
missing her

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Most of the passing nights, I was dreaming of my wife. I could barely remember where we would meet or what we would say to each other all of that was usually nothing more than a messy blur.

All I knew was that she would be desperately trying to kill me and then I would try to stop her convincing her that I was not against her but I was on her side more than anybody else more than the fake friend that was pretending as if he cared about her when it was actually a facade to mask what his real plans were…

Just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach that man was around my mate but through the spy that I had working as a double agent he told me that my wife had actually become very close to him and they were not behaving as friends anymore but rather casual enemies to each other.

Now this both relieved me and made me even more worried because it meant that he was probably getting closer to his school and so he found a little reason to remain with his facade meaning
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