

Emilio POV.

The name is Emilio Black, captain of the football team, staright A student, eighteen year old, your friendly next door daddy dom.

Everyone in my family went to this school, we are The Finest, if you want a future you'll kill to be here.

I've been here since kindergarten, I'm a legacy after all. As I grew up I loved playing football, my father played it through his school and college years, almost went professional until he hurt his shoulder badly and was put on the bench. Thank god he's smart, going after the saying the one who can't do it, teach. My father own a whole gym made just for athletes, not just football players but otgers too.

The most famous players around here go to my father gym to practice and be coached by him, as I said smart.

Now the other thing about my family is we're all doms, it varies what type of dom we are but we still are. My father and mother both went to this school he was a black band like me and she was a green one, pet play, kitten to be exact.

Now I on the other hand prefer something more like green eyes, blond hair, big fight and blue band. I saw him from far away, I saw him watch us play and just imaging my happiness when I saw a blue band on his wrist.

Caden, my wing man, best friend and fellow daddy dom agreed, the little boy is just something. Even Tasha who told us she had some encounter with him fell in love with those green eyes.

All three of us wanted him, thankfully Caden is straight so he's out of the game and Tasha swing the other way, making him free game.

They of course would still be in his life since all three of us are friends, my baby boy would need an auntie and uncle.

That of course if he agrees to being mine first, when I saw him crying cause a teacher yelled at him I couldn't help but take him to the office and do an offer.

It's the school way of dating when you wear a band, if he says yes it'll go to his record and mine, secret records of course. If he's mine, he'll move in with us to the house, all seniors get a housing option, us as a football team we prefer to stick together. We're brothers after all, on and off the field.

Most of the team is also into being doms, their submissive live with them, he's good to stay with me.

We'll not with me with me, we're not allowed to stay in the same room until stage two, it's all a transition after all, all studied but I prefer to ignore the last note.

The good side about him moving in on the other hand is I can take care of him when needed, like right now, since he's sick. I don't even understand how his guardian let him come looking and feeling like this.

"Mr. Peter will see you now" the office worker, Meryl tell us.

"Thank you" I say offering Alexei a hand and we both enter Mr. Peter office.

I already know him, he's the one who explained about being a daddy dom, about my need to take care of others and how I shouldn't do it all the time with my teammate.

"Alexander, Emilio, What a pleasant surprise" he says greeting both of us with our full names.

We both take a seat while he just look at us, he's a man with great observation sight.

"What can I help you with?" he asks.

"I want to make Alexei an offer" I say and he nods turning to the little boy.

"We'll go over his requirement, punishment, rules, safe words, and then you can chose to accept or refuse" he say and he just nod still shocked.

Mr. Peter went and got a fil with my name, preference and every other details, we worked on this together in one of his classes.

"First let me tell what he'll be expecting out of you" Mr Peter start stating my expectations.


*Call me Daddy.

*Trust me, promise never to hurt you.

*Let me take care of you.

*Obey my rules.

*Talk to me, I want to make you happy.

I still stand by all my expectations, Alexei just nod his head, these are my long term goals, trust and a tittle aren't giving like that.

"Now let's move to punishments and rules"


1-Bed time is 10 pm for weekdays, 11 for weekends.

2-Eat three meals a day.

3-No sweets without asking.

4-Dress according to the weather.

5-Screen time is allowed with moderation.

6-Bath or shower every night before bed.

7-No going out without taking permission first.

8-No hiding secrets.

9-No cursing or bad words.

10-Tell me if you break a rule.

"These are just the primary ones, rules can be modified and altered, there's also a note that says Emilio would be the full provider during the relation, it's not a full rule but it's an unwritten one"

Mr. Peter went through our note, I wanted to be able to provide to my little and he agreed on making it an unwritten rule.

"Finally we came to the punishment, rewards will vary on your behavior and what you two come up with"


*Corner time.

*No screen time.

*No sweets.



On the last one I saw his face go into a little shock, well he doesn't have to worry, his little bum won't be spanked unless he really missbehave.

"Now Alexander, do you have any question?" he ask him and he shake his head no.

"If you agree on Emilio's offer all you have to do is sign here"  Now moment of true, would he accept me.

Alex took a deep breath thinking about it, until he finally...he signed!! Yes score to Emilio, I just won the best game ever, I just got a little.

Our bands were exchanged for new ones, these are both dark blue bands, matching with my name on his and his name on mine, the writing was on the inside of the band but still there when needed.

The school will get us new schedules with matching lunch time and some extra special classes and he'll be free to move in with me from tomorrow after all the paperwork is over.

I couldn't wait or be happier.

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