
Chapter Three


I pulled away from them and rested my head on the wall. I could feel my heart beating hard against my chest as though it was going to burst through.

I could not believe my eyes, I could not believe my ears. I never knew that Fredrick was going to betray me in such a way. After all the lies.

 He never actually loved me, the only person he had been eyeing right from the beginning was Kate and was just using me all this while..

 "Bang," my head vibrated heavily making me hold it tightly as I fell to the floor but I could not yell out so that they were not going to realize that I had been spying on them.

 The tormenting scenes of my last life flicked before me as I gasped for breath. I heard them kissing and moaning and then, I hear him spill out everything from his mouth.

 "You are the only one that I love, I am only using her and when I am done with her, she will regret ever knowing me," his voice rang in my head.

"She is such a fool to believe that you actually love he and every single seconds that goes by, she is gradually walking into our trap and before she would even realize it, it would be way too late for her," she noted as a burst of dark laughter escaped from her mouth.

 I remembered the events of the dream and I realized that it wasn't a dream, what I had tagged a nightmare was my part of life. He had made a nightmare out of my past life...

 The torture, the massacre, the death, they were all true.

My face twisted with hate and anger. I felt like going over to them and tearing them with my hands and ripping out that cold heart of his but I was able to restrain the urge with all the strength that I had in him.

I could no longer watch him betraying me and I walked over to my room to clear my thoughts as streams of tears poured down from my eyes.

 "So he could do something like this to me," I thought I j my head as fresh tears gradually poured down from my eyes.

 I was confused. "Was I reborn? Or this strange dream was just getting a hold of me," I thought again.

 The one that I loved was over there, flirting with another woman and I no longer knew what to believe.  But there was one thing I knew, the voice of that little child telling me to use my new life wisely.

I recollected every single heartbreaking moment of my past life and I could wait to give that fool called Fredrick a taste of his own medicine, tearing him apart with my bare hands.

 "I will come for my revenge Fredrick, just remember," I growled in my head.

 I Stayed in the room as I thought about the events of my past life especially one of the greatest events that were going to determine my fate coming up just a few days from now, 'the mate matching ceremony."

The ceremony was where Werewolves who were finding it difficult to find their mates could choose their mates.

 I thought about my past life and the ceremony. I had renounced my right to contest as the next Alpha of the pack and I had accepted him as my mate on that day.

 I could feel my anger rising so bad that I had to clutch my hands and clips my lips to the roof of my mouth to control my rising anger.

 "I was such a fool to have fallen for his stupid tricks," I thought in my head. "But I am going to make use of this my second chance at life and make sure you don't get what you want and I am going to frustrate your plans," I thought in my hand foaming with so much hate and anger.

 In my past life, after renouncing my position, I had urged every single member of my clan to vote for him. I felt like such a fool now.

 "Let's see how his face is going to twist with embarrassment when I eventually make all his plans to go the other around," I growled in my head.

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