
9 "Ruthie - A Friend's Comfort"

Dyrroth and I were sitting next to each other on the bed as I sobbed and told him about what had happened to Carlos. I said all the details I knew and believed to be true. Especially the one about the monster I saw.

"Calm down... Everything is going to be all right," Dyrroth said, softly stroking my back.

He must have been worried about me, as it had been over an hour, and I was still crying. But can he blame me? Anyone would be traumatized to see what I saw, and to top it off, nobody believed me.

The investigator looked at me as if I was losing my mind. And mom too!

I am also worried it would reach other people's ears. Rosa would definitely spread another nasty rumor about me that I had become nuts. I was already treated like a plague by the whole village. I would really lose it if everyone started looking at me that way too.

Disdained... Abhored... Feared... and now, pitied...

"It's annoying! No one believes me. I know I'm not just dreaming. I really saw it, Dy! Why would I make
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