
Chapter Two


I woke from a strange nightmare as sweat dropped from my face and tears from my eyes. The last part of this dream kept on running through my head. Frederick betrayed me? 

I suddenly saw a little girl appear before me causing me to yelp in fright. The girl standing before me seemed to be my younger self. She shot a deadly glare at me that caused me to flinch.  

"Where the hell am I?" I asked boldly as I looked around the familiar environment I recognized to be my room, but the child before me ignored my question. "And where is that fool of a Fredrick?" I asked again as my eyes lit up in rage and my face twisted with much hate and disgust. I could feel my anger rising so bad that I had to clutch my hands tightly and pin my lips tight so as not to scream. Within seconds, I was calm again. 

'Am I locked up in some kind of dream?' I thought as I searched through my thoughts, looking for possible answers. 

"You have been given a second chance, Sandra, by the moon goddess," the young girl before me suddenly said as of reading my thoughts. 

"W-what do you mean, young girl?" I asked but she went silent again. I was about asking again when she spoke up. 

"You have been given one more life, Sandra. Use it well," she said and I suddenly woke up. It was all a dream? How come it felt so real?

"What the fuck?" I cursed as I tried standing from my bed. As I stood up, my head suddenly felt heavy and the room around began to spin and within seconds, I was back on the bed. I suddenly remembered the cold stare that Fredrick had given me and I shuddered with fear.

"I have to find out what's happening," I said to myself. My head spun as many thoughts ran thriugh my head. I managed to get off the bed and get into my clothes.

I stumbled out of my room after I had put on my clothes and walked into the main hall of the Alphas pack house to search for Frederick. Instead of seeing him, I saw someone else that made me growl in anger.

Kate walked towards me with large grin on her face but instead of a smile, all I could see what that wicked face from my nightmare. 

"You bitch," I whispered as my anger rose within me.

"Looking like some tattered--" Kate could not complete her words as she received a slap on her face. She held her face as her eyes widened in shock before running away. 

Just as I slapped Kate, I turned and saw Fredrick walking towards me from the other end of the hallway. I watched as he walked towards me with a confused expression on his face, as tears dropped from my eyes. 

From my nightmare, to my strange visitation this morning. Everything that was happening was making me utterly confused and angry. I stared at Frederick as he walked towards me. I missed him so much but pictures of my nightmare played before my eyes and anger clouded my vision. 

I watched carefully his expression to see if I could find anything suspicious. But all I could notice was the shocked expression on his face. 

"Why was Kate crying?" he asked as he stared at Kate running. "And by the way, have you told your clan to vote me as the next Alpha?" he asked.

I looked at Frederick in confusion. This whole conversation felt way too familiar. I didn't know how but I knew what he was going to say next.

'I will make sure I place them in all the most important positions of the pack,' I heard him say in my head.

"I will make sure I place them in all the most important positions of the pack," he said, confirming my thoughts. 

"This can't be happening," I muttered.

"Are you even listening to me?" Fredrick asked. He grabbed me and shook me hard, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stared at him as my eyes turned red in anger. There was only one question that ran through my head and I had to ask it. 

"Do you love me?" I asked as I searched for answers in his eyes. "All that you say, all that you claim, are they true?" I asked and waited for his response. He stared at me with his mouth hung open. He looked shocked to hear those questions from me and if he was acting he did a really god job doing it. 

"You are doubting my love for you, Aurora?" he asked as tears began forming in his eyes. "After all the love, all the moments that we have shared, you still doubt me?" He looked genuine heartbroken and at that instant, I regretted asking him that question. 

I walked up to him and was about apologizing, seeing how badly I had hurt him, when the nightmare from last night flashed back to me. I remembered how genuine his love for me looked before he betrayed me.  

"I'm not falling for your tricks again," I muttered as I stepped away from him. He had no love for me... right? 

"I love you, Aurora," Frederick said as he walked towards me. "Deep down, you know it's true and you can't deny it," he said. I was now confused. Who was I to believe? What was I to believe? Him or the strange nightmare that felt real? 

"How about we go and see your father? I have few things I want to discuss with him," he said to me and I nodded.

We got to the carriage and headed for the central pack house where my father, the Alpha, stayed. When we arrived, we alighted from the carriage and headed straight for his room. As we entered, I noticed that my stepmother standing beside Kate who was sobbing into her cloth. My father was nowhere to be seen.

Immediately my stepmom saw me, her face squeezed in anger and she shot a deadly glare at me as she held Kate. 

"Why did you slap your stepsister, Aurora?" she growled at me. I couldn't respond as I had no reason for slapping her. I was blinded just by anger.

"What's happening?" Fredrick asked as he stared at sobbing Kate. Immediately Kate heard this, she ran to Frederick as she cried even harder. "What's it?" Fredrick asked, staring into her eyes.

"I met Aurora this morning," Kate began. "I tried to greet her but before I could say a word, she slapped me hard on the face," she said as she held him tight. "I don't what I did that got her angry to the extent that she slapped me." I stood and watched Kate as she sobbed into Fredericks shirt, not saying a word. 

Just then, the door opened and my father walked in. Everyone in the room bowed slightly before him and he turned to Fredrick.

"Follow me, Frederick. We need to talk," he said as he walked out the room. "Rachel, take care of that bully," he said to my stepmother, referring to me. 

My dad and Frederick left the room, leaving me alone with my stepmother and Kate. My stepmom shot me hateful look but I didn't move the slightest bit.

"Fucking witch. Soon, you will be down in the grave just like that fool of a Luna you called mother," she said with so much hate and anger in her voice. "Now, get to the fucking kitchen and do all the fucking dishes. That will be your punishment," she growled. 

I walked over to the kitchen slowly and began to do the dishes. As I washed the plates, I suddenly remembered my nightmare again. In my dream, everything that happened now, happened in the same exact order and if I could remember correctly and if my predictions were correct, Kate and Frederick would be kissing right now in one of the rooms.

"I have to comfirm if this is true," I said to mysekf as i left the dishes and dashed out of the kitchen. 

I ran through the main hallway, searching for the room I had seen Frederick in in my dream. I stopped as I heard his voice in one of the rooms. He seemed to be speaking with someone. I tiptoed to the room and peeped through the door and gasped at what I saw.

Frederick held Kate, kissing her passionately on the neck as slight moans escaped from their lips. I ran back to the kitchen as tears fell from my eyes. So it was true. He really was a betrayer.

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