
we are one

Rise of the Bullied Lycan


Chapter 8: we are one 


Ford blushed deeply. He shook his head. They didn’t mate, they didn’t even make love, they fucked. Or, Dallas fucked him. The thought made his lower tummy tingle and he pressed his legs together. God he loved the alpha’s cock. The whole experience had turned out better than he thought it would. But those were thoughts for another time.

He pulled the shirt over his head, it meeting him mid-thigh as he began his tread back. Before he broke the line of the forest he heard a small crack like something stepped on a branch. But it was quick and most likely on accident,

The noise was gone as soon as it sounded and Ford’s head snapped in the direction of it. He still had Raze’s enhanced sense’s and hearing it past the pattering rain would’ve been hard for any normal person.

Ford stared, but he couldn’t see anything past the brush and branches, pretty much looking into a black hole and the only thing that supported his Lycan eyesight was the moonlight. When the omega felt satisfied he finally turned away, but then he heard it.

A faint sigh, a human sigh. “Raze,” Ford whispered, in a sudden state of panic. “Did you miss one?”

We must get them. They have seen too much. Prepare yourself.

Within a split second Ford yanked the shirt back off throwing it to the ground and His body began to morph, change. His skin felt like it was being tore apart as he shifted, Raze’s claws barreling out from he center of his stomach. His legs broke into lupine weapons of speed and his neck cracked, his Lycan tearing itself out from within him.

Ford was normally asleep when this happened so he rarely ever felt anything, but when awake the pain was excruciating. He would be awake the whole time Raze was in control and he watched through his Lycan’s eye’s as the shift completed quickly. Raze was around nine feet tall when standing, so seeing everything from this angle was always odd to Ford, who wasn’t all that big himself.

But the omega didn’t have time to get used to much because once his bones stopped cracking Raze bolted forward in calculated steps. His human like large hands broke past the brush line, forcefully setting a diehard pace.

Ford could hear the person running through Raze’s ears. Their breaths were ragged, heart beating like an engine ignited by fire as he smelt the adrenaline rush through their veins. They weren’t going to live but they still ran like they had a chance. They weren’t even hiding their noise anymore and Ford could smell the petrified fear wafting through the air. The person wanted to scream but couldn’t. He was sure of it.

Ford couldn’t keep track of everything Raze was doing, but his ride with the taller was short lived. Raze clawed up a tree, large hands scraping down and tearing off the siding and bark of the tree with sheer power.

When he reached a fairly high branch he jumped to the next tree over and then stopped, looked down, noticeably waiting; Preparing himself. A couple seconds pass and the person, a man, maybe early twenties ran wildly by. Raze arched his body, fingers flexing as he waited for his chance and when it came he shot down.

It was silent, that of an experienced hunter and the guy didn’t even see his large body coming. In the last moment Raze reared an arm back and the impact of his Lycan’s swift swing sent the man’s head flying. He was decapitated. Raze stood above the body as blood pooled around his clawed feet.

Ford didn’t know what to think. He was stunned having never seen anything like this.

I can sense your desperation. It needed to be done.

i know, the omega replied, trying to keep himself together. Make it look like an accident and get me out of here. Please.

As you wish.

Raze began clawing the body apart, ripping a hole in the guys stomach, now killing for sport rather than nourishment.

Afterward he dashed off back to the tree like and Ford’s body immediately began to shift back. He yelled at the pain, small body on fire as tears slipped down his cheeks. The blood previously on his body had either dried or washed away from the rain at this point but fresh blood stuck between his toes. He painfully reached for the shirt and tugged it back on, starting his two mile walk.

Fifteen minutes into the walk and his thighs were burning. He tried to use what little showering of the storm was left to remove the thick cracked liquid from his body. The less blood the better. “It’s not like you to miss someone, Raze.”

He was not a part of my hunt.

”What do you mean?” He gathered enough droplet’s of rain to make a small pool in his hand before press it to his neck and rub away the crimson gore. Repeating this on his arms, shaking his hands to flicks away a much as possible.

The person was not there when I fed.

“So... we were being followed?”

No. I do not think so.

”I don’t understand.”

He must have shown up when after i shifted back. If he had seen me he  would have escaped long ago. He would be alive right now.

Raze was right. No one in their right mind would stick around after seeing the Lycan, especially since the killing have been littered across the news lately. “But why did they hide? It’s so dark outside but I’m  not that big, I can’t do much, so why would he try and conceal himself? I’m not even a threat.”

I, too, wonder that. But he was different. Did you not notice?

”Notice what?” Ford ran his palms across his thighs, faltering steps as he wiped the blood away.

He had blood lust.

“Blood lust?”

He wanted to kill you, Ford. The scent hit us when we first heard him make noise.

That was his mistake.

That’s why Raze was so urgent, that’s why it hurt so bad, why he was so eager  to get out. Ford stopped walking, fear again settling in the pit of his stomach. A normal person wouldn’t have been able to know that.

If Raze wasn’t with him, he would’ve died. But if Raze wasn’t with him, he wouldn’t have a reason to be in the woods either.

Two faces of the same coin, perhaps.

“How did you tell? I mean- how did you know h-he..”

Hunter’s intuition. I am not used to being prey, but you are. I felt it spike within you. You did not notice, but he carried many knives with him. My claws knocked them off him when I tore his body to shreds.

Raze sounded pleased with himself. as he should, “Thank you for keeping me safe.”

We are one Ford. If either of us die, we both die. He was not expecting me and that made him run. He deserved to die.

Raze purred within him and Ford would not have to voice his admiration because his Lycan could already feel it. “You know you can’t feed for a while right? Your killings are all over the news, it’s causing too much of a stir, we have to tone it down.”

I had to feed good before your heat.

His Lycan was correct. During his heats Ford wouldn’t let him out for about two weeks. The omega didn’t know what it would be life if Raze shifted and he in the middle of a heat.

A sex crazed murder Lycan? No thank you.

He didn’t want to find out. Raze has thankfully agreed to those terms, already used to them from years of scheduled repetitions. “Should we try a different forest? The city is huge but hunting in town is dangerous. I’m surprised people keep testing their luck. Maybe you should feed on animals after this heat passes.”

The purring immediately stopped.

I refuse to feed on animals. They do not satiate me.

“Well it’s not like I can control you, but please be more careful. Suspicions are high right now and if it get’s worse you won’t find anyone wanting to inadvertently sacrifice themselves in the woods.”

I will only do what I need to.

“I still can’t believe that guy wanted to kill me.  How utterly rude of him. It’s like he wanted to get off on the killings, take the credit or something. Who knows, maybe he was just some freak.” Ford had an inkling that he sounded just a little bit like Dallas Oaks right now.

Who cares. He is dead now.



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