

Kaitlyn look at James but she never saw a hint of uncertainty in his face, either he is a good actor or he actually has been certain that the twins belong to him. This confused her as to why?

" Why do you insist that you fathered my babies, I never have any contact with you! You are just wasting your time I can prove it anytime." She said getting annoyed.

" Then proove it Kaitlyn! Show me your evidence and I will show you mine." James said seriously.

" What about you show yours first, I'm sure of what I'm saying because I'm the mother I can tell. Besides getting a DNA testing takes time to obtain the results.

" Then you have to come with me. I'm not carrying it around." Kaitlyn regarded him. Is this one of his plot to have her to go with him? She thought. She smiled having to realized the irony of it all. While most single mothers tried to prove praterny to the father of their child, here she is trying to get into this man thick skull that he didn't father her babies.

Seeing her s
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