

The next day

In the same meeting place.

During the days in which the two found out about the case they were supposed to investigate and were also able to meet in person, it was the time in which the suspect was on a series of recordings in different parts of the world in one of his own productions. Where he was also working as a director.

Now, according to the actor's schedule, he is back in the country.

The moment has come when the pair of investigators will have access to both the suspect and everyone professionally linked to him. Where, for the most part, I was also accompanying him on trips.

One of the factors that led the client to believe that the third crime would happen on the same day as the others within a year was the detail of the suspect's agenda to bring him back to the same country where the last two occurred.

“Now let’s start and the most challenging part of our work...?” asks investigator Rebecca or old detective.

"That's right! The list starts with one of the suspect
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