
5-Blue Band.

After Emilio drove me home, I went into a deep sleep, being sick makes me exhausted. The rest of the kids are still at school giving me a chance to just sleep.

His hoodie was helping keep me warm, it smells like him which is even better. I have to take it off before the rest come home, no need to give them new ideas. It can go from me having a crush to me being the football captain bitch, I'm not either of them.

Maybe I do have a little crush, but that's on the whole football team, not just the captain. I chuckle to my self, the fever is making me hallucinate, now I'm talking to my self great.

Just close your eyes and sleep Alex, I scold myself yet again before going back to sleep. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the guys that share the room with me are nowhere, great school is over. I still had the hoodie on, taking it off now will make them notice it so I stay under the blanket for safety and warmth. 

I was excused and left alone for the rest of the day since I was sick that didn't stop the other kids from being mean to try to bully me even while sick in bed. The next day Mrs. Williams declared that I was better and can, no should just go to school, there would me no staying at home even when I felt like shit.

I left the hoodie on since my sweater still needed to be washed from my own vomit, I took the pills Emilio provided for the flu and left the home feeling like this going to be a very long day. Taking the bus is never an enjoyable experience but taking the bus while feeling dizzy was even worse, I had to walk the rest of the distance to the school and I felt like falling on my face several times.

My classes passed with me keeping my head down on the table taking a nap since I wasn't feeling my best, it was okay until I stumbled upon Tasha, I was late as usual, she saw my hoodie and just smiled like she knew it was going to happen.

"Lost again little guy?" she asks and I pout not feeling like playing our typical game.

"I'm fine" Sneeze "Thank you," I say wiping my nose with the hoodie, it needs a wash anyway.

"I see, how did guardian let you come to school while sick," she asks.

"She said I'm good enough to go," I say referring to Mrs. Williams.

Tasha opened her mouth to say something but then changed her mind and just walked me to my next class which happens to be the "know yourself" class. The class just talked about having other desires and how we shouldn't hide them just cause people think it's weird.

the whole class was just weird, by the end I was ready to leave, we had lunch next and I was still thinking if I should go watch the football team again or nap in the library when our teacher stopped me. Asking to have a word with me after when we're alone.

"I wanted to talk to you about the blue band" Mr. Peter starts.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm really interested to know what this band means and why people have different colored ones.

"It's a part of our after school program," he says and I nod.

"You see Alex, some people are just born to be dominant, to take care of others. While others just like to hand over the responsibilities and be free" Mr. Peter explains.

"Okay, but what does that have to do with me?" I ask.

"You see Alex you are a great candidate for this program," he says.

"Let me explain a bit about it, we offer you a better housing, food, shelter, clothes, and a college scholarship"  he keeps going.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I ask the obvious question.

"Well nothing, just be yourself, your test show you to be a submissive. Get the eye of someone with black band and get them to claim you" he explains making mouth fall open, he said what???

"Don't be shocked Alex, it's nothing sexual, unless you want it to be. You'll have the full support of school and I assure you that you'll be happy" he says making my head spin.

"What does the light blue mean?" I ask remembering that I haven't seen anyone at school with band like mine.

"Mean you are a little, someone who would go to a younger headspace to help with trauma, stress, just for the pleasure of it" he explains.

"And the black one?" I ask remembering Caden when he showed me his. Hell, most of the football team had a black one.

"Black are for dominant, if someone with a black band show interest then you both go under supervision to make sure he or she can take care of you. If you both are happy we'll make it official and you'll be part of our long term program"

"And everything else?" I ask in a monotone voice.

"Once you are part of the program we assure you an education, housing, all the other things in return for us to use you as anonymous subject in our studies"

Ahh, now it all make sense, we are just subject in another study. But do I want to take part of it...this all too much for my flu infested brain to take right now.

I thank Mr. peter and leave to hide in the library.

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