
My Tinder Partner
My Tinder Partner
Penulis: Elina


Aurora’s pov

“I hate my job,” I murmured to myself as I was climbing the stairs of my house like I always do every day. I finally got to the entrance of my house, I put the key into the door lock and struggled with opening the door.

I curled my palm into a ball, then I hit my fist into the door in anger, I heard foot movement from my cranky neighbour’s house and I knew he was going to worsen my mood if he came out.

I tried opening my door carefully and went in. I thanked the universe silently in my heart for not allowing my neighbour to meet up with me outside.

Returning home after midnight was already enough of a struggle. I brought out a little cupcake from my fridge, lit a candle, and stuck it in the middle of the cake.

“It’s my birthday,” I said to myself before stating my birthday wish. I put my hands together and muttered my wish silently. “I wish my boss should be poisoned to be dumb, I want him to eat about 100 tons of the poison so no matter what I asked of him, he would do it without attacking me with his harsh words.”

I opened my eyes and hoped for the best result. I returned the cake back to the fridge, then I headed straight to my room. I kicked off my bright red heels then I jumped on my bed and slept off immediately.

I woke up a few hours later, I got up to prepare for work, I made a small meal of toast and milk, and I gobbled it up before running to catch a bus. Taking a taxi will cost three times the bus fee.

Immediately I got to the office, I prepared my boss’s coffee if he likes then I took it to his office,

I knocked on the door twice and waited for him to ask me to come in.

“Come in.” He croaked leaving me to wonder if he had a cold or something. “If he has a cold the universe is on my side.” I thought in my mind.

I went into the office and placed the coffee in front of him and took a step backward.

“Good morning Mr. King.” I greeted him politely and he nodded in response before sipping the coffee I made for him.

I fiddled with my hands and stared at the inscription where my boss’s name was boldly written, ALEXANDER KING, CEO.

“It is my birthday today sir.” I started and he cut me off immediately.

“How is that my business? Am I supposed to throw a party for you or get some cake and flowers?” He mocked me, making me feel a little embarrassed but I still went on.

“I just need a day off sir.” I requested calmly.

“I pay $2000 every month and you need a day off? I am your boss and I don’t even get days off. If you insist on taking a day off, maybe you are the long-lost daughter of a rich business tycoon or any rich man, I will have to deduct $100 from your monthly pay. I don’t know what else would give you the balls to ask for a day off.”

I could not afford him to deduct $100 from my salary. I swallowed my saliva because I am mad at the universe. It made me happy by getting this job and now I regret it, because of the annoying, arrogant, and childish boss with a venomous tongue, who isn’t afraid to lash anyone out. It didn’t fulfil my wish from last night.

“I will pass on my request, sir. You have a zoom meeting with the remote workers at 9 am.” I informed him of the other things on his schedule before I went back to my office.

I have thought of resigning so many times, but I need the money. I pay $1000 on my housing mortgage; this is all thanks to my parents who thought I would be a big spender and lavish all my money immediately after they heard I was earning $2000 per month.

They down-paid for an apartment in my name, now I am stuck here, sucking up to Alexander's ass. I dare not resign from this job till I find an offer just like this one is paying or a better one and that is almost impossible.

Regular secretaries don’t earn up to half of my pay. Alexander made sure we worked later than usual. He made me put up check up calls to his clients, this made open the customer files in the storage room. Of course, he didn’t let me access their contact information from the company’s system.

He dismissed me after I was done, I am sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend, or else he won’t be staying out this late. I should probably ask the universe to give him a girlfriend.

I missed the last bus going to my place, so I walked back from the bus stop to the office gate. Alexa zoomed off with his car without sparing me a glance, I hailed a taxi which I hated to do but I had no choice since I needed to be in the comfort of my home.

The taxi parked right in front of my house. It’s been a while since I had someone drop me off right in front of my house, I honestly need a break. I paid the taxi driver and I went up to my apartment.

My whole apartment was in a big mess, so I took a bottle of iced water and started cleaning up. I took a shower after I was done and I laid down on the sofa. I closed my eyes for a few mins, but I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about how Alexander was treating me.

I turned off the lights and laid back on the sofa but I didn’t get any sleep. I picked up my phone, and a push up notification from an APP popped up, it read, “Are you lonely? Are you worried about the money? Are you tortured by insomnia led by great stress? Join us to earn money and relieve your stress.”

Karen, my best friend, had recommended the APP the last time she came here. She said it was an APP that helps young people relieve stress. She also mentioned something about relieving carnalities.

Since I was bored, I looked up the APP on the internet. The mission they put about them, caught my interest, “Making love would comfort people. However, some single people don’t want to find friends with benefits so they don’t get infected with infection or inflammation. Our APP helps to find you a partner to have a one-to-one live chat.”

I scrolled down and continued reading. “You just need to post your body on the APP, the APP will expose your profile to a potential employer. If the price of the potential employer meets your wants, your body will be served to the employer only. You as a user need to obey every order your employer gives and the minimum time for cooperation is one month. Interesting right? Click the link below to sign.”

I was satisfied with their terms; it was not bad and at least I get to earn some cash from it. Maybe I can get to take some days off from work if I earn a lot on the APP. That way, I will be able to talk back to Alexander if he tries to lash me out by asking for a day off.

I have been single for a very long time and I have forgotten what it is like to be in a relationship. To be honest, I am always very jealous when the girls talk about their men on the group chat. Most of them don’t walk as hard as I do. They have men that spend on them and pay their bills. I wish I had a man too.

I clicked on the signup link and I saw the age limit to sign up, no one older than 30 years could sign up on the APP. The assurance that I won’t meet anyone that is old enough to be my uncle or dad or grandpa was there and I love it. I signed up then I started surfing the app. I stumbled upon a post someone had made since midnight.

“Find a body agreeable to my eyes, totty, $10k per month.” The post read. I screamed at the amount that the person bid.

“Shut the fuck up bitch.” I heard my cranky neighbor yell.

“Leave me the fuck alone.” I hollered at the retarded man. He is acting like he doesn’t bring women over and makes them scream throughout the night. I sometimes don’t get any sleep because of the screams that come from his place. I don’t blame him though; I blame my parents for getting this apartment.  I will fix a soundproof system as soon as I earn this $10k from this gig if the bidder picks me.

I will also resign from my boring job after a month then I will serve the employer for a year so I will become so rich, I laughed at my thoughts and I am glad that the APP made sure the employer deposit some money before they can get access to who wants to serve them in case they decide not to pay in the end.

I checked the amount that the employer I found had deposited and my jaw dropped. He paid a whooping sum of $20k. My ten-month salary. It was normal that the employer deposited up to that because it’s in the policy to deposit twice the salary they are offering.

I got up from the sofa to close the curtains then I set up blue lights and my old ring light. I went through my wardrobe to find the pair of lingerie Karen got me. I also brought out my corset. I took off the baggy top I was putting on and wore the lingerie. I wore the corset to outline my curves and my butt.

I wore a mask to hide my face, then I set my camera to take a picture. I arched my back to make sure I got the perfect angles of my body. I put it on my profile and sent it to him.

I was confident that He would fall for my body. Karen always said I was bootylicious anytime I wasn’t in my ridiculous office wear. The Employer accepted my request and sent me a text. “Video call me, show me your onanism.”

Since the APP mosaics the face, I quickly set my phone in a good position and video called him. I sat on the sofa then I spread my legs.

He picked up on the second ring, He was sitting in a chair wearing a loose bathrobe

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