
No answers

Chapter 8


My eyes popped open on a gut retching scream, curled into a fetal position I laid on the sofa, completely devastated. Tears streaming down my face, a fist clutched in my mouth to quiet my sobs. I wasn’t sure what I witness; It wasn't a memory that I could say with absolute certainty; I felt like I was in-between realities, a place where my dad was dead, but still able to warn me. How any of it was possible, was the question of the century.

Maybe I was just as delusional as the rest of the patients here. Either way, whatever it was, it left a giant hole in my aching chest.

Gentle hands patted me on the back as more tears fell from my eyes. So lost in my grief, I did not know the doctor had entered my personal space, until I felt his calloused hands on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. It was useless. Nothing short of my family magically turning up yelling surprise would lift this pain from my heart.

“It's okay, Charlie, whatever you saw, it’ll be okay,” Doctor Alfonso whispers. At his words, I feel more tears leak from my swollen eyes because I wish it was true. Nothing was ever going to be okay ever again.

I didn’t dare answer to lost in my thoughts, thinking about my dad and how he begged me to find my brothers, to protect them, from what I had no clue. The strangest thing he said was to find him. Could it be the same him the white she-wolf referred to as Alpha? What the fuck was an Alpha, the term was familiar. Anyone who has ever watched Teen Wolf knows what the term means. It can’t mean the same thing, can it?

“Can you tell me what you saw?”

I jolted from my reverie, unprepared for his question.

I wasn’t entirely sure what I should say. The truth was preferable, but then I remembered, in a couple of days, I was leaving this nightmare that was my life. Drying my eyes, I sat up just as I saw Doc lean forward and his Id came into view in his pants pocket without thinking. I slipped it from the unsuspecting Doctor Alfonso and slipped it into the back of my shorts. It was the sole reason I begged to have this session. After all, not taking it would be completely stupid, no matter how bad I felt about the deception. He stood and made his way back to his chair next to the sofa.

“Charlie, we need to talk about what you saw, its imperative you share exactly what upset you so much. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.” I wanted to laugh at his statement no one could help me now, not even the good doc, but while I was here anyway, I might as well try.

“I saw my dad,” I squeaked as I felt a huge emotional lump the size of a golf ball slide down my throat. I hadn’t planned to say anything, but he just appeared so earnest and I needed to talk to someone. For the first time in my life, I felt so alone, so scared, and out of my depth. Not to mention I did not know how to decode any of my dad’s messages. I wanted to talk to my dad, but he wasn’t here, he was gone, and the next best thing sat in a chair across from me waiting, with no judgment in his eyes, no weariness, just curiosity and understanding clouding his dark brown eyes. Even if I couldn’t trust him, I really needed this.

“Was it a memory?”

“No, at least I don’t think so, he kept saying some weird stuff.”

“Like what.”

“That I should….” I hesitated, why, because I didn’t entirely trust doc Alfonso, not with this.  But what the hell should I say to pacify him while I got some answers.

“He said I should…..,” shit, I hesitated again. This was a lot harder than I thought.  

“Charlie, if your hesitation has anything to do with confidentiality, I can assure you whatever we discuss will not be disclosed to anyone, not even the authorities, unless, of course, you confess to a murder or anything criminal. Whatever you say remains in this room.”

I slumped in relief. That was good to know.

“He said I needed to find my brothers, that they need my protection, but no one told me what happened or where my family is. I have been here for over two months now with no memory and no information.”

“I am sorry……” A knock interrupts what doctor Alfonso was about to say.

Pissed, I purse my lips at the interruption, as he holds up a hand to stop whatever crude retort I was about to say to the idiot who interrupted us.

“Apologies,” he mutters on his way to the door. A quick glance over his shoulders reveals a stern Francis taking up the entire door frame with his body. Next to him, doc Alfonso looked like a hobbit. Yeah, I would never call that asshat Aragorn for the foreseeable future. It was Francis from here on out.

“Doc, we need you in the cafeteria, it's Mrs. Edwards, she’s refusing to take her meds again spouting off nonsense about seeing one guard going into the new girl’s room tonight night the old bats probably confused as usual.” He whispered, but my new abilities allowed me to hear every single word perfectly. This was incredible. These abilities are kinda exceptional, actually. Then it dawned on me that Francis said the new girl.

What new girl. The last person who was thrown into this shit show was Riley. Fuck. No, it wasn’t possible. No wonder she appeared fucking scared to say anything a few days ago. That son of a bitch, and Patricia saw it. Shit, of course, they would make it seem like she was bat shit crazy to quiet her.

Trembling in anger I sat there wanting to kick the living shit outta whoever it was touching Riley like she hadn’t a rough go of things with her parents cutting all ties with her. She had to deal with this shit.

“You sure no one else is available I am in the middle of a session.”

“Sorry everyone who has the authorization to administer drugs has left for the night.”

I see doc peer over his shoulder at me, all at once, I pretend not to be listening to the little convo they were having in secret, by watching my nails, staring off into space, anything to appear disinterested. In the corner of my eyes, I see Doctor Alfonso sigh with exasperation as he follows Francis out the door, then stops. Apparently, for a moment, he forgot I was still sitting here. He turns and says.

“We will continue this session tomorrow, hopefully with no interruption this time. Get out of here,” He chuckles as I rush from the door to check on Riley. I don’t see the frown on Francis’s face at the path I took. But I feel his steely black orbs all the way to Riley’s room.

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