
80. Operation Endymion


The next day, Selene brought the offenders before Adalith. Such a thing had not been done before. A mere mortal being sentenced by the Creator of All. It was unthinkable. Word spread like wildfire that a shifter tried to frame Apophis Bronzetail for the murder of his eldest child. Krysta was sentenced as an accomplice.

The shifter was identified as a servant of Chaos, unworthy of a name. His sentence was to be stripped of his shifter powers, whipped for 365 days, 5 lashes per hour, then executed by Dragon Fire. He would not be allowed rebirth, forever in the void.

Krysta was stripped of the name Bronzetail, forced to reclaim Bluewind. Adalith stripped her of her magic and sent her back to her coven to be punished by the coven mother. Selene added to her sentence that Krysta would never be able to bear children or a mate mark. She would never be allowed a partner at all. If she tried to defy this punishment, she would be subjected to Dragon Fire and her soul never to be re
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