
My Rebound Domineering Husband
My Rebound Domineering Husband
Penulis: Authoress Berry Julie




Chapter 1.

Joel Richard Osteen, that's his name! The only name that makes everyone around him tremble. Even the sound of his black shiny Nike air mag shoe can make anyone just pee on their pants.

The look on his face when he is angry would make anyone wish that the ground should just open and swallow him up. What about the numerous times he yells? It's a different case entirely cos he sounds just like a beast ready to devour it's prey.

He's the most feared business tycoon in the whole of the States. Everyone knows him for his rudeness and hot tempered behavior but even at that, he's still a Greek god to all the ladies.

Every lady would kill just to be in his arms or even stand 2ft away from him. Even when they get the chance to be with him, they will tremble at the mere aura emitting from him.

Joel walked into his company with his guards right behind him. He had his usual cold face on as he walked in.

All his staff stopped whatever thing it was they were doing and stood up with their head slightly bowed. They wouldn't dare to look him in the face, not to talk of exchanging contact with him for too long. Except they want to kiss their jobs goodbye.

"Good morning, sir!" They said in unison and almost immediately, Joel stopped walking and snapped his head towards the left direction and his eyes made contact with that of a petite looking girl.

The eye contact lasted for about a minute or more and it was obvious the young lady was obviously lost drooling over him.

This is exactly what happens whenever Joel goes out in public. The ladies wouldn't help but drool over his handsomeness.

The lady regained herself and gasped while bowing her head. She was now visibly trembling as Joel approached her with a deep frown on his forehead.

Even as the AC worked, there were balls of sweats rolling down her face.

Joel stopped right in front of her and yanked her hair backwards, causing her to gasp loudly.

"You! How dare you look me in the eye?" He growled.

"I'm.. I'm really sorry sir! I'm sorry, it won't happen again! I promise!" She pleaded in a shaky voice.

Joel pulled her hair as hard as he could,

Making her squeal. Then he let go of her hair and stepped back a bit. He stretched out his hands sideways and he was handed a hand sanitizer by one of his guards. He pressed it into his Palm and rubbed his palms gently, together.

"You are fired!!"

The lady burst into tears. She knew that there was no use trying to plead for another chance cos Joel isn't the kind that accepts pleas. She just turned to her desk and began to pack up her stuff.

To Joel, it is a crime for anyone to exchange contacts with him for more than a minute. Most especially, the female species. It is prohibited for them to stare at him, not to talk of drool over him. Except when the lady stands at a hidden corner where she wouldn't be seen.

That's how much authority and influence Joel possess.

The only one permitted to look him in the eyes is his beloved wife. Yes!! His wife, Olivia.. Although, she's in a coma but only she has the right to look at him or drool over him for as long as she wants.

It's been three whole years since she has been in coma and it's just driving Joel crazy. For so long, he has wished to just wake up one morning to the news of his wife getting out of coma but each morning keeps passing with same old news.

Even the doctor had confirmed that she's out of danger and that there's nothing wrong with Olivia, so why then is she still in that deep slumber.

That's what is making Joel to transfer all of his aggression on his staff.

"What are my schedules for today?" He asked his PA who was just few meters away from him.

"You have a meeting with the Maclord group of firms.."


"They're already at the conference room sir, waiting for you".

"Hm" Joel hummed again in response as stepped into the elevator alongside his guards.

"Use the stairs. And don't be late to the conference room, if you don't want to loose your job!" He said as the elevator door began to close while the PA raced to the stairs.

It could have been anything else and not asking the PA to use the stairs to the 25th floor. But Joel Richard Osteen was hell bent of making the lives of his employees miserable.

Luckily for the PA, he arrived just in time, panting like he just ran a marathon race. Joel smirked seeing his PA in such a state.

Anyways, as Joel stepped into the conference room, he exchanged pleasantries with those from the Maclord firm. As they stretched their hands for an hand shake, Joel ignored and took his seat, making them withdraw their hands in a shameful manner.

"Can we go straight to the point?.. I have better things to attend to"

The meeting went on and on with Joel just sitting quietly and watching the presentation. The expression on his face was unreadable and they couldn't tell if he was actually impressed with their work or not.

"So, you want to buy my products for $400,000?".

"Y-Yes! We thought we could bargain, as that is what our company can afford!"

Joel banged the desk loudly and spranged up. "You thought of bargaining my products? Do you think I run a charity organization or does my company look like a charity organization to you?" He voiced out.

"Mr Osteen, if only you could just..."

Joel banged the table loudly again.. "I don't sell my products to meager companies. How dare you think you can purchase my products at such little amount. Do you think my company would have become this successful if I sell my products in that manner. I own and run this company, I built it from the scratch and I won't give out my products at a price used in buying candies? Did you come here to insult me?"

"Please, you have to calm down Mr Osteen. We only came here to try to talk things out. Our company is in great need of your products! "

Joel slumped down on his sit and crossed his right leg over the other.

"$120,000,000.. That's it"

He could see the look on their faces, they were all shocked, probably because of the amount and they couldn't afford it.. but that meant absolutely nothing to him. To him, business is business and he wouldn't want to run at a loss just because of some destitute company.

"I'm sorry Mr Osteen, but our company wouldn't be able to afford such amount"

Joel shrugged. "It's your business, not mine. You're the one in need of my products. It's certainly not my fault you own a beggared company. $80,000,000 That's all I can do! "

There was no reply and he was slowly running out of patience while glancing at his Rolex watch.

"I guess this meeting is useless then!.." He stood up.

"We'll take it, Mr Osteen. We'll take it !"

Joel smirked for a split second. "Good!" Then he turned to his PA who knew exactly what he meant.

Joel took few steps close to the door when his phone buzzed. He brought it out and checked who the caller was. He immediately swiped to the right and placed it on his ears. He couldn't tell why the hairs on his skin always stands erect whenever he receives a call from the doctor.

Maybe it's because he's still wishing for the day he'd be told otherwise. That she's finally awake!. Why can't that day come? What's keeping it from happening? Why is it taking so long!!

"Tell me doctor!" He said.

"Mr Osteen, there's good news!" The doctor responded from the other end.

Joel could feel cold shivers run down his spine! The fact that the doctor said that there's good news has already created a lot of thoughts in his head.

"Go straight to the point, Doctor!!"

There was a brief silence before the doctor spoke up.

"It's your wife,, She's finally awake.. She just got out of coma"

Joel felt numb immediately as he tried to process the information from the doctor. The doctor Better not be playing pranks on him.

"Mr Osteen? Are you there?" " The doctor asked when he didn't get any response from Joel.

"What did you just say, Doc?" Joel asked.

"Your wife is awake, Mr Osteen!!" The doctor repeated.

He should be happy, right? That's what he has always wanted. To finally hear that Olivia is awake, then why isn't he reacting to the news?.

"What?" That was all that escaped his lips.


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