

I refused to give an answer.

“Thing is Gabby, I love feisty, and you came running into my arms. You don’t know it yet little woman but you asked for this without saying a word.”

“What do you want?”Gabby asked without making eye contact.

What do I want? He asked sarcastically. “Hmm, let’s see, you’ve been bought, you are mine. So it means I have everything, everything that you are is what I want.” “ Do you understand?”

No reply.

“It’s your first day so I’ll let it slide, but here little woman, I make rules, rules punishable by death itself, you disobey, you pay the price.”

“Here, no one is above the law, but I am, I alone is above every law. Since you are new, the very first rule is to reply when I talk or ask any questions of you.” “Am I clear?”

Gabby gave no reply, she was deadpan and silent.

“You reek,” he grunted standing up on his feet and ignoring her disobedience.

“Which would you rather have, a cold or a hot bath?” Mills asked.

“A hot bath,” Gabby replied reluctantly In a whisper.

“What’s that?” “I can’t hear you,” Mills mocked. He crunched down with a wicked smirk on his face, daring her to misbehave.

“A hot bath,” Gabby replied, more audibly.

With that, Mills got up to his feet and rang a metal-looking bell by his nightstand, and within seconds three maids came running into the room after they knocked and Mills confirmed that they come in.

“Yes sir, at your service sir.”

The first maid was said while arranging her bonnet profusely. I guess it would be better to answer half-naked than answer a second later when the mighty Mills calls.

“Ah Stella, a hot bath for the lady Gabby.”make it a memorable one, I am sure she has never had any baths all her life.”

The three maids proceeded to open a door by the left side of the bed, the door must have been made in the same fashion as the wall because Gabby could have sworn there was no door there.

“Cooperate with my girls, they give the best baths and massage.” “You are not to leave your room. If you need anything, make the bell call for it.” Mills warned.

With that said, Mills walked out of the room still in his long cult man suit, only this time he had a cigar in hand from the many packets that must be on his table.

“My lady, it’s time for your bath.”

The youngest-looking maid came through the mysterious door to fetch her.

Gabby sat still on the floor, unmoving like a rock.

“Ma’am?”The maid called again.

“Am not your ma’am and I can take my own dham bath you ducking bitch,” Gabby screeched.

The maid jumped at her retort.

“It’s, it’s the boss's orders, we have to do the bathing and massage,” boss won't like it if we disobey,” she pleaded.

“I can help myself”.Gabby replied.

“Oh of course you can but think of this as just a one in time experience.”

“Please ma’am, you do look all beaten up and I’d love to help.”

The maid's voice was so fragile, like that of a child who had been singing at the top of her lungs.

“Come on now my lady”. The maid pleaded.

The maid bent down to help her get on her legs. Shaky feet’s trembled, but she did get to the bathroom.

It was hazy and warm mist filled the room along with a beautiful floral smell that was foreign to Gabriella, it was so soothing.

Candles were lit here and there and at that very moment gabby felt relaxed, her throbbing head hadn’t stopped and she still felt weak, so she let the maids guide her to the bathtub and before she could rest her head on the rim of the bathtub, gabby drifted off into a deep sleep.

The maids undressed her as carefully as they could, peeling off her dirty old clothes and tossing it to the side like a rag.

“Do you think she’s a beggar?”The young maid asked.

“No one can say when it comes to the boss,” the second maid replied, he is as mysterious as the devil himself.” One day he never wants to be around women, and the next he has one bathing in his chambers.” “Don’t you agree Stella?” She asked the head maid.

“The boss is mysterious for sure, but I’ll not be an ally to your gossip, so shush and clean the good lady up,” Stella the head maid rebuked her girls harshly and got to massaging Gabby.


Gabby woke up the next morning on a luxurious king-size bed, she opened her eyes and yawned, feeling refreshed and for a moment was not aware of herself and where she was but it only took a few seconds for her to remember.

She jolted up on her elbow to take in the surroundings of the room where she was. It was the same one she was in yesterday but the lightning from the window made everything clearer, the room was well arranged, maybe by a perfectionist or for a perfectionist, there wasn’t a lot in it.

It was very old-fashioned, with no life, no flowers, and no outstanding color, gabby in all her misery thought to herself how bland the exquisite room looked with artifacts hanging below the ceiling and a sculpture that looked directly at her by the door to the room, gabby wondered how she thought this room was calming. She rubbed her thumb.

she had been kidnapped, no, bought by Mr Mills the grandson of a man everyone knew to be evil, her father had sold her off to be one of those girls that never came back home.

Fear gripped her once again as her stomach churned with worry. She heard the water running from the invisible bathroom door she couldn’t make out where the door was even though she had been inside yesterday.

The door opened and their eyes locked like a spell. It felt like a staring competition that lasted ages but in reality, it was mere seconds.

Gabby dropped her gaze to her lap, noticing now that she was in some kind of a gown, the clothing she only saw rich women wear.

“I see you are awake. Are you hungry?” Mills asked, coming in her direction.

“No, I am not hingry,” Gabby replied still looking down.

“Have you never seen a man unclad before?” he asked noticing her reluctance to look up.

No response.

“Little woman,”Mills called, coming closer to her.

“You are to answer when I ask you a question,”He was standing over her now, all she had to do was raise her head and she could see his nakedness.

“Do you know how many women would die to get this opportunity?” he asked praising himself.

No response. Gabby still held her head and gaze fixed on this foreign dress as though it was the only thing that mattered. She would prefer nothing more than to disappear and never be seen again than look up.

“Gabby, look at me,”

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