
5. Pancakes

Who is this guy?

he looked at me for a few seconds but for me, it seemed like an hour. My heart was beating like crazy. I began to breathe hard I wanted so much to know who he is? Why he is here watching me. Somehow I wasn't afraid of him, of a strange man with guns, but soon he turned his head away from me and pushed with his hands steering-wheel of his bike, even one of his tires jumped up. I couldn't blink as he was gone from my view and my ears only could hear the sound of it.

I stepped a few steps from the window and brushed with my hand through my hair. Who the hell are carrying such guns on their backs in the street at night. Do the police not notice it? Is it even legal? Maybe he is some creep or terrorist. But of course, I'm thinking about how he is exciting and somehow sexy, even in the dark I could see that huge body covered by a black suit. I shook my head from my stupid thoughts and went to my bed.

I was so tired from thinking all the time of Kai, of that video, of a baby that I didn't have any more energy I just wanted to sleep and never wake up again. Every day for me is forced. The food doesn't have taste anymore, I force myself to eat because I don't wanna fight with Dominick, but all bites stuck in my throat and soon I feel sick, maybe its pregnancy but even my favorite ice cream is without taste which was given me in breakfast by Dominick.

I know how he is all the time concerned about me and I'm trying to smile more but he only gets angry with me as my smile would annoy him...  I don't want to disappoint him and I'm trying my best to be what I was but I can't feel joyful in stuff I was used to doing. Even drawing for me looks helpless and drawing clothes for people, was my biggest desire. Now I'm empty.

My eyes were heavy as stone but the last thing I thought was strange men on a motorcycle whose head was directed into my window. Nobody else was at home only me and Dominick and I was on the second floor and he was on the first. It wasn't any mistake that he was there for me so what he wanted from me? will I see him again? I closed my eyes thinking about strange men and fell asleep.


-"Wake up you lazy baby" Dominick jumped on my bed near my legs and with his hands, he pushed my ass up and down, up and down, up and down...And I jumped like some yoyo in his hands.

-"Ohh my god you are so annoying" I had put my pillow on my head and tried to hide from him but he didn't stop just up and down "Are you crazy leave me alone" I growled under the pillow. He didn't say anything just pushed my ass and I began to laugh soon then turned my head to him. On his face huge smile, 

-"Look at your ass it is like jelly, it's so funny." he giggled and I throw my pillow into him.

-"I so, so hate you". I had put my head on the bed with a little smile on my lips.

-"Please don't talk your mouth stinks like there was put shit in it" I laughed and showed him my middle finger. He kissed it and went by my door, then stopped and turned his head to me.

" If you won't get up in five minutes and won't shower yourself we will make again jelly ass. Do you really want that a?a?a? for real do you want a jelly?" He laughed as some devil and showed two thingers into his eyes than those fingers he directed to me and then again to his eyes for a few times...

-"Ok, ok I'm going, dad." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

-"And Maia?" He looked at me with a serious face.

-"What?" I asked in frozen and put up my head from the bed and meet his serious gaze.

-"Go wash your teeth you can kill somebody with that stink" He laughed.

-"Dickhead! " I shouted at him with my red face and throw the pillow at him again, but he closed quickly doors and ran downstairs laughing so loud that I could hear even from my room. I don't know what I would do, if not Dominick by my side. Those days as now, I began believing that God exists and I care for him.

I turned on the hot shower and felt as my body began to relax soon tears began to roll from my eyes, I touched my body who is so slim now, and whisper to my belly:

"Hey, how are you down here" My hands are stroking my belly which still isn't visible.  I sighed heavily and sit down in the shower for a while hot water washes me. I just got up from the bed and feel so tired already. I brush my teeth two times and many times rinse my mouth until it burns. I didn't shower all week and now I feel a little bit better. I looked in the mirror and saw my red eyes from crying, my pale skin which looks like walking dead, my hair doesn't shine anymore but finally, I shaved my legs too. I'm glad that Dominick didn't saw them he would say something about it and for sure I wouldn't like it and for a hundred percent that he would laugh at me all week.

I covered myself with a huge towel and went to my room, on the bed was a beautiful blue dress with a big v neck. It's his sister's.

" You are kidding me, right?" I sighed heavily and took it into my hands. "Oh boy I don't like it so much, this is so bad, so, so bad...this is wrong Maia what are you doing?" I was babbling and dressed it slowly.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and Dominick was making pancakes. He raised his head to me and smiled with his cute warm smile.

"-Welcome back." he had put the plate to me. 

"But I wasn't gone anywhere."I had to bite the pancake it was still hard to eat for me but I tried my best.

"-Yes, you were." he lowered his head to his plate and played with his food there was an uncomfortable silence for a moment. He cleared his throat."Is it good?" He looked at my pancake.

-"Yes, thank you." I smiled at him.

-"Don't do that." his voice was so cold and harsh.

-" What?" I asked with wide eyes.

-"You don't need to pretend that it's ok with this fake smile when it's not delicious. Don't pretend and lie to me. Just don't do that." His gaze was on his plate and his fork pushed the meal from one side to another. I sighed heavily.

-"Dominick what you want from me? I'm trying ok?" I shouted at him but my lips were trembling.

-"No you are not trying you are pretending" He pushed his fork and plate with annoyance.

-"Do we gonna fight again because you didn't like my smile what is wrong with you?!" Tears rolled my eyes.

 He sighed and closed his eyes then came closer and took my hands to his palms.

"I'm sorry. I am afraid to lose you again. He paused for a moment. His gaze was on our hands. "Maia, you don't imagine how I'm afraid to see you broken again." in his eyes showed a tear.

I was shocked I didn't think how hard must be all the time be near me, when I just laying, feed me, when I can't, talk with me, when I all the time I'm in the silence, make me laugh when I forgot how to do that for three months, all three months I was dead and didn't think how he feels about that. I never saw him crying. And I knew he never wanted that I see him with tears.

"Hey dork, with blue hairs" He looked at me with concerned eyes. "Your pancakes are amazing if I wasn't broken I would eat them like a dog." We looked at each other for a moment in silence and began to laugh. We hugged each other and laughed so hard, there wasn't funny anymore but I still laughed like crazy, this laughing turned into crying. But my tears were mixed with confusion with anger and pain. He strokes my hair for a moment and soon I calm down.

-"Dominick?" My head was hidden into his chest.

-"MM?" He had put his lips on my forehead.

-"Thank you... Thank you that you are." I hugged him with more strength.


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