
Sunday Blues

When the sun rose Sunday morning it found Nick and Cheyenne up playing board games laughing. Neither was ready for the weekend to come to an end. They had already decided that they would wait until later to leave. They left in the dark, they would come back home in the dark. It only made sense. Besides they wanted to squeeze in as much time alone together as they could.

They didn’t focus on any one conversation. Instead, their talks were random. Cheyenne told Nick things he had never known about her. She had opened up about her drinking and he began to understand her more than he had ever thought possible.

Nick talked about what had lead up to his divorce, he took most of the blame but he admitted to her that it was a marriage that had been doomed from the start. He told her about the struggle of leaving his son behind and why he kept putting up with her crap.

They discussed favorite foods, colors, movies, music, and so much more. They talked about everything. Well

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