
Ford would do nothing.

Rise of the Bullied Lycan


Chapter 3: Ford would do nothing.


"Thank you."


"Not killing Dallas, even if he did cross the line further than he ever has." Ford subconsciously reached up to feel at his scratches.

I know you have feelings for him. We are one after all.

Ford’s step faltered slightly, feeling odd becasue Raze has never said anything like before. "You can feel what i feel?"

Yes. But i am glad i cannot know what you are thinking.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He chided. Raze was always calm, more manageable after a hunt.

You species think too much of trivial matter's. I have witnessed it through your eye's.

"Oh," Was all Ford could say. Raze was right. everything was trivial yet so crucial to the structure of society and societal norms. In a fleeting thought he wondered what it'd be like to be more like Raze but brushed it off. Smiling fondly.

He walked the rest of the way without really paying attention, continuing to talk with Raze to pass the time. Ford knew it was probably 2:30 or 3;00 in the morning, his Lycan had a knack for time-scheduling it like this.

As he entered the campus through the back field like practice it took him about two minute's to get across to his dorming area. There was a secluded metal door that he always used to get back in. The metal was unforgiving in it's creaks and whines as he moved the stone he used to keep the door propped at all times and slide in before placing it back in its place.

His sense's had been fully dulled by this point and Raze had proceeded to be dormant, not voicing himself within the last ten minute's. It was like he 'stayed awake' until he knew Ford was safe.

The boy tracked his way up the three flights of concrete stairs to his floor weighing in on the eerie silence. This was always that hardest part. Getting back into his dorm. His personal dorm was five door's down from the the dingy stairwell and anyone could be awake. Anyone could see him. See the fact that he was drenched in copious amount's of blood.

He would have an explanation but he wouldn't want to give it. So Ford cracked the door open and peaked through checking each door to see if it was ajar, he then peered over at the far stairwell and after a moment of silent debate and finally stepped out and lightly tip-toed quickly to his door knowing it'd be unlocked he twisted the handle and leaned in to see if he could hear his dormmate's loud snore's.

Confirmation came soon and as he was about to step in he heard something make a noise, like a clink! but when Ford jerked his head in the direction of the sound he saw nothing.

Brushing it off he stepped inside and locked the door behind him heading directly to the shared shower.




A couple days later Ford was standing in the coffee shop on campus waiting in line to get his order taken. He had his earbud's in so he could speak freely to Raze but his attention was more focused on the TV propped in the far end of the shoppe.

It was set on the new's channel and he watched as words scrolled at the bottom.

It was only a matter of time before a Missing Person’s report was going to pop up about the girl Raze had fed on. He was notorious for leaving body part's scattered so it would definitely be blamed on a wild animal attack. But that didn't make it any less harder for Ford to acknowledge.

This girl had a home, had parents, friends, maybe even a lover; All who will miss her dearly. But Ford always wondered what made those people-her-go out into the forest at night anyway. And that was creepy in and of itself. He knew what Raze would say, something along the lines of "If they put themselves in compromising positions it is not my fault that i take advantage of it."

Regardless of how true it may be, no one goes into their local forest to die on purpose. Some people just seemed to have the short end of the stick when it came to Raze.

He left after he got his iced coffee and made his was to the library to catch up on the lesson he'd missed the other day when the Dallas situation had occurred.

He ended up seating himself in a rather secluded area behind some bookshelves at a group study table. He was maybe ten minute's into reading the literature chapter on Poetic Artistry when Raze finally voice himself.

This is not compelling.

Ford rolled his eye's, "Studying isn't meant to be interesting, Raze, now hush. I really need to read this to catch up."'

Tedious being.

Ford snorted and got lost in his literature lightly sipping through his straw. He didn't know how long he had been reading until someone yanked his half-way drunken iced-coffee out of his hands.

"What in the fuck is this, house-cat?" Dallas asked rudely, his drink sloshing around in the cup as the younger looked at it in disgust.

Ford would almost say that he was being a little obnoxious. The smaller began to freak out a little hoping Dallas’s friends weren't right around the corner. They were notorious for including themselves in the bullying Dallas rained down on him.

"H-hey!" Ford began to stand but the look on Dallas’s face said otherwise. It was as if it said, 'The fuck are you gonna do about it? Pathetic.' He held Dallas’s gaze, eye's intent on taunting him once again.

Ford would do nothing.

Dallas stuck the straw in his mouth and took a sip, eye's scrunched, "I thought I asked you what this was," He said around his sip.

Ford felt defeated, he was really enjoying his drink and he also really needed to study. His test was fast approaching and he certainly didn't need Dallas as a distraction right now. Why couldn't, at the very least, Dallas bully him when he wasn't busy with something important.

Ford knew it was going to happen anyway.

"I-it's just an iced v-vanilla latte." He murmured softly as Dallas raked his eye's down down him, openly judging. It was then that the grey-haired boy noticed Dallas was dressed in a black v-neck t-shirt with a jean jacket on top.

It fitted him nice, he had a small scarf on, one that was for fashion purposes only. It was a light grey, hanging freely down the front of the taller, not knotted like you'd think but all around a useless piece of fabric for the younger.

"Not bad, but pretty mediocre like you." He said it as if he were giving the older a backhanded compliment. Ford could feel his cheeks heat up at the obsidian-eye'd boys gull of attacking him like this. The older didn't make a move, head tilted up to look at the taller and he watched Dallas lean to the side. The alpha was looking at his chest.

Ford had a habit of wearing sweater's that were more or less not meant for dude's, which meant either one or both of his delicate shoulder's were showing. But his delicate feature's allowed such things. He watched as Dallas ran his eye's along his neck.

To Dallas, Ford assumed, it looked like he was presenting his marks, a form of showing people who he belonged to. And that would be the case if they were together. It wasn't odd seeing people here and there littered in love bites and hickies, it was just a part of their nature. But for Ford it was different, Dallas didn't want him, he wants to make Ford’s life a living hell.

So he chose not to be bothered by them, instead ignoring them until they healed and maybe his head wouldn't be so fuzzy anymore.

Dallas stepped forward, Ford’s drink still in his hand as he clutched the smaller's chin and forcefully push his head to the side go get a better view.

Your heart is pounding.

Must I intervene?



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