


Immediately after I discovered the note, I ran out of my room to Mane's.

"Mane." I pounded the door. "Mane."

"What? What's happening?" He opened the door and joined me outside.

"This." I handed him the note Audrey left me. Soon after, Estelle joined me too.

"What's happening?" He showed her the note.

"Oh Goddess." She groaned.

"What?" We both turned to her. "Do you know something?"

"She suddenly wanted to be alone yesterday. This might be what she was plotting."

"Why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't think it was important. I didn't know she was planning anything. I'm sorry."

I relented. "There was no way you could have known." Mane said.

"She obviously got a letter."

"What?" We turned to her again. "What are you talking about?"

"She said she was going to be long gone, meaning she knew where she was going."

"That's not hard to guess. She's going to go to the Blue Moon Pack."

"Jaxon would not go back to his pack with a baby. No one is that stupid. He must still be nea
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