
The end

Six Years Later

"Can I take you to lunch?"

Sarah threw a mean left hook that had Jared struggling to keep his balance. He always favoured his right a little bit too much.



She didn't let him continue before releasing a barrage of blows that got his head back into the fight and away from emotional talks.

An hour later, she was walking out of the training centre with a bag slung over her shoulder after her shower.

"Sarah, please wait up."

She didn't. She kept walking because she really didn't want to have this conversation. He easily caught up to her though with his long legs.

"So off to pick up Cole?"

Sarah stopped walking.

"What do you want? Please speak directly."

Jared looked at her with hurt brown eyes that eerily reminded her of Allen.

"I'm trying to have a conversation with you, Sarah."

"And I'm trying not to. We train together. That's all."

"It doesn't have to be. We can be friends–"

"I apologise for my mistake. I shall find another trainer." Sarah nodded brusquely
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