not being striong enough to hold my throne. The throne that my great grandfather built. I wasted everything.  I deserve to die.

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